So, there's a saying that apparently is all about controversy.......
I've always said....
"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit."
It works.
My kids get it...
I think it was Erica (who is from NY) said that she didn't know get and fit rhymed with each
She says it like this...
"You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Ok...that rhymes too, I GUESS....hehe
How do YOU say it??
I want to see which one is more popular. haha!
THIS is what's wrong with teaching phonics...
Accents and dialect.
NO WONDER kids have a hard time sounding out and spelling when it comes to certain get your southern version of the the pic below.
(don't forget to leave a comment :) I PUFFY hear them!)
See??? Even Nikki says it the way "we" do...haha!!

I'd never heard this saying before I became a part of the blogging it a US thing? I LOVE it though!! I'm Aussie :)
Coffee, Kids and Compulsive Lists
I say you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit. I've been saying the don't get upset as properly as possible and I still can't make it work. I guess my southern accent keeps getting in the way. Love the poster.
Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten
Well, here in SC, get does NOT rhyme in any way, shape, or form with upset. So, in my classroom, we don't throw a fit. Love the poster!
I live where you live and I've never heard of get and fit rhyming. It's always been "You get what you get and don't get upset." But, I do love that poster. Unfortunately, when I click on it, it says not found. Wahhhhh! Thanks for sharing, though!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
Well, in South's get and fit, y'all.
Love it!
Fun in Room 4B
I have always used the get and fit sentence and I'm from Kansas.
Definitely fit but now I say You get what you get and you appreciate it!
I love this saying!! I use it with my students & my daughter all of the time. :) Thank you!!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Miss Nelson, I'm definitely using your version now. I like to teach appreciation (even for things you don't necessarily like).
I say this all the time!!!! I love your poster :) Is it available somewhere to get? I totally want it! haha. I tried clicking on it but it didn't take me anywhere.
Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans
Ooooooh I love Miss Nelson's version best! I am a California girl and I say it like Erica. I am switching to the new version from Miss Nelson come fall. I love it!
I have always heard it this way! You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!
Just diving In
I say it you get what you get and don't throw a fit. I am confused how get rhymes with upset???
I say it like you do...thanks so much for the poster! I'm printing one of for school AND home! :)
Mrs. Prince & co.
I started with the don't throw a fit. Then I heard don't get upset. Now I kind of like the positive spin - you appreciate it.
Stories by Storie
I moved from NY to Colorado 4 years ago and the Kinder teacher at my school said get and fit. I just liked the saying and started using it. I never thought get and fit really rhymed but the whole saying seemed to flow very nicely none the less and I say it all the time. I would have to agree with Erica though that for me get and upset are the rhymers but I will still stick to the "southern" version because it's the one I've always used. I do like Miss Nelson's version though too -- positive talk!
❤- Stephanie
Falling Into First
I say this as well, but I can't get the poster to download either.
Thanks :)
Haha! I'm in Chicago, definitely not the south... but "get" and "fit" rhyme here, too.
And speaking of teaching phonics - little story. When I was teaching the /wh/ sound, my reading program wanted me to teach that it sounds like /hw/... like h-why and h-where, if that makes sense... maybe somewhere in the US someone says the H sound first but we definitely don't!
Marvelous Multiagers!
I am from MI, but live in GA. So I say throw a fit too. I like Miss Nelson's version with I appreciate it too.
Hip, Hop Hurray! Tales of the Reading Rascals
In my room I said it once and for the rest of the year the kids were finishing my sentence due to the rhyming: "You get what you get and you don't get upset." In Miami (though very south) we don't have lovely accents and drawls (though I <3 them).
Love the picture!! And yes even in Michigan (and I have lived here my whole life) get and fit rhyme.
Apples and Papers
I say "You got what you git and you don't throw a fit!" (phonetically).
LOVE the poster, but when I click on it I get a 404 error. :(
"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" I love your sign, but sadly it won't let me download it.
I've always heard it as 'throw a fit'. Even my students say that in class when a student is struggling! It's super cute! This whole 'upset' saying is super new to me... and although it technically is the one that rhymes... it just sounds wrong to me!! Fit just... well.. fits!!! :)
Reaching for the TOP!
