It's that time!!
You will have FIVE different goody bags to win!!!
Enter them all, or choose the one(s) you want to enter.
Each set includes 4-5 winnings!!
(WOW!!!! THANK you to ALL that have donated!!! I really do love my bloggy friends!!)
To win??
All you have to do is follow our blogs!!
Each set has an extra chance to win by leaving a comment - which answers some fun questions!
I'm excited to read your answers!
It's not mandatory, but it'd be great if you could also follow everyone's TpT store, since they have graciously donated products FROM their TpT store.
(Just click on the product that they are donating to head to their TpT store).
So let the fun begin!!
(make sure you keep scrolling to enter all FIVE rafflecopters!)
Here is what you could win...
My Spiders literacy pack

Valerie's Witch Crash

Penny's Superlative Spiders

Tanja's Boo-tiful Writing

Laura's Halloween Math Tubs
Lori's Halloween Scrambled Sentences

Alisha's Pudgy Pumpkins
Kristen's Spooktactular Math and Literacy Centers
Teri's Frankenstein Craft

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lisa's Going Batty pack

Reagan's October Math Centers
Susan's *Spook*tackular Unit
Corinna's Halloween Chevron pack
Kelley's October Morning work pack
Kathleen's addition pack
April Halloween Mega pack
Hadar's Monster Craft

Leanne's October Math Intervention Pack

Michelle's Halloween Fluency

Stacy's Journal Writing pack

Arelene's Halloween Word Games
Cailin's Bat unit!

Lisa's Halloween Graphic Organizers

Tessa's Halloween Tricks and Treats

This giveaway will last for FIVE days....It will close on Friday and I will announce the winners on Saturday!
So be sure to spread the word!!
Good luck to all you ghouls!

