Blog Makeover!


I finally found a site that has free layouts!! I'm sure most of you know about Shabby Blogs. But since I'm so new to Blogland, I just now stumbled across this FABulous site!!

I had promised myself when I hit 50 followers (only 2 away now!), that I was going to purchase a I can look all cute like the rest of you out there (that I But now I think I'm quite content with this new layout...but PLEASE let me know what you think of my new layout - I even have a button now that you can grab!  (Can I just tell you THAT was the hardest part of the whole thing!?!)

Woohoo! I feel all official now...haha!

Now, I just need to add a signature....that's my next adventure.

Happy Teaching!



~DeAnne~ said...

It looks very nice!! Isn't blogging addicting? I thought that I would have purchased a blog by now---but have never taken the plunge. I think that Shabby Blogs are quite impressive! :)

Beth said...

It looks great! I didn't buy a blog layout either...mine's from Leelou blogs! And I am grabbing the button right now!
Thinking of Teaching

Runde's Room said...

Looks GREAT!!! And I totally know what you mean about the button being the hardest part. ;)

Runde's Room

Delighted said...

Very Cute! I need to go over there and put something together. I just figure out how to add a signature. Good luck with yours!

First Grade Delight

Barbara L said...

Looks GROOVY :)

Grade ONEderful

Fitbecky said...

Looks great! One of my friends uses Shabby Blogs too!


Jen R said...

Thanks ladies!! I was definitely all excited about it! lol...I'm such a dork.
Beth - I didn't know about that site! I'll have to keep that in mind for my next look (I'm forever changing things! lol)

Jen R said...

Just figured out my signature too! woohoo! I'm officially official! lol

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