Goldilocks and Bears

One of my favorite units to do during the year is Goldilocks. When I say we're doing Goldilocks, usually my boys groan, but then they see all the books I bring out and they get excited about it. ha!

I usually read A LOT of them throughout the week, and they can always read them on their own, but I usually pick 3-4 to actually compare and write out on the comparison chart.

Then, by the end of the week (usually day 4), we have a mock trial for Goldilocks! We have prepped for a few days, learning the terms and such....

I bring out my old graduation gown from college to turn into the judge.

And the kids become the different positions of the trial. 

After both sides present and we get to the end of the arguments, the jury deliberates... I usually have one or two kids who always bring up the argument that she is NOT guilty, so we usually have a hung jury. I love it!

To finalize, I have the kids write down THEIR verdict

As we're going through the week, we're also researching bears - the nonfiction component to our Goldilocks week.

I use Reading A-Z books, Bookflix, ,Discovery Education, and other nonfiction bear books.

The students are filling out their Bear Research Booklet as we go throughout the week. 

We talk about animal adaptations, where they live, important body parts and how each one is important for the bears. 

Then, at the end of the week, they can make a google slides presentation or a BoardBuilder on Discovery Education. This is new to me this year, so I've been trying these out lately... 

Here's a closer look at what's included in the the Goldilocks Unit.

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