I'm taking the plunge....
My last linky did fairly well - and I got some GREAT ideas for word wall activities :) Now that I FINALLY know that I'm going to be keeping my class, I can move forth and conquer the word wall.
if you want to, you can still link up!
back to this linky.
Guided Reading.
This is one of my favorite things to teach.
(When I actually get to DO IT instead of test during that time...STILL give the FAIR test...and we've been in school now for 25 days - I'd like to start small groups, please! bleh!)
(When I actually get to DO IT instead of test during that time...STILL give the FAIR test...and we've been in school now for 25 days - I'd like to start small groups, please! bleh!)
BUT, it's also the BANE of my existence.
I have been teaching now for TEN years.
I have been to COUNTLESS in-services and workshops, went through and certified National Boards, earned my Master's degree IN Elementary Reading...
but yet, I just can't seem to find that "perfect fit" for guided reading.
Everything else is so nicely organized and I know what I'm doing - although I change it up quite a bit these days...thanks to blogging. lol
I have a few different guided reading PLANNERS to share with you....
(click on ANY of these pictures to download whichever ones you would like)
In all of these different types of planners, I see EVERY group EVERY day. Fridays aren't on there, because that's when I do their personal words for their spelling test, and I call 5-6 kids to the back table to do those.
I also alternate groups...like high 1, low 1, high 2, low 2 because my 2 high groups are working in the same book, and my 2 low groups are sharing the same book (the reading series only gives you six, right?). This year would be hard to do that because I only have 3 kids that are on grade level....so I'm going to have to figure out how to do that....BUT...aside from the reading series' level readers, one of my FAVORITE things to use in small groups for readers is Reading A-Z.
Just take a look at ALLLLLL these leveled books!!! And they have decodable books, poetry, literature circle books, series books, benchmark books....TONS of phonics and vocabulary...and EVERY book comes with lesson plans.
You do have to have a membership to download the books and lessons, but I LOVE it!!

Just take a look at ALLLLLL these leveled books!!! And they have decodable books, poetry, literature circle books, series books, benchmark books....TONS of phonics and vocabulary...and EVERY book comes with lesson plans.
You do have to have a membership to download the books and lessons, but I LOVE it!!
Ok...back to the Guided Reading Planners
This one is from 2008-2009
This one is from 2008-2009
Do NOT....
I repeat.
Do NOT laugh at my plans - they are NOT pretty. They were pre-blogging. I mean, gosh, they are even done in...
(The HORROR!!)
This one is basically the same thing, but different things were added/changed to the days...
it's from 2011-2012

Then, there's THIS one...
it's actually one of my favorites.
Still four groups. BUT, this was right after I took a Title I workshop - and I LOVED the way she had it set up....but it never really felt like it "fit" me.

So those are the planners I've had for my guided reading groups....I have finally figured out what I want.... after years of trying!
It really stressed me out, actually. haha!
What makes it even worse?? NOW, I don't teach from the reading series, so I don't use the leveled readers they send you (I really liked the scott foresman series, but not so much this treasure series...)
Can you show me yours?!!?
Now, here are some things that I had created after going to another Title I workshop....
p.s. - our district used to have some PHENOMINAL Title I workshops that were offered.
I went to SO MANY!!!
They really did make me the teacher I am today...
well, make me the teacher I was up to a year ago - then blogging added to the reason I am the teacher I am today- awwww....
But now, with all the budget cuts, they can't offer those wonderful workshops anymore...
That's so sad. SO many teachers could benefit from them - I LOVED THEM!
Here are some pamphlets that I created to use with my small group readers - we would do a section or two each day that we met...my higher ones would do as like a literature circle with the leveled readers together on their own, so I could spend more time with my lower groups.
Again - PLEASE pay no mind to my lack of "cuteness" that are the pamphlets...lol...WAY before creating and buying clipart.
(when you copy off these pamphlets, do them back to back and they will fold in half like a little book)
This one is for fiction - and it's sequencing with prediction and author's purpose.
Here is another fiction pamphlet - but this one is story structure with prediction, lesson or moral, and evaluation.
These next two pamphlets are for non-fiction.
The activate your schema section on the first page is where they create a circle map (for all you Thinking Map people) and write everything they already know about that concept.
This one is for sequencing....
and this one is for Main Idea/details....
So CLEARLY, you can see that I need help - ha!
I just can't seem to wrap my head around HOW to get it set up so that it's simple, easy, functional, etc...
I think I'm making it too hard for myself.
I will say that I haven't used my pamphlets in a few years. This past year, I did a lot of...
"ok - what do I REALLY need to work on with this group" as opposed to ...
"ok - what skills are they going to be tested on, on Friday?"
And my kids this year are SO low, that I need start back further...
One of my favorite things to do with my groups is Sound Mapping

