So, if you look in this little binder, you'll see just what kind of teacher I am.
EVERYTHING you need to know that I'm a "distinguished" teacher is right here in this binder.
Hardly. Doesn't even put a dent in it.
So, here is my Evidence Log binder post.
It's not going to be a pretty post. BUT, maybe you'll find it helpful???
In the front, I printed and put the rubric from our district - if you'd like to take a look at it,
I must warn you though, I don't really get it all. haha
There are 15 pages.
I know. I'm STILL scared of it.
There are 7 Dimensions....or sections. So, I have 7 dividers.
Behind each divider, I typed up (well, my teammate did) the element descriptions....and then I added in what I do that would fit that element. There a few elements in each of the 7 dimensions.
Next to each evidence in the elements, I wrote in what evidence to look that would be in the binder. I put a number (which section to find it in) and a letter (I labeled them in ABC order)
(analyzing rubrics and data from tests and such...)
A lot of the evidence pieces can be used for different elements and different dimensions.
This one was a way I showed how I differentiate spelling....
And here is my sentence imitation and my Every Day Math
(asking them to apply learned skills)
IF I didn't have physical evidence, I just put observable. I mean, there's NO WAY to "show" how I do everything. RIGHT!?
I taped some of my behavior cards - which shows my behavior management, but also how I communicate with parents because they sign and return the cards.
(I really love how I get to use what I create...for the students to put in my evidence log!
Showing how I ask my students to use higher order skills, organization and planning, and creating projects...I used my Penguin Books from my pack
I don't remember what Dimension 4 is... didn't take a picture of that....
but here's my reading log and A.R. points. Which I meet with my kids every Friday to discuss how they're doing on their A.R. quizzes. But parents also sign it, so it's a way to communicate with it hits another dimension...
And how I use data to differentiate our instruction,...which is also dimension 1
There's a whole lot more I didn't take pictures of, but hopefully that gave you some insight on what I've been doing - I'm just thankful for this little ole blog because I've had TONS of pictures already from the year so far.

Wow, you are so organized. I am impressed. I am just starting to organize everything I have gathered for my evaluation. It frustrates me that we have to provide so much "evidence" to prove ourselves as teachers. You are right that some things cannot be shown on paper. However, I do not totally mind the reflective process of seeing what I do and how I've grown.
Thanks for sharing how you organize things.
Compassionate Teacher
phew! I am impressed. We just have summative meetings and I swear each and every one of us hears the same things...there are no portfolios to show whether we are distinguished (which they informed us we would not be getting...), accomplished, whatever! I think I;d rather do it this way!
Wow! We don't have to create anything like this for our school district. It looks like you have everything under control though! Have a great weekend!
No wonder you've been so busy lately! Fifteen pages of rubrics?!? You've done a great job documenting everything, though.
Wow! What a lot of work! So far, we aren't required to do this, but we'll be changing to a new eval system next year. I've book marked this post in case I need help. Thanks so much for sharing this!
Wow, that looks like a lot of work! I'm glad you were able to finish it!
Blooming In First
We have something like that. It's called a document log and it has a list of documents/evidence that should be in the binder. Our district is sort of piloting it for the state. It's also tied into our evaluations. I think it will eventually be tied it pay for performance - which I am not a fan of. But I do love my binder and am proud of it. Yours looks great! LOTS of work!!!
Thanks for sharing. I too have to make a binder to prove my value on paper for people who sit behind desks ... in offices ... all day long. Wouldn't it be more reliable if they'd get out to the various schools in the district and visit classrooms seeing teacher engaged with their students? ***sigh*** However, I shall use your fabulous post to inspire me.
Jen, would you ever consider posting this on TPT as a template for those of us floundering with our own binders? I know a lot of us would buy it!!! Anyway- it looks great. Wish you taught with us!!
Ok, so this is amazing! I would love to be able to bring something like this into my EOY PDAS meeting :)
Great idea!
Is there any way possible that I could get a copy of the elements pages that your teammate typed up? Since I'm in the same district, I'd love to make me portfolio better and try for that "distinguished" label.
Dana Elting
Superb post. Thanks for office furniture for sale in Miami
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