Names on the Papers! Bright Ideas Link Up

So one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is that kids don't put their names on their papers....EVER!! I have tried everything from throwing away work to taking off "points."

But THEN, I thought of something one day that has made this whole "no name on your paper" thing SO MUCH BETTER!!

I hand out their papers, then after about 2 or 3 minutes, I will say "Put a heart next to your name and circle your number."  It changes every time I say it, so they never know what I'm going to do. This one was to put a star next to their name. 

You can see in this picture that these 2 different assignments have 2 different things that I've told them to do. One was to put a star next to their name and circle their number, and one was put a heart next to their name and underline their number. 

Here's another one where I said to put a heart next to their name.

It is really a fool-proof way to make sure names are on papers! AND no one really gets in trouble. IF I've walked around beforehand and saw that only a handful of kids had originally put their names on their papers, then I will give them a star on their card. 

Check out {THIS} post to see what I mean about using numbers. Numbers REALLY make my life SO much easier! You need to read that post.
Check out {THIS} post to see what I mean about putting stars on their cards! It shows that I use stamps, but I now just put stars on them. (this post is from about 3 years ago, so don't laugh at my pictures! lol)

Also - check out Jamie's post about how she manages student work being turned in. (click the picture)

Hope this is something you think you can use!

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Sharing the Data

A few weeks ago (before spring break), I had posted a picture on my Instagram of something I send home to my parents probably once a quarter...

I thought it would be good for the parents to see the test scores that DON'T get to come home so that they could get a better look at how their child(ren) are performing. 

I had a lot of question on the post to get a closer here's what it looks like. My teammate and I got together to try and figure out what we thought would be good to put on the form. We do monthly ORFs (we use Dibels probes...check out my fluency post {HERE} for the link), so I put all of those on there with the goals where they should be at. I also put in the Running Records and BELAA test scores. I really didn't know what to put for math scores since the math tests are kind of a hodge-podge of skills. I keep one on every kid, and keep it in my data binder. I just keep adding scores to it as we go. Then, when I want to send it home, I make copies of them all and send home the copies. The parents cut off the bottom and return the slip saying they have gone over the scores. It's also great to take to your data meetings!

I have NO clue what anyone out there has for test scores...BUT if anyone COULD use something like this, you can click {HERE} to download it. (I tried making the fonts stick, but I'm not sure if it's working??? Make sure you download it and THEN open it up in Powerpoint. IDK. I'm not really THAT tech savvy...even asked my tech savvy friends! lol) I (tried) made it editable so that you can change whatever you need to. Hope it works for you! My parents seem to really like it...and so does my principal! These were in my Data binder AND my Evidence Binder (which I had laying on my desk with my evidence binder for here to peruse during my evaluation) and she loved them!


Evidence Binder V.2

So, here it is... the newest version of my Evidence prove what a great teacher I am. I showed my binder from last year {HERE}. I'll try to go in a little more depth for you....

First, let me start off by saying that a binder is NOT required... BUT it IS required for us to show proof if we give ourselves a certain score on our self-evaluation.  A binder is just the easiest way for me to go about showing. I mean, we all know how much I love binders...and page A few of us got together last year and kind of worked out what we thought we wanted to be in a binder or what it should kind of look like. Everyone's is different, and some people don't do binders. But I am forever thankful that we have a school of teachers that are willing to share what they do!

But let me warn is not cute, it is not pretty, and it nothing special to look at! 

At first, when you open it, it just has a print out of ALL the dimensions' rubrics that is in our evaluations. This came straight from our district.

Then, I have some peer observations put in, which we DO have to have...

This is how I have each dimension set up. A friend actually typed all of the "elements" of each dimension up, and then I just went in and typed up what I do for each element. A lot of dimensions ended up being 3 pages of typing, but I spared you those pictures...I just gave the first page. You can see that I have "Formulas" next to the descriptions... those are the evidence pieces for my PAL to look at  - it's the dimension and which evidence piece withing the dimension. I actually use the same piece a lot for different dimensions, so I really like how it's organized. 

Here are some examples of the evidence pieces that I used for Dimension 1:

A LOT of my data gathering/analyzing pages

I showed how my standards are posted, and we actually go over them in class...

(these are my Common Core standards)

and LOOK - I show how my assignments are aligned...even my centers. I just took a copy of the menus from my Common Core Monthly Centers!

And how I differentiate my instruction.. I showed how at the same time, I was using 2 different levels of passages with different students. This is my freebie Peer to Peer fluency charts you can grab {HERE}.

I also have a check sheet to write the dates in as I teach them for each quarter... 

Then comes dimension 2...

I took pictures of how my library is set up... and how my supplies are organized for the students. 


Dimension 3 is about instructional delivery...

I posted some pictures of our processes of writing...using my Penguins unit. I also posted some pictures of how I incorporate higher level thinking using my Bloom's Taxonomy pack.

Dimension 4 is assessment...

nothing fancy here, just how I print up the weekly A.R. reports and conference with my students each week.

I also added in how I use rubrics to grade assessments. This one came from my Jamie O'Rourke pack.

For Professional responsibilities, I didn't add too much...

I did add my monthly calendars that I send home...and my spelling lists that have notes in them. This is an old version of my Spelling Throughout the Year

I also added in my district assessment and montly ORF spreadsheets...

Dimension 6 was about relationship with students... you can see that I reference a lot of evidence from other parts of the binder.

I did include the parent survey in this section. 

Click {HERE} to check out the post to get the free parent survey

Dimension 7 is about relationship with parents. A lot of it is conferences and random face to face interactions before and after school (especially since my door is right on the outside of the car loop).

I did include my letter about field trips...and my letter about Shutterfly. I maintain a class page on Shutterfly, where I post a lot of pictures so the parents can see what we're doing in class. 

WELL....I hope that gave you SOME kind of insight into what I do for my evidence binder. This was not all of what I have included...just the main things.  It was kind of stressful the first year I did it...but this year it was pretty easy... just changed out new pictures and added a few more things that I do this year that I didn't do last year.

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