Today we did my Marshmallow Math.
But, there was a problem.
Apparently, there are TONS of new moons!!! They made moons in EVERY COLOR! lol. I don't know WHY they feel the need to change the marshmallows ALL the time. BUT, we figured it out. I just had them sort by COLOR and PRETEND the red moons are actually red BALLOONS.
Yeah. Some didn't get it. BUT, we prevailed. lol.
They sorted and tallied.... then added them all up.
Then they "bar-graphed"
and compared and subtracted.
Then they wrote sentences.
There is more to finish on Monday!
AND, I want to brag on one of my little students! I have about HALF my class that has passed all their addition AND subtraction quizzes and are on their multiplication!!! I know!!! I'm super stoked! Well, today, one of my little kiddos passed his x12's!!!!!!
He's moving on to skills like squared, cubed, square root, fractions....
And THIS is why I love doing these timed quizzes. Because I can help to "push" those kids further than they would ever go otherwise.
Check out my packs - I have an Addition/Subtraction pack and a Multiplication and Beyond pack.
I've always sold them separately, I don't know why I never bundled them, so now they're bundled!
Ok, I'm off to veg on the computer. I am UTTERLY exhausted. And SICK! And both my girls are too. They both fell asleep around 5:00 because they're so tired and sick.
Stupid daylight savings. NEVER fails. THIS is always the week I get sick since I don't get enough sleep. I THINK we're actually going to be voting on whether or not to keep the time changing ordeal in November! I VOTE to STOP changing the time!! I don't care WHICH way they keep it, just stop changing it - PUH-LEEEEZ!!
Ok. G'Night.

It drives me crazy how they keep changing the marshmallows! That's why I stopped doing that activity - my worksheet never matched. Boo!
Hope you feel better!
Wow! What a smart cookie you have on your hands! Congrats to him!
I am with you! I got sick this weekend too. Sitting here with tissues and cough drops, and I cannot get used to this time change!!! I wish we had the option to vote!
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
Feel better!
I am having a “Spring Break Bucket List” linky party...stop by and link up!
Brigid Ann
Brigid's Daily Lesson Log
Feel better!
I am having a “Spring Break Bucket List” linky party...stop by and link up!
Brigid Ann
Brigid's Daily Lesson Log
Umm.... multiplication?!?! LOVE IT!
Marshmallow math!!! Fun! Sorry you're sick:/ Hope you can rest up and feel better this weekend:) I am blown away by your student mastering the multiplication!!!!! I have about 2 4th graders that still can't/won't:/ Kuddos to you:)
4th Grade Frolics
I had the same issue on Thursday! I never even thought to check for differences. Not so magically delicious. Feel better soon!
New Adventures in First Grade
I am SO with you on the time change thing! Fighting hard not to get sick - can tell I am on the brink! Congrats on your student - he is LUCKY to have you as his teacher/inspire-r!
I blogged about how much I love your Tasty Math facts pack today. Most of my kids have moved on to subtraction. I haven't decided if I should move on to multiplication. I only have maybe 1 or 2 that I think could do it. Thanks for creating such a great product!
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass
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