February Holidays and Bloom's Taxonomy Rainbow

February "Holidays"

So, I"m going back to work in just a little over 2 weeks. Right after V-day (It's one of the holiday I actually despise, so I'll let my sub have fun with it! ha!)

I know.

It's bittersweet, really. 

And not the chocolate kind of bittersweet.....

I LOVE my job (and you guys are making me love it even more! It's so great to be "surrounded" by people who love their job, even when you don't! lol).

AND I LOVE being with my little girls - 95% of the time, anyway!! lol!!

But, I'm excited to go back. I'm a creature of routine. And teaching is a big part of who I am. PLUS, I know that my girls are in good hands. Their daddy (the hubs) watches them most of the time, and when he works, I have a FABulous friend who has an in home daycare who watches them.  

The only thing I'm NOT looking forward to when I go back to work?? Well, besides paperwork and RTI and PGPs?? Pumping  in a closet. Sigh....BUT it's for the GOOD of my baby girl, so I WILL do it!


And probably my lack of blogging....and worse - blog stalking!! Will I have the time?! Hmmm.....we will see. What will I do without my daily dose of pouring out my life onto here?? Or reading about all y'alls fab ideas!? 

ANYWAY, I thought I'd look into what holidays I can plan around when I go back. Now, I know there's Groundhog Day, and Super Bowl, and Valentine's Day, and President's Day. But I also like to make my thematic-plans around not-so-traditional holidays.....

PLUS, this is a GREAT time for y'all to insert your shameless plugs!!! If you have a TpT product or a post that you can share the link to in the comments section, please do! I would LOVE to check them out! As I'm sure others would too. :)  I wish I could do a linky - but I don't belong to that site thingy...you have like pay for a membership, right??? yeah...don't wanna pay. If I'm wrong, let me know!

Anyway, here are the "holidays" for February. I left out the usual-suspects though.

Feb 4 - Thank a Mailman Day - do some letter writing!
Feb 5 - National Weatherman Day - do some weather map activities 
Feb 7 - Send a card to a friend (works in conjunction with thank a mailman day)
feb 11 - Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day (idioms!)
Feb 13 - Get a different name day
Feb 15 - National Gumdrop Day
Feb 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day
Feb 18 - Battery Day (the lightbulb and battery circuit activity?)
Feb 20 - National Cherry Pie Day! yum!!
Feb 26 - National Carnival Day ( I KNOW some of you have some cute activities with      
             this theme!! Care to share the link to them??)
Feb 26 - Fairy Tale Day - and I KNOW I've seen some of ya'lls fairy tale packs - share  
             the link!! I need to plan :)
Feb 28 - Tooth Fairy Day
feb 29 - Leap Year!!


Bloom's Taxonomy Rainbow

This activity is something I do with my kids everyday after I do my chapter book read aloud. I got this idea from MY intern teacher 10 years ago, and it's something I will do for the rest of my teaching life. The kids love it!

It uses the different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. 

Copy off the posters on the colors of the rainbow, ROYGBV, in order with the red being the first, which is knowledge and V being evaluation.

I laminated them and put them on the board.

After each day of reading for 10-20 minutes out loud, I pull a stick, which is how I randomly call on someone, that was on the floor listening. They close their eyes and pick ONE skittle – whatever skittle they pick is the color they get a question from (they don’t understand that the levels get more difficult)… If they get the answer right or at least attempt to give a good answer, they get to have one more skittle of their choice. I don’t use M&Ms because I would eat them all! HA!!

Seriously. TWO Skittles and you'd think it was like GOLD to them! lol

You will have to get two different bags of skittles, the regular kind, and a bag that has the blue color, since the regular bag of skittles does not have all the colors of the rainbow.

Hope you find this useful!

Click the pic to download to go to my NEW TpT store to download!!!  :)

Don't forget to leave some lovin' - and I guess you could follow me too, if you really wanted to. :)

Happy Teaching!


Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I am LOVING the Rainbow Taxonomy Questions! Such a creative and fun way to answer questions! :)

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

Kelley Cirrito said...

I love the blooms activity!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!! I can't wait to use this in my room. I bet it is bittersweet having to go back to school. We just had a 3rd grade teacher come back and it's been hard on her. I bet your kids miss you a bunch!!!

Holly said...

What a neat idea...yummy too. Being a candy-freak, I'd have to do veggies or something.

It'll take some adjusting, but you'll find your groove fast. Enjoy these next couple of weeks...

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Jessica Laurine said...

This is terrific! We use Bloom's and this is a perfect way to make sure my questioning reflects the levels.

Enjoy your last two weeks with your babes!

The Littlest Scholars

Mrs Ward said...

This is a great idea. Thank you for sharing. I would eat all the M&M's too... :)
Mrs. Ward's Teaching Journal

Traci Clausen said...

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this. I was going to post something about bloom's taxonomy today! Totally awesome. THANKS!
Dragonflies in First

Jana said...

Love the Bloom's Rainbow idea! I am sharing that with my teacher's tomorrow. We have been working questioning in our teacher meetings. They will love this. Thanks for sharing!

Thinking Out Loud

Brenda Aimone said...

That is probably the most amazing and beyond beneficial item that I've found! Thank you so much for making something so necessary so user friendly and fun! Thank you!!!!

Kristin said...

Rainbow Taxonomy is BRILLIANT. I love it!
And I hope you'll still be able to post every day once you go back!!!! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Barbara L said...

Well that's a VERY cool idea, Jen. Thanks!
Grade ONEderful

Emily said...

Love, love, love it! I might have to break down and do m&m's. I had a traumatic choking incident with skittles in middle school. =)

Second Grade Silliness 

Freckleteacher said...

Wow! What a great way to be sure to get questioning and higher level thinking skills in to the day. Kids would not allow you to forget to do the Rainbow Taxonomy if there was candy involved! I teach kindergarten, so I am not sure about some of the higher level questions, but I think this is genius and I want to try it. What do you think I could do to make it fit in Kindergarten?
Also, good luck with going back to teaching. I feel for you, as I went back after both of my kids were born and I pumped in my mini-van with curtains closed! I felt better about leaving them because I least they got my milk! What a challenge though, but worth it!
You can do it...but give yourself time to adjust (and cry). Thank goodness a teacher has many great days off to be with family!
Thanks again!

Lisa said...

I am sooooooo borrowing that!!! Too precious!

Thanks for sharing!

Live Laugh and Love to Learn

Jessica said...

This is fantastic idea! What an easy way to use it. And food is always a bonus...
Enjoy your weeks with your girls.

Apples and Papers

Jody Lynne said...

Wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing! Best wishes on your return =) Jody

Sarah said...

love the blooms! New follower :)


Tessa said...

I love this! Thank you!

And you don't have to pay to do a linky. I used InLinkz for my first one and didn't have to pay. There are features that require that subscription but it seemed to work fine for me. I'm not about to pay for that either!

Tales From Outside the Classroom

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