Today was B's birthday party....
Candy Land Theme!!
We made Gummy Necklaces
(Livesaver Gummies - that's why B has a string around her can kind of see the necklace on the girl in background in the picture below....)
They decorated Gingerbread men...
You should have SEEN all the glorious decorating!!! LOVED it!!
and they just had plain ole fun in the backyard rolling around...
This was the rainbow birthday cake I made... it was THE "funnest" thing to make
and I made cupcakes to go along with the giant cupcake.
To get the bright vibrant colors, you can't use food coloring, you have to use the gel...
The decorations were so fun to make too!!!
I made candies to hang on the walls...
(the candies were to paper plates facing each other and taped...then I wrapped them in tissue paper and then in cellophane.
Lollipops to put in the grass on the way up to the house.
For the lollipops, I painted dowel rods white and stuck them in Styrofoam that was round, covered the Styrofoam in tissue paper, then again in cellophane...
THEN... there was the table....
I am IN LOVE with the table....
I had Chocolate Mountain (Hershey Kisses), a gingerbread house, Cupcake Commons, Licorice Lagoon, Gummy Hills, Lollipop Woods (all names from the game)
And I made labels and tents for each one too....
I also added in candy buttons, Skittles, and a rainbow fruit tray (just
NOW... for the goodie bags???
LOVE this!!
In addition to all the candy the could grab,
I made a little "box" that had a TOOTHBRUSH!!!
because I was destroying their teeth from all the candy, I figured the least I could do was to help fix them.
All in all, I could NOT have asked for a better group of friends to celebrate B's First Birthday.
I love my groups of friends and they love B so much.
(that's me in the pink shirt with the camera in my hand)
(p.s... do you like how it's January and she is dressed in a strapless romper?? ha!! LOVE FL!)
ok - I think I need some tissues now...

Jen, you are just the coolest mom, super teacher, and amazing friend all rolled into one! I adore you!!! and I need a tissue too for baby B!!!!
This is AWESOME! I love the toothbrushes (nice touch.) Looks like a very memorable 1st birthday party.
Wow! Looks crazy awesome!
Adorable! The party AND the birthday girl! So stinkin' cute, Jen! Great job! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
Oh my goodness!!! what a fun day! You are the best mama!
Awww...making me cry thinking about how fast the time is going to fly! Such a cute party. Love it!
Jen, everything looks awesome! And everyone is having a great time! Happy Birthday B!
Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade
Oh my gosh!! Soon adorable! You put so much work into that!! It looks so fun!!! She is precious! They grow so fast dont't they?
Not soon. So*. Oops
Jen, B looks so adorable! I love her dress. The party looked great, you must be the coolest mama in FL. I'm not even going to get into my jealousy of how warm it is for you. I'm in NC but it is still way too cold for my taste! :)
Happy Birthday B!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
LOVE everything! She's gonna look back at these pictures someday and if she hadn't realized it already, realize how stinkin' cool her mom is!
Love the decorations and her romper! Thanks for all the tips! I want a Candyland party!
Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
What an amazing job you did on the party!! Holy cow!! You are so creative! Your little one is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing all the super cute pics!
Teaching First
This is SERIOUSLY the cutest! I LOVE her little lace romper! So cute!! The toothbrush idea is hysterical! You did a great job. :)
She is so stinkin' cute! The party looks fantastic. She's got the coolest mom in Florida. My little munchkin is having his first birthday party in a week. His party is a Mickey Mouse theme. Thanks for sharing! The party looked like it was a blast.
The 2nd Grade Surprise
I can't imagine the hours you put into the planning and preparation for this. You must truly be world's best mom. Happy Birthday to B! Florida looks wonderful in January. Maria
LOVE this!! Looks like such a fantastic day! You are so creative -- loved your lolli pop walkway! :)
Is it weird that I totally remember you having B a year ago at this time and you were worried about missing school and blogging and all that??? :)
She is a lucky little girl!!! Can you come and throw me a bday!! It is just too cute! Have a great weekend!
What a cute romper!
And the party looked fantastic!!! Your hard work was worth it :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
So cute! Happy Birthday B!
What an awesome party! It is great she can
wear a cute romper in January. Enjoy her while
she is little. They grow up too fast!!!!
Smiling and Shining in Second Grade
Oh my gosh, this is the cutest party I've ever seen! You are amazing!! Happy birthday to your B!
This is the cutest party!!! What fun!!!! Pinterest inspired my daughter and me to make the rainbow cake a few months ago for my mother's birthday! I need locate the pictures and share them too. You did an amazing job with the entire party. Loved the toothbrushes!!!
Thank you everyone!! It is DEFinitely a bittersweet day for me :) but we sure did have a lot of fun!
Ok she is ADORABLE!! The romper was so sweet and perfect for her day! The toothbrushes!!! LOVE THEM!! What a wonderful day for you and her. It goes by so fast! Sniff! Sniff!
Beach Sand and Lesson Plans
How fun...and how cute is she? :)
First Grade and Fabulous
What a cool, amazing party you put together for little B. She is so lucky to have such a wonderful mom! The thing that I enjoy about your blog the most besides your wonderful ideas are all of the adorable pictures you share of your little ones. Time goes by way too fast, doesn't it?!? :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Such an awesome party!! Looks like fun!
Just Diving In
Just beautiful! I loved your pictures!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
WOW!!!! What an awesome party!!!!!
Tales of Frogs and Cupcakes
ahhhhhhh! It turned out SOOO good!! I love all those sweet smiles! What an awesome Momma you are!! Happy birthday B!!
What lucky girls you have to have such a sweet, fun, talented mom! Adorable all of it from B to the toothbrushes! Makes me wish for my babies back...maybe grandbabies in 5 to 10 years;)
Thank you for sharing!
First Grade @ Storybook Cafe
Jen-B looks fabulous as well as everything else:) Yes-the dress and weather are why we live in Florida!
The Resourceful Apple
BEST 1ST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!! SO SWEET!! Okay, I'm done with all caps! I am so DOING (oops) this for my youngest daughter's next birthday! Your little girl is precious! I am so JEALOUS (oops again!) of your weather! We are knee deep in snow and freezing temps!! I look forward to reading more from you and watching your cutie grow!
I cannot B-lieve it ... how can she B a year old already? Hold her hand whenever you can, just a little longer ... both of them ... dance with them, play hide and seek and Barbies .... enJOY every minute of those colorful parties and stains on your fingers from food coloring ... before you know it they'll be headed to HS and then graduating. My "baby" girl is almost twenty {sniff, sniff}; where did the time go?
Happy, happy, baby B! You've got the coolest mom ever!
Smiles and laughter from TX,
Awww.... you guys are so sweet! ! You're going to make me cry again!
Oh my gosh, I'M even crying! Your B is so precious and what a sweet party! When my own were that age my group of Mommy friends and I had a joke about being a "cool mom" when we went all out for something. You are definitely a COOL MOM! Thanks for sharing your wonderful day!
The party looks adorable. You did a great job!!!
Ditto what everyone else has said, but I just have to add that she is wearing the cutest romper I've ever seen!! What a fun party!
EduKate and Inspire
What a fun party! I love it!
Teachin' First
OH my goodness! You are amazing! That is the most adorable birthday party EVER! I'm loving that theme and everything you did for that party. WOW! You are an awesome mom!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
that was a fun. precious memories. amazing mom ideas. missing my mom now :(
barbie party supplies
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