So help me out here.
Since I can't follow y'all by clicking your "follow me" buttons, I have to physically copy and paste your blog link (I totally just typed that word as blink! lol) into my "subscribe" box in google reader. That's the only way I have gotten it to work - and stay working. Otherwise, you guys never show up in my blogger dashboard. I just have to read everything in google reader. It's all good. I don't mind.
So now....will this affect me? Will I lose all of you!?! I don't wanna lose you!! I'm almost to 400!! lol (How in the WORLD did that ever happen!? I STILL get totally excited when I see my follower numbers go up in both my blog and TpT "They like me! They REALLY like me!!" lol)
Just wondering...
So, I did a post a while ago about being able to reply to your comments....NOT on the actual blog, but by email. You know how you get notifications in your email that you have received a comment? Well, you can actually reply to THAT email and it'll go to the person who commented - in THEIR long as they have it set up that way.
I have a *few more followers since I did that post, and some of you new ones, I can't reply to because THIS is what I see when I try to

and I can't get the reply thingy to work on my blog, so....

and I can't get the reply thingy to work on my blog, so....
PUH-LEEZ go HERE to check out that post.
Don't forget to enter the giveaways!!!
Jaana's ends on the 26th...the day before I go back to work...hmmmmm....
And TBA's ends tomorrow (Friday)!!
Don't forget to enter the giveaways!!!
Jaana's ends on the 26th...the day before I go back to work...hmmmmm....

And TBA's ends tomorrow (Friday)!!

And CONRATS to Staci for winning Reagan's giveaway!!

And HERE are some "Doctor" Reader's Theater
They aren't very pretty because I wanted to save space - keep it just for the words, some of them were already like 4 pages, but I DID have to add my fave clip art from Michelle!
This pack contains 4 Reader's Theater from the books of
Green Eggs and Ham
Fox in Socks
The Cat in the Hat
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Click the pic to go download.
While you're there, you can check out all the TONS of "Doctor" stuff I have!
Ok, I think that's it...
I'm off to make my grocery list for Mardi Gras dinner tonight! :) yum!!!
I'm been having the same problem with my google reader....I have found that if I go to blogger and click view in google reader, the blogs that I just started following show up right away. That way I don't have to subscribe via reader each time by manually typing in the address.
On google was my understanding that it was only going away for non blogspot blogs. Unless something changed again.
Thanks for the reader's theater!! I'm excited to use them with my students next week!
That reminds me of Dr Seuss' birthday coming up and I need to incorporate it into my plans... Such cute ideas :)
Oh my! I am pretty low-tech so I am gonna have to have the hubs check this out for me :) Thanks for sharing such great info, I had no idea :) You rock girlie!!!!
Lisa :)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade
Okay, can you explain something to me, maybe?!? I'm not able to follow blogs using the "follow" button anymore either. I emailed Blogger about it and never heard back. So, now I click on "Join this site with Google Friend Connect" which is usually on the right hand sidebar on most blogs. That works. Do you try that and it doesn't work either? What exactly is "Google Friend Connect"? I don't even know how to use "Google Reader" do you actually read blogs there?
Yeah, so you don't actually have to take the time to answer my plethora of questions...just know that I'm wondering about these crazy things...HA!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Holly...that's what they are saying is going to be deleted...the Google Friend Connect...I've heard it's for non-blogspot blogs, but I have no idea.
When you go onto google reader, you will see a list of all your unread blog updates, and then just click on All Items, and then they'll show up in the window.
I can't see half my blogs in blogger dashboard, so that's how I have to do it. And I subscribe to the blogs in there too - just copy and past the blog link into the box that says "subscribe."
I dont understand anything about that!!! if you figure it out, let me know!!!
Ms. Rachel’s Room
ok, while you are in Google reader, you can add a subscribe button to your toolbar. then when you are on a new blog, you click the subscribe in your toolbar, and then it says "you are not currently receiving feeds from this subscribe to ...."
It's all gravy baby! We got this:)
Thanks for sharing the doctor reader's theater units. LOVE! I will have to use these next Friday.
I wish I could help with the tech question... but I can't even figure out how to post a comment on some blogs that say Post Axom. ?? I have SO much to learn.
Have a great Friday!
ooooooooooh! Thanks for the Reader's Theater!
So funny that you posted the comment tutorial again :) I sent over a few of my followers your way just this week to check it out and fix their comments :)
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
LOOOOVe your reader's theater!! Thanks so much for sharing it!
The First Grade Dream
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