
Can I just say?????


I am SOOO over the moon excited that I'm OVER 100 Followers!!! My first post was a little less than TWO MONTHS ago!

I have to say, this new addiction "hobby" of mine all started from all the awesome stuff I was finding on Pinterest (or that my friend was sending me - Thanks, AMANDA!)....I mean seriously, I have found SO MANY  FAB-U-LOUS blogs out there that have inspired me, or that have made me thing how I could tweak what I'm already doing.
I finally got brave and decided to jump into the blogging world to share my own activities....and I'm having SO MUCH FUN with it! My kids actually ask, "Mrs. Ross, Where's your camera for this?!" hahaha!

You know...some people get up, drink their coffee, and read the paper or watch the news...I get up (hopefully baby girl stays in bed for a little bit -ha!), make my coffee, and check out my email and blogger to see what I missed from the night before. Ok, I admit - I'm such a loser! I go to bed pretty early, when most people are night owls...which is why I miss some night-time postings.
I have some blogs that I stalk like to visit frequently, and who I'm bummed if they don't post EVERYDAY because they have such awesome stuff, or because they crack me up!!! (have you heard of The Teeny Tiny Teacher?? uh - LOVE HER!)
My husband says, "Awesome - now you can start creating and selling stuff!" lol...As of now, I just love to share my stuff as freebies. I figure, it's my first year back in 2nd grade, I'm re-learning how to do things back down here, AND I'm going to be on maternity leave here shortly, so I'm focusing on getting that set up. Maybe next year :) For now, I'm loving the freebies y'all are sharing and I'm doing my part to keep everyone afloat in their TpT stores! lol. I love all the units you are making!! And because I'm getting so many freebies, I don't mind shelling out for some units!
Just wanted to say THANKS for following guys! I hope my ideas are helpful!


Unknown said...

I am so glad you joined the addiction! :) You are a new favorite of mine! :)
Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

Barbara L said...

A big congrats, Jen!!!!

Grade ONEderful

Delighted said...

Congratulations! I can't remember what life was like without the blogging world. :-)
First Grade Delight

drdebi2b said...

Hey, Jen, stop by my blog and tell me what you thought of the movie. Are you going tomorrow? I can't wait!! Have fun!

Just 4 Teachers: Sharing Across Borders

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...


Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Dee said...

Congratulations on going over 100 followers! I love your blog and so now I'm your newest follower. Cheers!

First Impressions

Jen R said...

Thanks guys!! I love my blogging world! You guys are all awesome!

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