Ok y'all...I have to admit...V'day is NOT one of my favorites...I'm thankful I wasn't there yesterday - ha!
And after reading a lot of your posts, I realize I should have prayed harder for y'all! lol...even my sub said she had a rough day!
Yes, I'm thankful that I missed Vday...
Especially since HERE is how I spent my v'day...
chillin' at the park |
hi there! |
v'day picnic at the park :) |
And hubs and I laid on the couch, watched the boob-tube and fell asleep - ha!
I had a few people ask..."HOW do you make the background paper??"
Well...mind you, I don't know how to do fancy shmancy stuff (THAT would be the HUBS...p.s. he just got a new program, so WATCH OUT! lol..hmmm...that means I'll never get to use his laptop, and I hate always being stuck in the office on the desk top...maybe it's time I get a laptop for myself?? lol), but I can do basics!
I don't have a cool video and it'd take me FOREVER to do the pictures, with directions, but I can type a step by step on how to make background paper...
like these...
The programs I use are Microsoft Publisher and Paint...
this is just how I do it...Hubs has no idea how to do it this way, and I'm sure other "clip art people" do it differently too.
1) in publisher, make a rectangle (the basic shapes) and cover the page with it and then format it and fill it with whatever color you want...I did red for the stripes and triangles ones...
2) add whatever else you want on there - I did white stripes by adding in very skinny rectangles and filling them in with white, or I made the triangles (also in the shapes) and filled them in with torqouise.
3) once you are all finished putting whatever you want in, then select all (ctrlA) and copy (ctrlC) and then paste (ctrl V) into paint.
4) use the select tool and crop your page (I usually have things sticking off the edge of my "paper" so this is where I trim it...it looks pretty jagged when I'm in publisher, so don't worry about having perfect edges in publisher, you can clean them up in paint!)
5) once you have it cropped how you want it, then save it as a jpeg - and voila! You have a background pic you can use whenever you want :)
Let me know if you still have questions!
Here's another addition to my Seuss theme items :)
I love doing these things...
There are 6 sentences for them to unscramble. There are 2 versions of the writing sheet - a colored one and a black/white.
The sentences do not have capitalization or punctuation to give the kids more writing skills practice :)
It's for sale..for a $1 :)
BUT, I wanna give The Sentence Scrambler pack to 3 people who comment...but NOT the first three...lol! I'm always so bummed when I miss those, and I miss those a lot!
So, I'm going to give everyone until tomorrow morning when I wake up to leave your comment (so, like 24 hours I guess?), then with a sip of my coffee (hopefully!), I'll do the random number thingy...make sure you leave your email so I can email it to you :)
SOOOO....just leave one comment telling me your favorite Dr. Seuss story or characters...and why. I love hearing these :)
It'd also be GREAT if you would be a follower of my TpT store!! hehe
While you're there you can check out my Dr. Seuss bundle!! Which is also sold in separate bundles :)
I just came across a new Kinder blog yesterday, after she admitted to me that she was following me around blogland...ha! Not really, but it was funny. She's a new blogger, so go check her out! She's really cute... I love getting new bloggers some "love/new followers."

Love tge pics of your family. Love the Dr. Suede unit.
Glad to hear you had a great time with the family! My favorite Dr. Seuss story has to be Green Eggs and Ham. Just love how Sam is so persistent in trying to get him to try it.:)
Forgot the email in case you pick my number! Sorry!
What a great way to spend Valentine's Day - looked like you all had fun! Great blog too - I'm your newest follower
I've been eyeing this unit! I would LOVE to win it! I am amazed at how much you are creating these days. I'll have to try out making backgrounds sometime.
2nd Grade Rocks!
Hi! I love Dr. Seuss and one of my favorite stories Put Me In the Zoo. I don't think he wrote it, but it was published by his company. I always associated Dr. Seuss with this book. . .Yikes, I might be dating myself. Many of you younger teachers may not be familiar with this story. I Love that you highlight new bloggers. Christina Bainbridge did that for me, and it brought me some new cyber friends. Blogging is so fun, but oh so addicting.
I love Dr. Seuss too! One of my favorites is Green Eggs and Ham.
I love Horton!! He is just so sweet and caring! It is a great way to talk about kindness and nice thoughts!!!
❤ Sandra
Sweet Times in First
Thanks for the tutorial Jen! I really appreciate all of your advice for us "newbies" out here in blogland! Your Dr. Seuss stuff looks incredible!
Your kids are too cute!!! & I love how you spent your V-Day! Mine was pretty much the same...walk with the hubs (well, mini hike really), hangin out with the kids, & watching a Once upon a Time with my hubbies homemade taco salad (YUM)! That show (by the way) was a little strange, but we have grown to like it...we don't have cable T.V...a personal decision I made three years ago because I couldn't even trust that the commercials would not be inappropriate! I didn't want my son to look at women that way media portrays them and I didn't want my daughter to acquire unattainable ideals about how she should represent herself. Netflix and local channels were an awesome switch!
Have a great day & I love the Seuss stuff you created with the clip art...totally makes me want to put it back up...ugh! In the meantime...I have more to come and a cool surprise for my 100 follower mark (pretty cheesy, huh?) LOL
The 3AM Teacher
I love love love Dr Seuss. Last year we celebrated him the whole month!!!
I got your Dr. Seuss pack yesterday so I would love to add this to it! My favorite is Green Eggs and Ham. BUT my favorite character is the fish from The Cat in the Hat. I love him! He is so stressed out and worried. That is the best part when I am reading aloud! fun, fun, fun
Great tutorial, Jen. I love green eggs and ham, mostly because I liked that Sam-I-Am, that Sam-I-Am.
Hello Mrs Sykes
Oops! I forgot to leave my email address so I'll delete the last post and try again!
What a great looking unit! I love all Dr. Seuss books, but, if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be My Many Colored Days. I love this story because it really gets the children thinking about their feelings and makes for great descriptive writing.
I follow your blog and TPT store. The Dr. Suess unit looks awesome!
I love Dr. Suess!! I'm a new follower too :)
✿ Kaleigh's Klassroom
Love the pics!
I love classic old Cat in the Hat because it's funny and the kids love when the cat balances all those things.
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
1 - your v-day looked amazing! so presh!
2 - your papers are amazing! I have a mac do I still couldn't do, I dont think. lol.
3 - I love dr suess, Im a fan of The Foot Book, among many others!
Ms. Rachel’s Room
I'm going to have to try making my own background. Thank you!!
My favorite Dr. Seuss -- hmmmmmm. I can't pick one. :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
You go girl!! I can't believe all the GREAT things you are making. I am going to print your math centers tonight and hopefully laminate in-between conferences tomorrow all day! (9:00 am to 9:00 pm) I am ready for the CRAZINESS!
Thanks for the unexpected shout out! So sweet!
I am gonna try this background thing out!
I would love to learn how to do this whole TPT store thing....its like a secret cult! Do I need special programs or can I just use Word? Publisher?
Miss S
Love Dr. Seuss!! My favorite books are One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and The Sneetches (great for talking about not judging others based on the outside).
The First Grade Dream
I have been following your blog for awhile now and you have such wonderful ideas, great job!! I don't have a favorite Dr. Seuss character, but I just love Dr. Seuss's ABC's. I read the book to my sons when they were little and now get to share it with my grandsons.
Hi! I'm a new follower :) Love your blog! And thanks for the advice on how to make backgrounds...going to give that a try right now!
I am new to blogland, so if you could come check me out, I would greatly appreciate it!
Teachery Tidbits
Thanks so much for explaining how you make those great backgrounds! I'm gonna give it a try this weekend ;)
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