Here are my plans for this week! I had them all done and then realized that we don't have school on Monday. haha...while I'm loving the 3 days weekend, it really messes with my plans.
So, I decided not to do Reading Centers and focus more on their non-fiction book writing, which actually is more reading response because we're going to be reading books and responding to them too. See?? Reading and writing go hand in hand. the picture of the plans (or click HERE), and it'll take you to a PDF document to download...when you download the PDF, you can click on all the pictures and links to take you where you can find all the activities (TpT, blogposts, websites, or Freebies!)
This week, for Reading and Writing (and a mixture of Science), I'm pretty much just using my penguin pack.
Click on the pictures below to grab your freebies from the unit!
I'm not sure why I haven't told you about Lori's sight word packs before. I use them literally EVERY week. I started with them last year, and They are just part of our every day/week activities. I've even made them part of our spelling HW each week - instead of the RANDOM words that our Treasures series gives us to do. Blarg!
She has both a First Grade pack (which I start halfway through in the beginning of the year) and a Second/Third Grade pack, which I got to about Thanksgiving, I think?? I know we're on that one now. Those are the words that are on my word wall...
And I've had many questions about how I got the letters boxed in like that.
It's an actual font from
It's a paid-for font, sorry, or else I would share!
And the alphabet cards are from my Beach-themed Classroom set
I don't have the picture of the books I'm reading in the non-fiction, but it'll be probably these books:

I'll also have Tanja's penguin pack printed up for the kids to read throughout the week - this pack is great!
She did all my research for me for all the different kinds of penguins! lol So, I'm going to print it up as a book and have the kids read through it throughout the week. They love with when I KNOW the authors of books!
And Lisa has a super cute pack FILLED with information about the different types of penguins...
again, doing my research for me! (thank you ladies!)
And I found this cute penguin crafrt - he's free!!

And for my math centers, I'm using a few things from Katie's pack
(I'm saving a few for next week!)
And Kristen's pack has TONS of stuff in it! There's a coin activity I'm going to do with my kids in guided math...IF I can get these STUPID district tests done.
and I'm still going on in my Matter Pack for science... check out what we did Friday with matter! This week, they'll be doing their own books of matter.
And SINCE we're on the topic of planners.....
LOOK what I just got!!
You know how much I love my E.C. planner, well, LOOK what Leanne over at Mrs. Prince & Co. just made! When I first saw it, I though it WAS an E.C. planner....she has done an awesome job!!
Of course I have it now, because I'm a sucker for being organized...and let me tell you, it's awesome! Check out her blog post to see what's inside.
and I leave you with some new pictures
The cutest beautician, ever!
Sometimes, living in FL is such the hard life!!

What a great post... So jealous of all the fun stuff going on in your room!!!
Hi Jen:
Loved your beach picture...
And that planner in now in my cart!
I am so in awe of those visual plans. I am usually trying to remember my math lesson two minutes before they return from recess!
Hope you are enjoying the weekend...
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Your visual plans amaze me!
That planner is now on my wishlist! Thank you for sharing it!!
The picture of you and your daughter is adorable!!
Collaboration Cuties
Looks like your kids will have a fun week as usual! I can't wait until I sub in a class studying penguins.
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Looks like your kiddos will have a fun and busy week! Enjoy your 3 day weekend! :)
I love the macaroni penguin!
Fonts 4 Teachers
Fonts 4 Teachers in TPT
This is Day 5 of being sick so my whole vacation was spent in bed. Hoping to go back to school tomorrow and have full intentions of introducing Tacky to my kinder-bears and creating a bulletin board around our new friends.
I'd love to win your unit on penguins! First year in 1st grade and need all the help I can get in finding AWESOME materials to use to meet the new Common Core standards.
I spent my MLK day off doing laundry, more laundry and then folding it all. I did some volunteer work for my boys school.
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