can we say TIRED!??!!
That's what I was yesterday.
I got up at 3:30...
let me repeat that...
I got up at 3:30 to take my mom to the airport before I went to work...
holy cow.
I was tired.
I came home from work - lasted about an hour and a half and then went to bed.
I was asleep by 6:00.
Thank you hubs for being "on duty" some more so I could sleep.
(do you like their dresses that my momma made them!?)
So, yes, I had to say good bye to my momma.
It's always so hard to leave her at the airport....but NOW, A gets what's going on and SHE started crying...which made it even HARDER for me.
Gosh, I hate that my parents don't live here...
I digress....
I was actually just dropping by to remind you that today is the LAST DAY for my celebration giveaway!!
And the last day for my sale!
So pop on over to my giveaway post and enter. I'll pick the winners first thing in the morning when I wake up.

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