Woohoo!! Looks great my friend!!! I'm very excited to be a part of this. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Come & link up for my Freebie Flashback linky party!!
My favorite Halloween candy is peanut butter M & M's.
My favorite Halloween costume is Bat Girl...
My favorite Halloween Candy is candy corn!
I would rather take my daughters trick or treating.
Charlie Brown is my favorite Halloween movie!
My favorite Halloween costume was when I was a doctor. I absolutely LOVED it and couldn't wait to have the "fake blood (actually ketchup)" on my outfit!
Miss V's Busy Bees
My tshirt that say...This is my Costume; luv me some candy corn; stay @ home & see which child says my name when I answer;Hocus Pocus -- luv the sisters, no themes
I am always Wednesday Addams. ALWAYS =)
First Grade Blue SKies
Candy Corn =)
First Grade Blue SKies
Woohoo I'm loving this giveaway!
My favorite Halloween costume was Dorthy. I always loved getting the Reeses candy as a child and those are the ones I always eat as I'm passing out candy :)
Since I don't have kids I like to pass out the candy.
On of my favorite movies is Hocus Pocus. And again I don't have kids so I pick what I want to be.
My favorite Halloween costume: Busy Bees :)
My Second Sense
Thanks!! My favorite halloween candy is anything chocolate!!
I like to go trick or treating with the kids. We always leave a bowl of candy behind (that gets refilled at least once).
My Second Sense
I let my family choose what they want to be for Halloween.
WOWSER Awesome giveaway! Let's see if I can remember all the questions. Favorite costume...hobo, favorite candy,candy corn, no movie, stay home and hand out, annnnd that's all I can remember. Literally it's been tooooo long since my kiddos were young enough to trick or treat.I made them stop when they were 12! Nothing worse than a bunch of big kids spoiling it for the little ones! LOL
First Grade @ Storybook Cafe
My favorite candy is Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
I don't have kids to bring trick-or-treating so I like passing out the candy to the kiddies.
My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus.
My favorite costume is a comfy shirt and sweat pants.
Growing up we got to dress up however we wanted.
My favorite Halloween costume has been a scarecrow.
My favorite costume was when I was Pebbles from the Flintstones :)
Oh goodness, I guess my favorite costume was when I dressed as a witch!
My favorite Halloween candy is chocolate covered marshmallow stuff-I love Russell Stover the best!
Everybody gets to pick their own thing to dress up as!
All candy is fabulous! My coworkers and I dressed up like Sesame Street characters one year. The kids loved it.
My favorite Halloween movie is anything that is NOT scary-I am a wimp when it comes time to watching those things!
When my son was young, I of course went trick or treating with him! Now he is a teen so I like to stay home and pass out candy!
My favorite costume was a genie.. My favorite Halloween candy is a tie between Twizzlers and Mounds... I pass out candy at my neighbors house because they turn their yard into a haunted house and I do not have any kids... My favorite Halloween movie WAS Hocus Pocus, but just saw Hotel Transylvania this weekend and it wins... and we always dressed however we wanted growing up!! Whew!
Awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for all you do!
My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn!
My favorite Halloween costume was a bowl of spaghetti worn by one of my students!!
My favorite costume is a witch! I tell the kids a week before that they will all have to guess whether I will be a good witch or a bad one. Then I tell them that I will be carrying my cauldron, and if I am a good witch it will contain goodies for them. If I am a bad witch it will contain spells for turning them into frogs for a day! That can't wait until Halloween morning at school to see which it will be!
I like to go trick-or-treating with the fam!!
My favorite Halloween candy is the little candy corn pumpkins!
I love, love, love Hocus Pocus!!
I watch it every year!
I like to pass out candy and cozy up with my hubby for a scary movie since we don't have any kids to take around yet! :)
I love all candy...it's a problem..especially chocolate and peanut butter ANYTHING! :)
Awesome giveaways!
My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn mixed with peanuts! Yummy!
Reading Toward the Stars
My favorite costume was when I was Viola Swamp. Some of my students still are unsure if it was me, and they're in 5th grade!
It is hard to pick a favorite candy. I love skittles and twix.
My favorite Halloween movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas!!!!!!! Yours?
My favorite costume was a flight attendant...I've never seen anyone be it before except for all my friends who have now borrowed that costume of mine!
I like to pass the candy out, but the only way to get a good variety is to go out and knock on the doors with the kiddos.
