(Thank you DeeDee!)
Here is WEEK 2 of St. Patrick's Day plans - to see WEEK 1, click HERE
Remember...click the picture of the plans (or click HERE), and it'll take you to a PDF document to download...when you download the PDF, you can click on all the pictures and links to take you where you can find all the activities (TpT, blogposts, websites, or Freebies!)
This week, I'm finishing up the summarizing lessons (well, I'm NEVER finished with it, but you know - it's time to test them on it). I can't bring myself to test my kids after only one week of practicing a skill. I just don't get why reading series do that. So this week, we're going to be using my Jamie O'Rourke pack, which, we'll be doing problem and solution and summarizing. Then on Friday, they're finally going to be taking a test on their own. I have tried my hand at writing a passage for them to summarize - make sure to get that FREEBIE in the plans!
And for the phonics, there's a schwa poem I found from Courtney last year that she posted as a FREEBIE, so make sure you snag that one too! I'm also using Sarah's pack, because she's awesome and came to my rescue!
For writing, I'm starting off with Stephanie's March Writing pack- she has TONS of great writing prompts in her pack. I think this might become another "thing" I must have ALL of (like I showed in my other post of addictions that I have to get all of).
And then, towards the end of the week, after we've been able to read and study Jamie O'Rourke a little, we are going to do a text connection from my pack.
EEK! Something I just noticed that I left out was our fluency practice for the week - it comes from my friend Leanne - Mrs. Prince and Co. (who, incidently has an AWESOME U.S. regions pack she just posted - it is PHENOM!)
Nothing TOO fun in Math this week...although we're having our Pizza Party for all my students who passed their subtraction quizzes by the end of the week!! So far, half my class has earned it and the other half is SO close! The last week - the week of the celebration - I let the kids keep going on the quizzes that same day, which helps them get a little further. Without fail, I always get ONE kid who always earns it THAT day. lol.
And our week was SO crazy last week, that I didn't get to ANY of my science, so we're doing the same thing this week that I had planned last week. "That was easy!" Make sure you download to grab the freebie for science too.
And for my Centers this week, I'm doing the other sets from my St. Patrick center packs that we didn't do last week. And for the sight words, we're doing scrabble letters, which I've always done, but I found Denise's spelling pack and there are SO many good ideas in there, and the direction cards are all set up so nicely for you, so I got her pack (because I love her stuff!). Spelling is coming from Sarah's Schwa pack, and my small group reader is the reader that's in Gladys' St. Patrick pack - another Go-To of mine - LOVE her stuff! It's a non-fiction reader, which was EXACTLY what I needed.
Ok, NOW, I realize that I've been leaving out my intervention plans. I don't know why, but here's the synopsis. For my intervention group (our Steps to Success), I have the Silent E group. I thought we were doing really great and then I "mid-way" tested them to see how they were doing. I have to share a little bit with you. You know how we always say, "when the e is on the end, it makes the vowel say it's name?" (or however you may say it). WELL....in my intervention group on Friday, one of my littles goes "Mrs. Ross, I just don't know what you mean by say it's name."
My jaw dropped. Really???
Then I reverted back to my childhood. Do you remember when teachers used to say to you "Please give me your undivided attention."? Well, I had NO clue what that meant. lol. I just knew they wanted me to pay attention. So I did. So it got me thinking it's like the same concept. To them, when I said, "makes it say it's name" is kind of like when little kids learn the alphabet and ELMENOPEEE is one letter (L-M-N-O-P)....lol.
And by golly, wouldn't you know it,
After I explained what it meant, it was like a light bulb went off! They got it! Poor kids. I'm so glad that little guy spoke up about that.
And for this week and next, I'll be using activities from DeAnne's Read! Draw! Write! These are super cute! I love them!
And one of my go to girls for phonics packs - I use her pretty much every week in my phonic's lessons. Sarah has a pack for just about everything... She saved my booty this week and made a Schwa pack....because I HATE the schwa sound. I could have probably done it myself, but since I was sick, I just wasn't in the mood to do it. I LOATHE this sound - so I wouldn't be putting forthe my best efforts on it...lol. It's not a teachable sound. There's no rhyme or reason. Most of those words need to be sight words and just KNOW them. Anyway, so I have her Long Vowel pack that I'll be using for my intervention group too.
And now I leave you with my pictures of the week.
It's a disco tent party in the crib! lol.
It's finally FALL!!! in the Spring....
My sick baby girl, fell asleep in my arms with her bag of Ninja Turtles.
Me and Pete - catching some sunshine-y rays.
ONE more thing.... some of my friends and I are linking up and having a sale!
EVERYTHING is 20% off in my TPT store for TODAY (Sunday) only! Check out who else linked up at Mrs. Wheeler's!
Hope y'all have a great week!

I looove Leanne! She is so super sweet! Her new packet it great for fluency! I hope you have a super week and I hope the girls feel better! I was sick last week and it was zero fun!
I love your visual plans! Do you do them just for yourself and your blog or do you actually turn these plans in? I'm required to have pretty detailed plans that are written out so I'm just wondering! Thanks!
Rambling About Reading
I do them for my blog, but i'm such a visual person, that I actually use these for my planbook. It's so much easier for me to "see" what I'm going to be doing. When I get to school on Monday, I write it all in. lol. Although, I've shown my A.P. and she was pretty impressed by them. I might actually see if I could just print these up for next year. (If I continue them). Although, I will say, the ONLY time my planbook EVER gets looked at by admin is when they come in for my formal observation. Other than that, they are just for me.
Your summarizing passage is awesome! Hope you and the girls are feeling better!
Christina :)
Apples, Books, and Crayons
Love ALL your stuff! Any chance you would continue your sale into Monday? ;)
I hope you are feeling better (and thanks so much for the shout out!) ;)
First Grade and Fabulous
Feeling better? Hope so!
Love taking a peek at your week!
Deedee is such a sweetheart for having this linky for us!
Well wishes coming your way!
Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
I just love your visual plans. I'm also such a visual person. It's so great to actually see the plans. One of these days I hope to join you fabulous teachers and do visual plans too!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
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