I know I've shown you how I do my Literacy Centers, how I set them up and organize them. If you missed that, check out {THIS} post. You can also check out {THIS} post to see all my Guided Reading goodies I like to use! I don't know why, but I can never seem to guarantee that we do math centers every day, and then some days?? We have time for 2 centers! It's so random....lol. So I don't do a menu for them. And since math is such a whole different world, I DO want to say who is together and know who is in which center, that way I know which groups I will need to focus on during my walk arounds.
To organize them, I have them in my pretty little baskets, with the cover page for each center on top.
My math menu, is just in a page protector, hanging on my "center and calendar" board. I know...REAL fancy, hunh?? lol. Oh well. It works.
On the page, I have the 6 center boxes, blank so I can change out the titles of the centers, and then on the bottom, I have the groups, blank so I can change who will be in each group.
It's kind of like how Cara does hers, with dry erase markers. But I since our population is so mobile, I don't write names, I just use their numbers...I use numbers for EVERYTHING.
This week, we're using my Addition Strategy centers. The making ten centers, with 10 frames is done at my small group table, because that's the center I want to focus on to makes sure they all get it. I start them off, and then I move around the room, making sure to help them and talk them through the centers.
This is the Flip Flop center
And the Doubles center. I had 3 people playing on this one board because they had a member in their group out today. Luckily I had 3 different color foam squares.
These next few centers came from Shelley Gray's Number Sense centers. Since we had already done my 2-Digit Math Centers last week, I wanted them to keep practicing. I might actually keep these in the rotation for another round. Most of my kids could benefit from doing them again.
Especially the number line....whew!

I really need to get math centers started. I can hardly get my reading in so math has taken a backseat. Thanks for sharing your math center organization!
Swimming into Second
I really like your way of organizing centres, it seems very fluid and flexible. Thanks for the post.
Thinking of Teaching
Do you take a grade on your centers?
Do you take a grade on your centers?
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