I LOVE Gingerbread theme week!! Especially since I've entered the blogging world and have seen so many of your wonderful ideas to inspire!!
We have been reading LOTS of Gingerbread books, but the ones I am focusing for whole group are...

And we are doing this "graphic organizer" idea that I got from Babbling Abby! This is her example...and I had my intern make me a version, and I must say...it looks pretty darn close! :) But I laminated mine, that way I can write right on it and I don't have to make a new one next year :)
This is how they planned for this writing....we did a Bubble Map, because that's the Thinking map that describes something...then we numbered them according to which ones "go together" in a sentence. We are working on commas this week in our Reading Series, so I incorporated it into our writing. I don't do a lot of the activities from our reading series, but I do stick with the skills that are each week's lessons.
We also did our math activity that I got out of Tales of a Teacherista's All About Ginger TpT unit! My kids are always excited when food is involved - and let's face, I am too!! Food is always involved in my room - ha! And no...it's not just because I'm pregnant. They are getting really good at transferring from tally charts to bar graphs - we do A LOT of them in my class...and most of them can interpret the data on their own too!

I mean, look at their faces - so excited to have SODA at school!! Say what??!! hehe

And I even made some math centers that they have been doing - I already posted the Gingerbread Shopping activity (you can check that out HERE). I also had them do a fact family activity....they used their random number generator (aka - deck of cards) to pick their two "parts" and then they figured out their 3rd number. You can download this activity {HERE}.
We have been reading LOTS of Gingerbread books, but the ones I am focusing for whole group are...

And we are doing this "graphic organizer" idea that I got from Babbling Abby! This is her example...and I had my intern make me a version, and I must say...it looks pretty darn close! :) But I laminated mine, that way I can write right on it and I don't have to make a new one next year :)
And my kiddos are doing great pointing out the differences even before I ask them!
And today we finished our LOST Gingerbread Man writing activity! They are so stinkin' cute, aren't they?? To see where I got the inspiration for these cute little guys and to get the writing activity, check out this {POST}
This is how they planned for this writing....we did a Bubble Map, because that's the Thinking map that describes something...then we numbered them according to which ones "go together" in a sentence. We are working on commas this week in our Reading Series, so I incorporated it into our writing. I don't do a lot of the activities from our reading series, but I do stick with the skills that are each week's lessons.
Then, we took the planning and turned it into our rough draft. I always do each sentence in a different color so they can see that there are actual sentences...lol. You know, so they can use periods and capital letters?? lol. I give the Grabber and Conclusion, but I take their ideas that they give me and put into a coherent sentences. lol. They had to change the body to match what their Gingerbread Man looked like.
We also did our math activity that I got out of Tales of a Teacherista's All About Ginger TpT unit! My kids are always excited when food is involved - and let's face, I am too!! Food is always involved in my room - ha! And no...it's not just because I'm pregnant. They are getting really good at transferring from tally charts to bar graphs - we do A LOT of them in my class...and most of them can interpret the data on their own too!
I mean, look at their faces - so excited to have SODA at school!! Say what??!! hehe
And I even made some math centers that they have been doing - I already posted the Gingerbread Shopping activity (you can check that out HERE). I also had them do a fact family activity....they used their random number generator (aka - deck of cards) to pick their two "parts" and then they figured out their 3rd number. You can download this activity {HERE}.
I also had them do some activities from Live, Laugh, and Love to Learn's Christmas Cookie Math Unit from TpT - I am LOVING this unit..just wish I had time to do it all!
And I'm excited to do some activities from Made for 1st's Gingerbread Man Lit Unit too! So much to do - and not NEARLY enough allotted copies time!!
Ok, I'm off to bake Gingerbread Cookies to go along with our science activity - that was also inspired by Abby! (oh wait...is that the sound of Mr. Spouse in the kitchen starting to bake?!! hmmm...better go check up on that -haha!)
Happy Teaching! And remember, I {SUPER PUFFY} heart comments - especially if there's something to snag :)