Yay! Farley is doing her monthly currently!
I was hoping she was going to do this, but I wasn't going to bug her about it during her giveaway...but THANK YOU to those of you who did! ha! No seriously...thank you :)
If you didn't know...she does this every month and it's so fun! And you can see new blogs out there :)
So...here's my "currently"...
I know it says just one blog, but how about one teaching and one NON-teaching?? lol...That's a rule-BENDER, not breaker, right???
My List of Teaching Blogs that I'm currently stalking is pretty big, but here is one that I want to give a shout out to because she finally has her button that you can go grab!!
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yay! she has a button now! |
(I had like FIVE other buttons RIGHT HERE, but I realized I had to go remove them because one was already listed, and then I realized I could only list 1.... and I didn't want to get snickered at...as being the FIRST rule breaker according to Farley's rules...especially since it was FARLEY who listed her! haha! Sorry, Reagan (and my other girls I had to delete: Jennifer W., Mrs. Squirrels [hehe], and Barbara, ). oh wait...does that count as listing them??? lol)
There are SO many more that I check into daily..but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head...with a 2-year old now climbing all over me and my chair trying to put something on top of my head..lol!
Go on over to Farley's {POST} to grab the template, read the "rules" and link up!! (p.s...I didn't actually READ the rules the first time, I just skimmed them, which is why I had to remove a lot of my blogs I stalk. lol. I don't follow directions very well...I'm one of those do it first and then if it's not working, I read the directions - ha!!)
She also mentions the un-official Linky party that Reagan did on the Top 10 Reasons You Know It's Christmas (she set it up to link up!). I already did mine...HERE, although Farley just provided a CUTE template if you want to use that for it. :)
Ok, y'all..that was fun!! Hope to see you there!
Awww, thanks! :) Can't wait to "meet" your baby girl either!!!!!
We converted our natural fireplace (I know - how could we - but gas is SO much easier) and gave the whole deal a facelift for our 10th wedding annivesary. Use it EVERY day in the winter. (Of course we live in MI not FL!!!!)
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Thanks so much for posting about my blog previously and the activity/story you saw on my blog! You are super sweet!
Hey! Thanks for the shout out:) I'm going to link up tomorrow. I like this party too and was wondering where it went.
Grade ONEderful
Girl I just love my secret code shout out! I heart you like a kid hearts christmas morning. I am a little worried you will be too busy after the baby to stalk. That would be a little tragic. But I guess I can possibly understand you being slightly sidetracked.
I sure hope you get a massage!!!! I'm with you... just sacrifice a few your to-do items!
First Grade Delight
I can't wait for y'all to meet your baby girl. Then, go get that deep tissue massage!
I had a feeling that you meant Not against the rules! :) I WISH you could meet up too!!!
I feel like I am always sacrificing things on my to-do list!!! Which makes me wonder what I'm actually doing if my to-do list isn't getting done.... haha!!
Marvelous Multiagers!
Hi Jen:
I am so honored you left a comment on my blog!
Thanks for the joy!
Glad your baby girl is almost here--loved the 3D Grinch comment and picture!
You deserve that massage...
Well, darn!
I linked you instead of me!
Does that indicate that my brains are oatmeal after all of the craziness?!
Jen, I can't wait to meet your baby girl too! You better post pictures from the hospital!!! Any name ideas yet?
❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
A Teacher's Treasure
Jen, I got your message about my addition post. I will look and see if I have them still on my school computer tomorrow. Leave your email on a message and I will try and send you the activities tomorrow. :)
I have an award for you over at my blog! :)
I read your how-to for November, but can't figure out how to capture image on my computer! I know we don't have to use the template but I would like to because it's SOOO cute!! Please help!! Thanks!! :):)
chelsea - I sent you more specific directions on your blog...let me know if you need more help!!
Kim...it's ok - ha! our brains are SERIOUSLY fried! ha!
i think I get to snicker at you... but I love your list so I will downgrade it to a giggle!!!
thanks for joining in!!!
Hey! I'm your newest follower! Glad I found your blog via Farley. Can't wait to keep reading more! :)
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