You get what you get and you don't throw a fit! Who pronounces "get" and "upset" like they rhyme??? Ha ha ha! That would be extremely good pronounciation for me. I tend to talk too fast to have that happen so get and fit rhyme perfectly for me! :)
I LOVE this saying! In Virginia, or at least in Central VA, we say "You get what you get...." and the kids always finish, "and you don't throw a fit!"
Makes life easier! I think the K teachers start it (maybe PreK for some)....and trust me, the rest of us use it as the years go by!
To start another debate, are "pool" and "pull" homophones? That's one my husband and I debate over! :)
Adventures in Second Grade
i have always used "don't throw a fit" but this year saw Donna Glynn's "appreciate it" poster and loved! I'm using it this year. Either way get/fit or get/it rhyme in Mississippi! My kiddos would pretend to be British if we said get/upset. I might, too!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
Oh wow-- I'm really in the minority here!
Get and fit don't rhyme for me! At all! I would use "You get what you get, and you don't get upset!" I don't use it too much in school though, I mostly used it when I worked at a summer camp as an art teacher! =)
Third Grade in the First State
:) I've talked about this too. My class goes for an onomonopia -"You get what you get, and be glad what you got" BUT the grammar gives my heebee geebees as much as fit and get NOT rhyming.
I've only heard that saying with "get" (pronounced git) and "fit". Since I'm from Texas, I can't seem to make "get" rhyme with "upset", though I know it should!
Swersty’s Swap Shop
Such converstion for such a cute saying! I used upset living in south Florida, and when I moved out to the country in central FL they say pitch a fit...
BUT, I love Miss Nelson's positive spin the BEST!
The Resourceful Apple
Haha! It rhymes in Missouri! :) Cute poster!
That's so funny! I never thought about "get" and "fit" not definitely rhymes in Texas! You're right...poor kids, how confusing! Thanks for the poster!
Teachin' Little Texans
Sorry to double comment but I couldn't download it either? :(
I think the "don't get upset" comes from Pinkalicious. I am pretty sure that's what it says in the book. Love the poster!
Get and Fit rhyme in this house probably every other house in town!
☞Go NuTTY with ME!
I am from South Florida and I say "You get what you get and you don't get upset." I don't see it as rhyming so much as having a melody to it.
I'm a Michigan girl - in normal everyday language I say "get" with a short 'e' sound {not like a short 'i'} but when I say this little rhyme I make the 'e' in "get" sound like a short 'i'...
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
This is such a funny topic! I'm from New Hampshire where set and upset do rhyme so that's the saying we use. I think my favorite would be, "you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.". That would SO have my kids confused as most of them don't know what a fit is and when we think of pitching up here in the north, it's all about baseball (Go Sox) lol. I think it is so stinkin' though!
I say "you don't throw a FIT" but it does NOT rhyme LOL....short e and short i are two different sounds!
I wish I could convert to "pitch a fit" ... but the other is too set in my head.
Yep, you're right!! (the way you say it) I couldn't bring up the poster, though. Can you help? It doesn't work to click on it. Thanks.
ahh!!! I'm so sorry should be fixed now!!
But I am LOVING all your comments one what you use!!! These are so much fun to read!!
I usually say "you get what you get and don't mind a bit" but I've had students correct me to the "don't throw a fit" :)
Im a southern girl and we say you get what you get and you don't throw a fit :-) It rhymes because we say "git" instead of get lol I love our southern accents!!
In Mississippi we say, "You 'git' what you 'git', and you don't throw a fit." So it does rhyme with our accent. We have to really stress those phonics when we are teaching them correctly.
Lovin' the poster! Super cute! I'm your newest follower. Stop by for a visit at Totally Terrific in Texas
:) Colleen
I'm from the South and get and fit totally rhyme!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Get definitely rhymes with fit here in SW MO. I think several of my kiddos even spell get, "git". Thank you for the freebie, it is so cute!
Get and Fit rhyme in this house probably every other house in town! Staci ☞Go NuTTY with ME!
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