I like to let my family dress as they choose! No point in taking that away from them!
I love Practical Magic. Does it count if it's about witches?
I love Practical Magic. Does it count if it's about witches?
Favorite Halloween candy is Reses PB cups!
My favorite costume was a washing machine (worn by a student). My favorite Hallloween candy is Caramel Apple Milky Way's. I like to go out trick or treating with the family (that way I get to admire all the creative costumes and "steal" a piece of candy or two). My favorite Halloween movie is Poltergeist.
Thanks so much for this "GHOSTLY GOOD" giveaway!
A is for Apple B is for Blog
I love the family theme, but sadly my family does not.
Everyone gets to pick their own costume and my husband always picks not to dress up.
My favorite Halloween costume was a Jack(ie) in the Box when I was in 5th grade!
My favorite Halloween costume is dressing like a plain ol pumpkin :o)
I love all candy, especially if it's chocolate!
I don't have a family, so I prefer to stay home and pass out candy.
My favorite costume was when I was a fairy because I made it myself :)
Favorite costume was when the whole family was pirates. we never done a family theme before. This year they boys all decided to be angry birds. LOVE IT!
I don't usually like themed costumes, so I guess it's a good thing I don't have a family to dress up in a theme. :-)
My favorite Halloween movie is the Nightmare Before Christmas!
Favorite movie: nightmare before Christmas. Go Trick or treating with the boys.
My favorite costume is when my three year old daughter at the time was "Super Gracie" She kept pulling her mask down and telling everyone she was just Gracie in disguise.
My favorite Halloween candy is a snickers bar! :)
Because I don't have a little family of my own (yet), I LOVE passing out the candy!
I love Charlie Brown's Halloween movie!
Some day, it would be so fun to dress the whole family up in some sort of theme - I can only hope they'd all be up for it :o)
My favorite costume is being a bag of M&M's
Favorite candy...... snickers!
I stay home with the barking dog who HATES the doorbell ringing all night!
Of Course it's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Movie.
My husband will not play along with a theme costume,maybe that will change when we have a kids! so I go solo with my costume.
I follow your blog :)
One of my favorite costumes was dressing up as Cinderella. I took an old bridesmaid dress and added gloves and a tiara. The kids loved it!
Stories from Room 114
I'm not a fan of dressing up but I love to dress my daughter up!
She was Snow White a couple of years ago and it was just so cute!! :)
Sweet Times in First
My favorite candy is candy corn mixed with peanuts. I'm not a huge fan of salted nut roll - but it tastes like that - and is a treat once a year!
I love love love candy corn!
Sweet Times in First
i love taking my little one trick or treating!
Sweet Times in First
I wish we would dress up as a theme but no one wants to with me! Haha!
Sweet Times in First
Favorite costume...hmmm.
Cat in the Hat of course!
The Resourceful Apple
My favorite costume growing up was a slice of watermelon.
Ruthanne rarace81@gmail.com
Favorite Halloween candy is Bottle Caps. Reminds me of my childhood:)
The Resourceful Apple
Favorite Halloween Costume was Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus for Character Day.
The Teacher's Backpack
Favorite halloween movie is Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!
The Resourceful Apple
Favorite Halloween Candy is Butterfingers. Yum!
The Teacher's Backpack
Now since I have a little, Trick or Treating. I love seeing her experience everything. : )
The Teacher's Backpack
My favorite costume ever has to be Piglet! I love candy corn, especially with peanuts. I stay at home because I don't have kids of my own. I love all Charlie Brown holiday movies. I don't care which one:) My husband and I each dress as very different characters on Halloween.
My favorite costume was the clown outfit my mother made for me when I was 3 yrs old. I am not fond of clowns now, but I just remember how hard my mom worked on the costume.
I like to stay home and pass out candy, but this year I am taking my son out for his first trick or treating. So excited to get me some candy!
My favorite Halloween costume was a punk rocker costume that my mom and aunt helped me create with things from around the house. :) I even won a prize at a Halloween party for "Best" creative costume
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown is my favorite Halloween movie. My son and I have already watched it multiple times.
My favorite Halloween candy is candy corn.
I like to go out trick or treating with my 4 kiddos - we hit the mall, some local churches and then a few houses on our street! We each pick what we want to dress up as - I always float the idea of a theme but I get vetoed each year!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
Technically I hate Halloween costumes, but the best one was when I dressed up like a boy. (I am usually a skirt and heels kind of girl!) I didn't say a word, and the students were wondering where I was at first!
