So, I did like our WHOLE week of magnet lesson in one day today, just to take up time! lol
I used THIS...which I won from Organized Classroom Blog contest on Facebook!

My kids loved it!!
We talked about how magnet poles can repel and attract and compared differences in magnet strengths...and played with cars with opposite poles! It was fun :)
Hopefully tomorrow I can start printing and copying, but since I still can't, we did a foldable (aren't you proud, Mor?!).
LOVE the hands on this one :)
This one is a picture of the PENDULUM that we talked about!
Ok, my friend just sent me this email...this is's way cool! Go check it out!
And here's my friend/co-worker and me as Thing 1 and Thing 2...I'm so sad, she's going to be leaving us after this year :(
But I got a picture of our Principal and AP, and it's going in the yearbook, baby! ha!!
On another note, have you SEEN the awesomeness that Michelle has created again!?!?

ok, so I hope you've got your shopping carts full!!! I've got stuff in mine, but not nearly as much as I want :P DARN all you creative geniuses!! lol
Don't forget, I'll be having a sale too!! Stop on by my store and take a look :)

Love your Thing 1 and Thing 2! How cute! Hope you are enjoying your week back! Thanks for all the tips in your post!
First Grade Brain Sprinkles
Love the magnet lesson!! How fun!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
I am so excited about the sale!! Woohoo! We are starting fractions next week! I am so excited! It is one of my favorite units! I am glad you are having a fun time back with your kiddos!
Teachers always have to think on their feet! Stinks about being out of the system.
One school I sub for is limiting copies this year, so only the teachers have the code. Stinks for me! I hate not being able to copy anything last minute if I need to.
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
I still cannot believe they took you out of the system while you were on a temporary leave. Crazy.
I just love that Thing 1 and Thing 2 poster-like thingy!
❤ Dragonflies in First ❤
Goodness gracious, you are fast! I barely got the soccer clip art downloaded and you've already made something adorable!
Okay...I am a little late on seeing your post...sorry!
I can't believe that they take you completely off the system??? They should have been more prepared for your comeback...oh well, seems like you're winging it pretty well!!
Thank you for the shout out! I can't believe how fast you are girl!!
Hope you can start making copies again...I have been at schools that enforce the paper nazi take-down & I have also been at schools that allow teachers to get their jobs done...hahaha...sometimes the little things can be so hilarious to joke about though...hehehe
The 3AM Teacher
Ha - Thing 1 and Thing 2 is a crack-up!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
You made me proud!!!!!!!!! I love the foldable!!! They did a great job drawing!
I love the Thing1 & 2!!!
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
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