Tonight was Open House...
Sorry, I didn't take pictures of the room - crazy since I was simultaneously getting ready for my sub tomorrow...
they're sending me to training...
fun fun!
Normally, I do this BIG presentation where I have parents come in at a certain time and I talk about everything at once.
But since "what I'm doing" is kind of on a stand-by and I couldn't be at Open House during the actual time, I opted for something different this year.
We did a bubble map and wrote clues - things we like, things we do, and what we look like, etc...
Then, they wrote their sloppy copy - and I conferenced with each of them and then they wrote their neat copy.
I had them randomly on desks, and had parents walk around and put post - it notes on the one that they think is their child's paper.
But what's even better about this activity, is the next day.
The students come to the floor and I read all the papers and see if the students can guess who the paper belongs to - it's so fun!!
If you want this paper, click HERE to grab it.
Leave me some lovin' if you grab it :)

The THREE winners for my giveaway are....
#17 - Sarah
#118 - aclark
#38 - Grace
CONGRATS ladies!!
Let me know which item you would like from my TPT store!

What a cute activity for Open House :)
Have fun in training tomorrow. (insert either a snarky sigh or a hooray depending on whether or not you are excited about it)
Fun in Room 4B
Yay! I WON!!!! I would love to have the Dr. Seuss Literacy and Math Centers pack!
We are so setting this out before our Back to School Day (like your Open House) to thwart those parents who show up early to 'chat' before the presentation!
Thanks, Jen!
Oh my gosh-I'm so excited to have won!! I was hard to pick because they all look so good, but I picked the "It's Beach Time-Math and Literacy Centers" Thanks so much!
AUGH!!! We just had Open House last night, I would have loved this...I'm saving it for next year!!
Thank you for sharing this at TBA and linking up!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith’s Pinterest Boards!
I love your Who Am I? Thanks for sharing it!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
I love your Who Am I? Thanks for sharing it!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Forgot to tell you...this was a great way to get the parents out of my room and into the hall (where the papers were hanging) at the end of the presentation. I provided them snazzy post-its to make their guess and made a display title that matched the font you used. (Is there a name that font game show for teachers?) The next day we graphed the results...three parents were wrong!
PS: Bummer about the spam, because I usually have to refresh several times before finding a capcha I can actually read!
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