Halloween candy...getting better! I like the fun size candy bars with caramel, so Twix, Milky Way, anything like that!
Not that I get to do either, but due to my dislike of costumes I vote for staying home and passing out candy. (And secretly hoping there's a lot left!)
Halloween movies rank right up there with costumes as things I could do without. Back in the day I actually watched Halloween, so that has to be it.
Costumes again? Are you trying to torture me? Enough...and I don't think I could convince anyone in my family to be a themed anything!
My favorite halloween costume has to be when my little girl was 1, I made her into a little rag doll! It was so cute :)
My favorite costume was a mouse costume that I made for my child.
My favorite candy is Hersheys.
I like to go trick or treating.
I don't have a favorite movie because they used to scare me too much.
We each get to choose our costume.
My favourite Halloween costume has always been my witch costume (from when I was 8 or 9 years old). It was a beautiful black velvet and lace dress that I adored, and it looked very witchy!
Stef @ <a href="http://sgalvin.global2.vic.edu.au</a>Miss Galvin Learns</a>
My favourite Halloween candy ... anything with chocolate!
Stef @ Miss Galvin Learns
Since I live in Australia and Halloween is not a big holiday here, I enjoy staying at home and passing out candy to the kids who DO come trick-or-treating! (It's slowly becoming a more popular event here, and lots of students at my school go trick-or-treating together as a group now.)
Stef @ Miss Galvin Learns
Favorite Halloween Candy is anything with chocolate!
Favorite Hallowen movie is anything with cartoons!
I take my boys trick or treating:)
I don't really dress up for Halloween, just my usual Orange shirt and black pants.
My family chooses their own costume:)
During Halloween we prefer to go out trick or treating with our kiddos. However, we are back early enough so we can also pass out candy.
My favorite Halloween movie is "Hocus Pocus". :)
During Halloween we do not choose a theme for family costumes. We all choose different ones.
My favorite costume was dressing as a member of the Go,Gos in high school!:)
My favorite school costume is the Grouchy Ladybug.
my favorite halloween costume was a farm girl
My favorite Halloween candy is caramel candy corn! :)
Miss V's Busy Bees
I stay home to pass out candy - I absolutely LOVE seeing all the little kids' costumes! :)
Miss V's Busy Bees
My favorite Halloween movie is Beetlejuice! I've always loved it.
Miss V's Busy Bees
I don't have my own family yet, but I know when I was younger, my sister and I attempted to coordinate but we never did. Me - doctor, her - princess. Me - witch, her - doctor. LOL
Miss V's Busy Bees
My favorite costume was Raggedy Ann made by my mom.
My favorite Halloween candy are those little Snicker bars!
It was my job to go out trick or treating with the family and the hubby got to stay home and hand out the goodies!
This is reaching way back but I liked Hocus Pocus.
Never did the theme thing! Everybody in my family spent a lot of time thinking what they wanted to be and then we all worked on costumes together:)
I love snickers and kit kats!!! ellen.yucht@imagineschools.com
I like to stay home and give out all the candy!!! Luckily I can now that my son is 14!!!!! ellen.yucht@imagineschools.com
We always got to choose our own costume in my family back in the day!!! ellen.yucht@imagineschools.com
I have done themes with my family and also individual costumes :)
My favorite costume was when I was a Care Bear!
My favorite halloween costume ever was a gorilla
My favorite halloween candy is Reese's pumpkins
I don't have children so I love to pass out candy to trick or treaters!
My favorite Halloween costume was probably in college when 2 of my best friends and I were Care Bears. We were known in our group as care bears, so we made shirts and were them for Halloween. I think I still have mine somewhere.
Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)
My favorite Halloween Candy is Twix, though I love them all year long. :)
Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)
I like to stay at home, curl up on the couch with my husband (and puppy), and watch a Halloween movie while munching on popcorn.
Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)
Awesome products! I'm putting some on my wishlist now! :)
When I was 6, I was Raggedy Andy and my sister was Raggedy Ann. It always makes me laugh.
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
My favorite Halloween costume has been being Goofy!
My favorite Halloween candy is Mounds or Almond Joys!
I don't have anyone to take out trick or treating so I would rather stay home and pass out candy =)
My favorite Halloween movie isn't really a movie. I really like It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!
My favorite halloween costume was a pumpkin costume I made wear in my classroom. It was a big hit.
