Go my Birchbox yesterday!!
SUPER excited about it this month!!
click HERE to check them out!!
OK - so we've been doing a lot of Frog and Toad this week...
You can see what we did last week on THIS POST
We've been doing some sentence imitation, practicing combining sentences.
I wrote the top two sentences on chart paper, which they copied, then they had to write what it became after they combined it. This happened after a few days of me modeling it and them copying it. Next step?? Making their own...
which they kind of already did in their letters to their friend
(because we read Frog and Toad are Friends and Toad is waiting for a letter...)
and they addressed them and they are ready to be "sent!"
And they did some problem and solution in their learning journals...
And they compared and contrasted frogs and toads - real ones :)
They did the venn diagram in the pack - I chose to give them the one where they cut out the facts and glue them to the right part of the diagram, that way I knew they would have good facts for their writing.
They took the facts and turned them into paragraphs, and did their crafts.
They turned out so cute!!
In other news, if you bought the bundle or any of the individual packs, go back to your "my purchases" to see if it's blinking at you to download a revised version. I updated a few of the packs (I can't remember exactly which ones..haha), and added a few pages to them.
Check it out!!
And I wanted to share with you (FINALLY) one of my favorite things I do for our unit review spelling homework. This is every 5 weeks or so. They have different homework during regular weeks.
On unit review weeks, they do Spelling Tic Tac Toe.
I've gotten so many compliments on my post from over a year ago (and emails for an editable version), so I went ahead and made templates that you can print up and write in your spelling words...or have the students write them in (which would give them an extra time to practice writing them)
I have given 3 different versions - hopefully one will work for you!
Click the pic to download
This is version one, because I change up the activities every so often, so next time, I'll post version two.
OK - I must go REplan for next week now... I was all excited about the penguin activities we're going to be doing next week, and then I realized that we DON'T have school on Monday!! BLARG! And while I'm excited to have a 3 day weekend, sometimes it really messes with my mojo for work..lol! Anyone else feel like this??

Love the spelling tic-tac-toe. We do a similar version every week for spelling homework in their journals. I don't require them to make a tic-tac-toe since we do it every week and I don't change out their choices (they get 12 choices instead of 9) that we glue it inside the front cover of their spelling journals.
Love the Frog and Toad activities! LOTS of ideas for when we go CC next year and move away from the basal!
Christina :)
Apples, Books, and Crayons
Your frog and toad activities look like so much fun!
I totally get thrown off by 3 day weekends. It is so annoying when I forget to plan accordingly! Still, I enjoy the time off.
Compassionate Teacher
CUTE Frog&Toad stuff! Thank you, thank you for the spelling tic-tac-toe! It is my favorite way to give spelling homework. Looking forward to the next version, as well! Happy Almost-TGIF!
Your Frog and Toads are adorable! :)
Sugar and Spice
I love being able to have my students pick their spelling activities!!! I have been wanting to make spelling tic-tac toe lists for a while now... I'll have to check yours out!
Lessons with Laughter
Thanks for sharing the spelling tic tac toe. Great idea! I have your frog and toad packet on my wishlist!
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass
Ok, now I just have to know! What were you planning to do for penguins? I have a polar unit coming up really soon and am really interested to know what resources you're going to use.
cpieterman@rogers .com
We do a spelling tic-tac-toe as well, although some of the activities are a little different. It makes such a difference in my kids spelling scores, though! Thanks for sharing :)
Teachery Tidbits
Love the Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe! Thanks for sharing!
Just found your blog from Sunny Days - thanks so much for sharing your spelling Tic Tac Toe, I was just talking to my teaching buddies about how I would like to do something like this for next year. I teach 3/4 so I may change them a little but yours are awesome and a great inspiration.
Looking From Third to Fourth
Thanks for the spelling Tic Tac Toe! I think that will be a great alternative to what I have been doing!
Spelling Tic Tac Toe is something I am going to try! Thanks so much for sharing! I just put Frog and Toad in my cart! I always do a friendship unit at the beginning of the school year with their books! Your unit will be perfect!
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