First off, let me say how much I wish I could have a bat house in my backyard! lol
Second, next year, I'm totally going to see if our local zoo can come do some kind of presentation for us and bring some bats!!
First we started with a graph on how they felt about bats before we even started our week on bats...
This is their graph BEFORE we learned about Bats |
This is their graph AFTER we learned about bats |
As we were reading this book....

If you don't have that book, this book is another GREAT resource to use....

Then, they sorted their post it notes into Can, Have, and Are categories on our Bat-style Tree Map.
Ok - You don't even KNOW what it took me to draw this bat!! lol!!! If we weren't laughing so hard, my intern would've taken pictures. First of all, my first bat came out all lop-sided. And since I'm OCD, I just could NOT deal with it! And my BEST room mom ever (whose kids I don't even have anymore) happened to be in my room and she totally gets my OCD, so she ran over and grabbed a yard stick and and a protractor...or compass??? I'm not sure - lol. I don't teach 5th grade. ANYWAY, tada!!!! It's kind of massive, but that's ok - just more room for us to show all that we have learned! lol!!
The next day, they made their own personal tree map.
Of course, we used Stellaluna as our story for the week..
We talked about the story structure, and then the students made an accordian book to sequence the story. Click HERE to get the sequencing activity.
I just LOVE this's so cute! |
They also compared and contrasted birds and bats (the characters in Stellaluna). Which was great, because they needed to not only use the information in the story, but they needed to bust out their knowledge they learned in the nonfiction books too!
Over at Fun in First, she posted about her 600 mosquitoes...I just LOVED it - and so did my kiddos! They've all decided that they want a bat roost in their backyard so we can get rid of the mosquitos, in a toxic-free way! lol (I teach my kids all about being earth-savvy and!)
We also did a Brain Pop Video - with a quiz. The quiz was way over their level, but once we explained the options to them, they were able to narrow it down to at least 2 out of the 4 options...and most of them were correct!
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Click HERE to go to the Brain Pop video :) |
Some other bat books that my students read this week are.....
The Bats at the...."series." There are a few different versions of these books - super cute! It was funny how my kids would come up to me after learning all about bats and connecting their new-found knowledge to what was in the book! I LOVE it!!
And then of course, there's the ever popular....
My friend, Amanda, in 5th grade even suggested to have the kiddos do their own version of this book. They could turn it into a food web....draw it out on the front, and then write about it on the other side. There is a pattern for a brown paper bag of the little old lady that could easily be adapted to whatever animals and then they could eat the rest of the animals.
Some of the ideas I had this week that we didn't get to were to
a) Echolocation (Marco Polo style)...have a student blind folded shout out ECHO, and the rest of the students shout out LOCATION and he/she has to tag someone just by listening...I SOOOO wanted to do this, but sometimes, something's gotta give.
b) bat wing measure measurement. I was going to give them a piece of yarn that was the size of a bat (maybe the bumblebee, which is the smallest one, or just an average sized bat). Then they go around the room using their pieces of yarn as non-customary units of measure. But again....where does the time go?? lol
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Too bad I don't have enough time to teach bats! This looks great and y'all did a lot of work.
thanks for your comment...definitely looks like you went batty this week! I didn't even take a picture of my big post it note bat....ok I did take a picture of it but it did NOT make the cut to go on the blog. :) I also did a Stellaluna book study. Love your ideas!!!! So what are we teaching next week??? :) Looks like we are totally in each other's lesson plans!
Andi - I normally don't teach out of our reading series - I just teach the skills that are IN that week's plans in the reading series, that way I can fit things in that I want to. But not every admin is like that - I have friends whose principals so no way to that :( But I'm still hitting all my standards and my kids to fab on the tests...though if they didn't, I'd go back to the series.
Reagan - ahh!!! I forgot all about our bat writing! lol! Guess I'll have to take my camera back on Monday so I can get some photos of those :)
Let's week?? It's all about Halloween! woohoo! we'll be doing Teeny Tiny and Room on the Broom and all sorts of good books :)
Hey Jen! The flipchart that I made was created in the Activ Inspire Promethean software. Hope this helps!
I just found your sight and I love all of your bat and Halloween ideas! :) I can't wait to try them out!
site* :)
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