My friends and I dressed up as the Scooby-Do gang! We were AWESOME!!
I don't dress up to go out.
My favoite halloween candy and any other time candy is Chocolate!
My favorite Halloween costume is my leopard Diva gypsy, wig and all! My favorite candy is Heath bar.
We each pick our costumes~
Nothing scary! Maybe Clifford's Halloween Movie! Ha!
I love candy corn and those candy pumpkin things! So bad for you but so oddly good!
I definitely like staying home and pass out candy!! We usually gather around one neighbor's driveway and pass out candy together:)!
My favorite costume was when I dressed as an unemployed teacher.
Ooo, fav Hall movie is easy - Grear Pumpkin Charlie Brown!!
My favorite candies are Kit Kats!! I love to stock up every year around Halloween :)
❤ -Stephanie
Falling Into First
Family Halloween Costumes-We all pick what we want to be:)
The Resourceful Apple
No theme for the fam - I do miss the days when my boys were smaller:)
My favorite costume was when I was Raggedy Ann
I love caramel apples1
We do both and it is too hard to pick a favorite because my boys have so much fun.
I like goody bag 1, 5, and 3. I no longer do halloween but trick or treated until 13 (13 was my last year). My favorite candy is Reesee's Peanut Butter Cups
I hate all the gore movies. My favorite Halloween shows are Shrek and the square pumpkin one. (can't remember the name at the moment)
My favorite candy is a kit kat bar and my fav costume was an angel. Great give aways!
My favorite Halloween candy is Almond Joy bars.
My all time favorite costume was Minnie Mouse for my first graders.
I would rather stay home and hand out the candy. That is fun because I can see all the great costumes.
I let everyone pick out their own costume, even when my children were younger. They liked being what they wanted.
Favorite Movie is Hocus Pocus.
Since it is just myself and my son... it depends , I have done both :-)
we have dressed in theme and he has dressed by himself
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Favourite Halloween movie? I had to go away and think about this one (mostly because they never play Halloween movies on Halloween here, sigh!), but I think it would have to be Hocus Pocus. The number of times my sister and I made our parents watch that movie was probably obscene. Love it!
Stef @ Miss Galvin Learns
Favourite Halloween movie? I had to go away and think about this one (mostly because they never play Halloween movies on Halloween here, sigh!), but I think it would have to be Hocus Pocus. The number of times my sister and I made our parents watch that movie was probably obscene. Love it!
Stef @ Miss Galvin Learns
My team dresses as "puns" for Halloween and make a game out of having students try to guess what we are. Last year, I dressed in all black and wore a stamp and mailing address on my sweatshirt. I was "black mail". One of my teammates dressed as a male and had a big "E" taped on her jacket. She was "email". Fun!
Fourth Grade Flipper
I entered goody bag # 1!
I am also your newest follower & a very new blogger! I'd love it if you could come visit me at www.AisforAfterschool.blogspot.com
My favorite Halloween candy is the new Screme Eggs!! A play on the traditional Cadbury Creme Eggs that I love so dearly. The insides are green and not yellow. so cute!
I love to stay at home and pass out candy. I sadly live on a really big hill now and all the houses are down below us on the main street. We don't get any visitors up here!
My favorite halloween movie is 1) Hocus Pocus. I'm from Salem, Ma and it's so exciting to see the houses and parks in the movie. The white house where the young boy and sister live is right down the street. so cool! 2)Halloween Town!
I love dressing up as themes! My favorite was 101 Dalmatians. We even had two people being the dog catchers. It was THE cutest!
My favorite costume ever was the girl from the Orbit commercial!
My favorite Halloween costume was my little boy's elephant one:).
My favorite Halloween candy is "jelly" hamburger. Lol
I like to stay home & pass out candy so I can see all the cuties dressed up:)!
My favorite Halloween movie is The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown:)!
What a fun giveaway!
My favorite Halloween candy is definitely any kind of m&m!
My favourite costume was a giant broccoli!!
My Whole Brain Teaching Blog
A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew
I ♥ Candy Corn! I wish they sold it all year! My favorite Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus!
My favorite Halloween costumes is Miss Viola Swamp from the book Miss Nelson is Missing. It's always been a favorite of my kiddos and they get so excited when they see The Swamp walk through the door!
My favorite Halloween costume was a "smartie pants". I just taped smarties all over my jeans! The kids thought it was so funny!
Teachin' First
My favorite Halloween candy is...anything chocolate!
Teachin' First
I definitely would much rather go trick or treating!
Teachin' First
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