Can't believe it!! This week is February. I actually just typed January and had to change it - that's how much I can't believe it's February - haha.
So, before I dive into my themes and such, I want to share with you some things that I'll be doing for centers. FIRST- I have to share with you!! You guys have been asking for a LONG time now about my center rotations powerpoint....
Well, I FINALLY figured out how to make it work to where I can share it... and I've made it EDITABLE!! Even better, right!? Sweet. So you can grab it in my TpT store and you can get it in a {bundle} with my Guided Reading Binder to save money!
If you've never seen my reading rotations - check out {THIS} post! TONS of ideas on how I run small groups.
For centers, I'll be using my February Centers....
Grade 1 {HERE}
Grade 2 {HERE}
{Label and Write About It! February} pack - great for differentiating!
Some more activities coming out of my {Valentine} centers pack.
One of my favorite "series" of books is {Splat the Cat}! I try to use him as much as possible through out the year - and {Pete the Cat} too!
Click {HERE} to check out my Love, Splat pack!
Monday's writing lesson will be their January Memory Book Page. {THESE} are some of my favorite things to do...and the parents LOVE keeping them! You can also read another post on them {HERE}
I love these writing packs because I don't even have to think.... well, I DO, but everything I need is included in these writing packs! I will be using both the {Winter} version and {NonFiction} version this month because we're doing Space too.
The morning they walk in, it'll be time to color their January Journal covers for their {Poetry Journals} and {writing Journals}! These are freebies, click the links to grab them.
We'll be finishing up our {Space Unit} this week - I'll be back to blog about it more later this week!
Oh my goodness - {WORMS}!! The kids just LOVE this. We always have SO. MUCH. FUN. Check out {last year's post} on our Worm Week.
And for phonics, we'll be working with long vowel patterns. I will probably be updating these packs as I use them, since I've added some new activities to my newsest phonics packs.
I'll also be doing my {RTI packs} with our "SMART" time groups - I'm doing blends this time 'round. But I also have the {CVC and CVCE packs}. Check out {THIS} post to see how I use them.
Check out {THIS} post to see how I use Graphs EVERY day to help with math!
I don't go all crazy for Valentine's Day. It's actually my LEAST favorite "holiday" - IF you call it a holiday. lol. BUT, I do a few things... like this Hershey Kiss Simile. You can grab it for free {HERE}.
And {Candy Heart Math} - that's ALWAYS a favorite!
And before I left on Friday, I copied all of the calendar activities in my Ultimate Calendar Bundle. You can check out {THIS} post to see how I have it all organized for the year!

Grab these bookmarks for FREE {HERE} Since I have kids in the {Chapter Book Club} they will definitely be need these!
And one of my favorite activities each month is my Monthly Family Projects. You can actually grab a February for FREE in {THIS} post to try out!!