OMGosh - this week has been CUH-RAY-ZEEEE
Wednesday - we had family night...
it was Autumn's first time bowling - she LOVED it!! It was sooo cute!!!
and LOOK!!!!
the little stinker beat me!! haha!!
Maybe I needed the bumpers up??? lol!!
Then Thursday, we had parent-teacher conference night. I actually try to do all my conferences at other times, so that I can have a two hour planning
Except this time?? It didn't work - I had about four parents come in on their own to conference...ummm...ok.
Come on in!
And these are the parents I talk to all the time anyway.
Oh well, I'm glad their involved at least!
So, I have a few little angels in my room that can NOT get work done...I'm not sure why, since I give them AMPLE time and chances...BUT, after talking with their parents, the plan is to send something home with them daily so they can see if they completed what they were supposed to for that day....
So I made a little diddy - nothing special, but it gets the job done!
Not only am I going to write the things they have to turn in, but also things like center activities, or whole group writing activities - JUST so they can see what kinds of things their kids aren't doing...
Click the pic if you want it - hope it helps you too!
So, I did a little updating to my sound mapping freebie. I use it ALL the time in my RTI groups,
and my kiddos are CONSTANTLY looking at my alphabet on my wall (thank goodness it's below my chalkboard so they can see it easily).
Well, I finally took the time to put the alphabet on the printouts for it.
I put both lower and uppercase, because sometimes we write names, since they too, have the phonics skills in them - well, SOMEtimes they do. And other times?? they TOTALLY don't follow the rules.
I'll be back tomorrow (maybe) with some pictures of our penguin week!!
Hope you guys had a great week!!

I must have those students' siblings! There is one kid who does the entire week's worth of spelling with his on earth can I score that? And the dad says to send the rest I can see how the dad is doing? No thank you. But a checklist might fit the bill.
LOL I'm with you!!
Like Suzy and you, I have "those kids" too (and parents)- it's good to know I'm not alone! Ha! Good luck!!
That pic of A is just too adorable!
What a great idea! For some kids this could work, one I speak to their parents. There are a few though who struggle to even get homework done at home and won't bring it in so I know it wouldn't work for them.
Your daughter is precious! How fun :)
The Brown-Bag Teacher
Oh I love that to-do list!! We haven't taken Ella bowling ever... need to put that on our list!!
Rowdy in Room 300
The daily to do list is such a great idea! I have several kids who struggle to complete their work on time too, so this might be a great thing for them. Thanks for sharing!
Compassionate Teacher
Hi bowling buddy!!!! If we lived near each other we could join a bowling league! I must say, your little one bowling is PRECIOUS!!! LOVE IT!!!
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