I'm a little behind in showing you what we've been up to...here are some highlights from LAST week. (woops!)
Our story in the reading series was part of Henry and Mudge. I know, I know, I don't usually use the reading series, but since I love Henry and Mudge, I wanted to do this one....
We worked on Author's Word Choice in our Reader's notebook by using adjectives to describe Mudge (he's SO cute, isn't he???) You can download him HERE.
Then they wrote a sentence using a few of the words from our web.
They're "test" that week was to show me how well they could sequence, and I wanted them to PROVE to me where they found the "answer." Do any of you remember the 10 Important Sentences from the Scott Foresman series (that was like 3 series ago for us)??? Well, I didn't really like how they had the sentences already in order, so I always mixed them up and then had the kids put them in order. So that's what I did with this....my teaching partner found a cute idea online somewhere (I couldn't find the site again, so if it's yours let me know!) so I made one for our book. They had to put the sentences in order, and once they finally did that, then I let them do the cute part of the activity. Trust me, it was a good way to see who could do this and who needed more practice.
But didn't they turn out soooo cute??
Click HERE for the sequencing activity freebie.
It was our first week in our spelling, so we dove into our phonics notebooks too.
We wrote our spelling words in the notebook, and then throughout the week, we added more words that fit the rules.
We also wrote our sight words in the dictionary part.
Checkout my phonics notebook at
my TpT store
my TN storeShop on the Blog
We've also been digging into our poetry journal.
Last week, we did a poem from one of my favorite phonics poetry books...
I retype the poems so that they can't see all the words with the phonics skill (they're bolded in the book), and they glue it into their poetry journal. We practice it all week; whole group, shoulder partners, around the world, individual, whatever, just to keep getting better at it. We highlight the words that follow the phonics rule for the week, and we also circled the words that rhyme - so we can find rhythm and repetition
*common core! Then I have them illustrate what they visualize while they read the poem (which is another reason I retype it because it also has a picture...lol).
We've also been working a lot in math, and in my math tubs for each group is a few deck of cards, and boy have we been using them! One way is for place value!
Check out my Deck of Cards pack on THIS post - it shows how I keep it all organized!
Today was my baby girl's birthday - she turned 4 years old today!! She came to have lunch with me at work today - happy birthday pumpkin!!

We'll do Henry and Mudge in a couple weeks with our basal - thanks for the freebie! I love all of your interactive journals! I started a math one this year and can't wait to start science and reading soon! I like the idea of using spirals, too, since they seem to be a bit thinner than a composition book.
And lastly, how adorable are you and A? I love it! My A turns 4 in December. I hope our two girls can play someday! :)
Teaching With Style
I bought the phonics notebook on TpT mainly for the short vowel page pictured on this blog post and did not find it in the pack.
Hi Calli,
It sure is in the pack :) Hope you found it!
I live these ideas. I wish I had found them a couple of weeks ago lol. I also couldn't find the short vowel activity that is on this page. Can you tell me what page number it is please?
You have a lot of really good ideas, thanks for sharing! I'm unable to download your dog (adjective freebie)...will you please make public or direct me on how to access them using google drive...thank you.
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