which, I posted about HERE...
So go ahead....
Show-Off your Guided Reading Planner and favorite activities/lessons to do.
This coming week, I am going to be doing posts about all the things I do in my guided reading. Feel free to do the same - and LINK UP!!!!
Don't leave me hangin'
That would NOT be cool!
Graphics by Melonheadz and MareeTruelove
Seriously. Grab the button and link up!
And so we know what to post all week long....
(Thank you, Mandy, for the cute button!)
Leave comments below telling us what you would like to see from all of us!!

I have always struggle with Guided Reading. I plan on trying to rock it out this year. I talked my principal into buying me a subscription to Reading A-Z so it will be much easier for me this year! I can't wait to see everyone's ideas! I love your ideas as always! :)
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
I am in the same boat!! I have been so interested in the last few years, but can't figure out what the heck I am doing!! I'll be watching the linky to get some good ideas.
Love this linky - I am training my teachers THIS FRIDAY on guided reading in the upper grades - HOW PERFECT! Definitely sharing. Anyway, my planner is mostly about the reader's workshop components. I do have a pretty spiffy (a couple versions, actually) guided reading lesson plan. One day fits on one page. But I didn't create them, so I'm not sure I can share them - boo. But I WILL share the things that I created myself for my teachers. I'll post about the training ASAP. Thank you!
Buzzing with Ms. B
I love Reading A-Z. I made my Curriculum Coordinator get me a subscription:) I have always done Guided Reading Groups, but I don't have anything formal:P I tend not to follow it. But I will share my simple stuff sometime this week. Thanks for all of your great ideas!
Surfin' Through Second
I am excited to link up with you this week! I am looking forward to sharing some ideas & getting some fresh new ideas for guided reading, as well! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Thank you for all of these amazing resources. I'm always looking for new great ideas!
Stories from Room 114
I love me so guided reading! I can't wait to link up and get some new ideas about guided reading. I am at a Title 1 school too and have trainings all.the.time! Here is a sample of the plan I use to plan guided reading. It uses the 5 domains of reading.
Twins, Teaching and Tacos.
I will do my very best to link up - what a WONDERFUL topic!! Sooo much to learn from each other!!
My Thirty One giveaway is going through tomorrow night. Would be thrilled if you stopped by...in your spare time (ha!). :-)
Growing Firsties
I was so happy to link up to your blog today! Thanks for the wonderful ideas and giving us a chance to SHARE our own ideas :) :)
Hi there! Thanks for starting this linky! GR is one of my favorite parts of the day now.
Your newest follower,
Ms. H. :)
Live, Love, Laugh in 2nd Grade
Thank you for this linky, Jen! I'm on my way over to purchase a Reading A-Z subscription, and created a new GR planning sheet for my groups. I feel ready to tackle quarter 2! Thanks for the kick in the pants - ha! :)
Teaching With Style
Awesome! Can't wait to see you GR planning sheet!
Love these reading response pamphlets! I will definitely be using them. Thank you!!
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