A little bit of Verbs....and a lot of Thanksgiving!

I have to start off by saying, THANK YOU to all of you for all your inspirations for my lessons this week! My kids and I are having so much fun!! Though I must say, we seriously do NOT have enough time in the day! Where does all the time go????

First. we've been hitting up verbs this week - I bought Lindsey's Action Verb Unit on TpT, and my kids LOVE IT! Just look at these action heros....aren't they super cute?! And we did a section in her unit as a Scoot Game...the kids had SO MUCH fun with that! We didn't even get to do all of it, but it was so much fun!

And we've also been in high gear with our Thanksgiving lessons....I have borrowed ideas from a lot of you out there to make our own!
We started with our book for the week... 

Then we did a "Somebody wanted, but..." activity. 

Click {HERE} to snag a copy.

Then, they turned that into their summary writing....can I just tell you how much easier this is for them to use to summarize something!?!? OH -EM- GOSH!!! Summarizing is sooooo hard!  Like, pull your hair out hard, but I really didn't have high blood pressure when doing this activity. I have just recently come across this type of form - and I L-O-V-E it!
Here are some of their examples....the one on the left is one of my cutie ESOL students...see??? It even helps my ESOL kiddos!


We also did a bubble map to describe Mini, her character...which is really hard! lol

Click {HERE} to get a copy

This next idea, I was inspired by Chalk Talk's activity. (First Grade Parade also has something similar) She has some great printables she shared for this activities that she used with her Kinders, but I wanted my 2nd graders to come up with their own....we're later going to be using these ideas to complete our activity that was inspired by another blog (see....I told you I borrowed from a lot of you out there!)

 In our Computer class this week, our teacher in there did a wordle with them....if you haven't heard of Wordles, I URGE you to check it out at wordle.com

And our Mayflower activity was inspired by First Grade Parade.... LOVE her Thanksgiving week ideas!

 See? I'm trying to get better about using anchor charts...ll

 They had two fact pages they had to write, using our "Circle Map"...
And then they did a brace map and graph that Mrs. Carroll provided printables for.

My turkeys were inspired by Fun in First. I did change what she had to fit our students' (supposed) level. Three-digit numbers, and the feathers were
-expanded form
-word form
-Place value blocks
-money (eek!!)
-2 addition facts
-1 subtraction fact

 To go with our Mayflower Voyage, we talked about what they would bring if they migrated from Europe to the United States...and they were NOT allowed to even mention technology type items...lol. But, surprisingly, I only had 1 or 2 kids that had only t.v. and video games as their only thoughts. The First Grade Parade had such a CUTE suitcase activity....My kids LOVE it!
My intern actually came up with the subtitle...think "brown bear, brown bear..."

And I leave you with our Family turkeys that they have been turning in. Arent' they cute!?

If you visit any of these blogs, tell 'em I sent ya!!

Next week, we are finishing up our pilgrims to go with our Double Bubble, and making our Rice Turkeys! I'm excited to share those with you....that'll be Monday's post! 

And I'm super excited about starting up my Christmas weeks...I was thinking a regular Christmas week, then a Gingerbread week, and then a Grinch....what are you all doing?!?! Any ideas??? I've bought a few units on TpT I'm excited to print up, laminate, and use. 

Happy Teaching!


Barbara L said...

Wow, you guys have been busy! Thanks for sharing all the fun ideas.

manakans said...

It looks like you have had a busy week! Thanks for sharing your ideas.
I also love using the SWBS chart for summarizing. It's so easy for kids at any age level :)

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