So today's post is my very first video tutorial.
But first....
The winner of my facebook giveaway for my Bear Snores On pack was Lisa R.!!
You can still check out the pack HERE.
Ok -
let me paint how my Monday planning-at-home-day went for ya...
I woke up was making my coffee...
All of a sudden, I hear Brooklynn laughing and then something hitting the tile.
Yep .
My phone. Now, I have a Samsung Galaxy, which I LOOOOVE!!
but when I picked it up, THIS is what it looked like

ugh. And guess who doesn't have insurance on her phone???
Really?? With a one year old and 3 year old you don't have insurance on your phone?? Yeah... I know.
Oddly enough, I could still use it.
Well, then I went to go make my dinner for that night - it was a crockpot meal (shhh... don't tell the hubs, he HATES crockpot meals - he says they taste different. Anyone else's husband say this?? It's so weird to me). Well, I went to get the meat, and i opened the fridge that was in the garage, and ewwwwwww!!! The meat was expired by like FOUR days - bleh!! Right in the trash. Man, what a WASTE of money!
THEN, throughout the day, we were outside on the back patio playing, and then I look over and see Autumn doing this....
I want to give a BIG shout out to Tessa from Tales from Outside the Classroom, for showing me how to do these video tutorials! I'm addicted to them now!! haha!
(so let me know if there's anything you want a video on!)
But first....
The winner of my facebook giveaway for my Bear Snores On pack was Lisa R.!!
You can still check out the pack HERE.
Ok -
let me paint how my Monday planning-at-home-day went for ya...
I woke up was making my coffee...
All of a sudden, I hear Brooklynn laughing and then something hitting the tile.
Yep .
My phone. Now, I have a Samsung Galaxy, which I LOOOOVE!!
but when I picked it up, THIS is what it looked like

ugh. And guess who doesn't have insurance on her phone???
Really?? With a one year old and 3 year old you don't have insurance on your phone?? Yeah... I know.
Oddly enough, I could still use it.
Well, then I went to go make my dinner for that night - it was a crockpot meal (shhh... don't tell the hubs, he HATES crockpot meals - he says they taste different. Anyone else's husband say this?? It's so weird to me). Well, I went to get the meat, and i opened the fridge that was in the garage, and ewwwwwww!!! The meat was expired by like FOUR days - bleh!! Right in the trash. Man, what a WASTE of money!
THEN, throughout the day, we were outside on the back patio playing, and then I look over and see Autumn doing this....
Yes. Autumn had busted through the screen on the porch door. Le sigh....
AND this was also the day that Brooklynn was at her worst for teething. She was SO miserable :(
I had to carry her around singing "you are my sunshine" over and over to her.
But can I say? I was NOT mad at the day. I don't know why or But I wasn't.
AND the first few days back to work have been AWESOME! My kids are behaving so well and I am getting a lot accomplished. I'm just so impressed with them!
Anyway, getting to the REAL reason for the post....
(so let me know if there's anything you want a video on!)
I've had a lot people ask me how I put my blog name on my pictures (like on the picture below)

So, that's what today's tutorial is on.
Hope it helps!!

Thank you for this tutorial! I have been trying to figure it out myself and was having some trouble. This was very helpful! Can't wait to make my next post with my blog name on my pictures :)
Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten
Wowww! That was a lot easier than I expected! Thanks so much for the video tutorial :)
EduKate and Inspire
SOooo much more simple than what I have seen before.. thank you for sharing, Jen!
Miss V's Busy Bees
Wow - it sounds like you are having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! I hope the week turns around!! :)
The Brown Bag Teacher
What a day!! I'm sorry but I had a giggle at the picture of Autumn in the screen door. Stuff like that has happened to me! You have to laugh sometimes! Things can only go up from here!!
Beach Sand and Lesson Plans
This sounds like a day at MY house!! Your kiddos are so cute! (We can't get mad at them when they are cute, right?)
Thanks for the tutorial! Very helpful! And I love the positive energy, even after that kind of a day!
Collaboration Cuties
I have been wanting to learn how to do this for so long...thank you!
THANK YOU! I've been wanting to learn how to do that. I just love how it looks with the blog name. Thanks for taking the time to make that video!
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
PS. I blogged about your yesterday!
Thanks for the tutorial, it actually looks like something I can handle. ;P
Sorry your day was so crazy, but I did laugh at the picture of your daughter and the door. :)
Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
Thank you for this tutorial! I was just wondering about this!! Hope your day is better tomorrow!
Well ya learn something new everyday! That is much easier than how I normally do it! Thanks!
I would love a tutorial on Photoshop!
I have it but haven't had much time to play around with it yet
Your video was so easy to understand and follow! Thanks for sharing and keep them coming!!
For the Love of First Grade
Awesome tutorial! Thanks for sharing! What is the name of that cute font you used? :)
Teaching First
Thank you! The font I used was kg limeade. :-)
Wow what a day you had, but at least our county let us have planning at home on that day! Thanks for the video tutorial. Love power point.
Primary Paradise
Thank you so much for this tutorial Jen! :) You made it so easy!!!! Have a great rest of the weekend!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this tutorial!! I had asked Vicki Plant how she did it... and she directed me to your post.
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten
Thanks for this tutorial! :) I was wondering how to do that!! I would also love to learn how to get the pinterest button on the photos! Thanks for sharing!!
I posted about that too! Here you go :)
The winner of my facebook giveaway for my Bear Snores On pack was Lisa R.!!wordpress tutorial in urdu
bleh!! Right in the trash. Man, what a WASTE of money!joomla tutorial in urdu
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