First, I'm joining in on Mrs. Dilliard's Lit Station Linky party!

So, I have changed my methods a BAZILLION times, and I've finally found what works best (for me). Some years I have to change how many centers they do because of time constraints (like last year, they did 2 centers a day, 3 days a week. This year, they do 1 center a day, 5 days a week. But that's because we lack the time available that I've had in the past for my reading block- I like to take over the 90 minute requirement, but this year, there's just no budging). But this is how the centers are displayed. (I used to use the hanging file folder pocket chart- I LOVED it, but I found that the clips were always trapping in the papers, so I switched to this.)
When they are finished, they just put it on their desk and take some A.R. quizzes (we are REALLY trying to promote that with these kids...) while they are waiting for me to call their group to the back table. After I have seen all the groups (yes, I see each group every day), it's time for me to check of their center menu. They have to have that day's center on their desk along with their menu (and dated!) for me to check. That's when I quickly "grade" their centers and sign off their menu. Here's what this week's menu looks like just to give you an idea. Each week, I try to match the centers, of course with the skills, but also with the "Theme" for the week...hence all the weather stuff.
The Author Study Center is from a {POST} I just did recently. That is their center twice a month, so they can get their Tic-Tac-Toe (they can't choose the A.R. quizzes for their center, that is on their own time).
And the Spelling center is.....oh wait - that's another linky!'s the 2nd linky I'm joining in this 2-for-1 blog: Mrs. Patton's Word Work Linky!
There are so many different ways that my kids practice their word work....but here's their current favorite way: Scrabble Spelling! (and the best part....they're practicing adding! shhh!! Don't tell them! lol)
Click {HERE} to get a copy of the Scrabble Spelling paper |
I bought some extra Scrabble Tiles off of Ebay (didn't feel like printing, laminating, and cutting lol), and voila - a center!
Our next way to practice our Words is to do with the value of coins - eek!!! I know, but I'll post about that one too :)
Happy Teaching!
My kiddos love using the scrabble pieces for all kinds of word activities! I begged everyone that I knew (and some I didn't know) for their scrabble game pieces. Now my cup runneth over...
First Grade Delight
I am your newest follower! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog & joining the linky party. I just had a redesign so you might want to grab my new button instead of the one you sorry. I have been seeing that scrabble pic ALL OVER PINTEREST! I will be giving you a shout out this week & hope you get to 100. Where did you get those containers..I must have them. Great ideas!
Peace, Mel D
Hi Mel!
i LOVE your blog! I frequently stalk it :) Thank you for the future shout out! I will definitely grab your new button! I got the containers at either wal-mart or target...they are very sturdy and are working out REALLY well with my kiddos! i was so excited when I came up with the idea :)
Hi Jen!
I am your newest follower! (It's fun to say that!)
I love those containers... I think I am going to convert (over the summer as I sneak school stuff into the cart as the Mr isn't looking.....:)
Going Nutty!
I would love to have you contribute to Foldables Week. We are going to do Math on Monday, Language Arts on Tuesday, Science on Wed and Social Studies on Thursday. Will you let me know which day or days (!) you would prefer and I will link you up! Just send me an email!
Thinking of Teaching
Hi Jen! I love your ideas and the way you have explained everything..I've been trying my hardest to make my charts work for group work! I love that you have the holes there that might just work for me too!
check out teaching!
Great resource!!! Thank you my friend!
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