Finished Memory Books!

The last 2 weeks of school, we've been working on our last part of our memory books. I posted about them before, you can read about them {HERE} and HERE

Don't they look so beautiful all finished?! I love how they turn out!

Some years I bind them with a comb, and other years, I just staple them together. It all depends on the time and volunteers. haha!

I really love making these memory books each year.  You can totally see the change that they make from August to May.

I'm always SO amazed!

So these are the last set of pages that we've been working on...

I took their pictures and printed them at Walgreens and they glued them on their self portrait page.

They finished thieir "Favorites" page...

I also took their measurement with a piece of yarn and they put it in their coin envelope.

I think next year I am going to take a picture of the school so they can glue it on there...

I never give them a picture of me for this page - I love to see their drawings of me!

AND, there is a file in the download of editable pages! All the pages that you can glue pictures down on are editable so that you can add the pictures on the pages digitally and then print them with the picture already on them! I also like to add text boxes and type in the students' names under the class picture.  You can do whatever works best for you!

I do this for our "Class Picture" page. I add in a big "good" picture of us all and type in all the names. Then I add in some goofy pictures for fun - one of the beginning of the year and one from the end. We also have an "autograph" day with our grade level, (I'll post about that later) and that is added to the end of the book... and the a note from the teacher is on the last cover page.

I've had some requests from friends in other grades, so I have a PreK, Kindergarten, and 2nd grade edition too!

These are just the end of the year pages - here's what is all included!

And now there is a vertical version!!

I have added 3rd grade to the list of grades in my store. 

Check them out in my TpT store {HERE}.


Getting Ready for Next Year - Freebies!

I'm the kind of person that likes to get ready for the next year before the end of this year. I know. You can call me crazy. It's ok. I understand. But it's the way I am.

So what am I getting ready?

Forms to send home during Meet and Greet:

My Parent Survey (it's free!). I keep this in my communication folder.

This is what I send home so that I can take pictures for my blog. I know it has my information on it, but if you need it for something else, then maybe you can use it as a template. Click HERE to download it.

And I send this home so that I can show some movies that are apparently PG. Click HERE to download it.

Click the picture below to get all these forms in my {TPT store}

I'm also restocking my calendar bins for next year! Head over to {THIS} post to see how I organize all of my monthly calendar-type activities.

I already have my calendar pieces done...but I'm getting ready all the pages that I want to use IN the calendar bundle. Check out my post on the calendar bundle HERE.

Our monthly poetry covers are printed up for the year. Find out how I use poetry in the classroom  and download the covers for free {HERE}

I also have our monthly writing journal covers ready to go... the journals themselves aren't done yet, but hopefully I'll have a wonderful parent volunteer next year to do them for me. See how I use the journals and download the covers for free {HERE}.

I've also sent my Spelling Journals to the Print Shop. 

I'm opting to use these this year instead of doing my phonics notebook, only because it's my first year in First grade AND at my new school, so I want to see what they can handle before I dive in full force! haha. But I used my Phonics Notebook this year and LOVED it...You can check that out HERE.

I've also sent my Vocabulary Journals to our print shop (I like send things to the print shop because they copy off a whole class set, with a cover and back cover AND bind them with a spiral thingy.... to me, NOT having to do it is worth me paying for it! lol) Check out my vocabulary Journals HERE.

I also have copied off all the writing pages and family notes for our Monthly Family Projects! IF I have enough time, I might even get frisky and run off all the templates for the crafts!

I'm also getting ready our Memory Books for next year... as we're finishing up this year's Memory books! lol
You can read more about them {HERE}

There are "All About Me" pages for the beginning of the year and the end of the year, so you can see the difference between the 2 times of year. It's always so fun to see the changes!  Then, there are monthly writing pages, so the students can write about what they learned that month. The kids have really been having fun with this.

Check them out in my TpT store {HERE}.

You can grab a FREEBIE from these memory books {HERE}

I have also printed out and laminated my personal behavior charts that I use from Rachelle. You  can read my post on how I use them {HERE}, although, I must say, I am thinking of changing the plan...again! haha!

I've also printed up my name tags for next year - I love that I don't have to go on a hunt to buy them every year! They have everything I want on them! You can download them for free on {THIS} post.

I've had my wonderful parent volunteer trace and cut out my jerseys for me.

In the beginning of the year, the kids decorate their jersey with their number on it and I leave them up all year.

Why do they have numbers? FOR SO MANY THINGS! I have a post on what I use numbers for {HERE}.

And last but not least, I got all planned out for next year! I came across Traci's curriculum planner, and I knew it would be perfect for me since I don't use the district adopted series.

I have my whole year planned out! This is such a beautiful sight. I wish I had this for this year as a first year 1st grade teacher. but now I won't be so "lost" next year - haha!

Check it out on Traci's blog {HERE}!  


That's a lot! And I still have more on my list to do for next year! And, um, this year isn't even over yet - haha!  Oh well. I will be thankful next year in the beginning of the year.

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