More on planning for next year....
Last year, my friend and I came up with a brilliant plan to make business cards for our "parents," or whoever our kids live with...
Last year, my friend and I came up with a brilliant plan to make business cards for our "parents," or whoever our kids live with...
Not only did we make the business cards, but we put them on MAGNETS!
Like these -

Now, a lot of people might have those stainless steel refrigerators, but they have sides, right?? Or maybe there's a filing cabinet in the house?? Or maybe they have a dry erase calendar in their house??
These are the ones I came up with....
Remember, my theme is pirate next year, and the tiger is because we're the Turner Tigers...
I think I'm leaning towards B, what do you think?
I don't know how I could share this with you...I can't save it as PDF with editable fields (I don't have that super cool Adobe Pro) and I can't share the template with the clip art on it...AND I did it in Publisher and some people don't have publisher, so I don't know how...I guess if you have Publisher, give me your email and I can send you a template with out clipart.
BUT, you at least have the idea, right?

Thanks for the fabulous idea! I love this! I'm going to have to use this with my class in August.
I've been doing this for a while and love it. Definitely B! It looks like the bird is Vanna White-ing your info lol.
Strive to Sparkle
I used to do this years ago! Thanks for the reminder. I love that you are already "on it"!
I like choice B :)
Fun in Room 4B
I think I like b too :)
I did this a few years ago too- thanks for the reminder!
Every New Beginning
I like 'B' too.
Great idea! I vote B!
I had mine made on Vista print and put it in all my students beginning of the year folder last year. Now that I know how to make everything on power point, I can make my own!! haven't thought about that until I say your post! Great idea!
2nd Grade Pig Pen
These are super cute! I think my favorite it C.
I like B! Super cool. Love your site. Come check us out at Stephanie
This is exactly what I want to give out at my Meet the Teacher in August!! I've used Vistaprint before to make magnets similar to these. They usually run a special where all you have to pay is the shipping cost (around $3) for 25 magnets. Love this idea! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
I have used this idea for years now and I love it and so do the parents!
Oh my gosh B B B B BBBBBBB! That is absolutely adorable! What a great idea! :)
Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class
I always did the same thing.....great minds think alike!! I love how yours came out and the look-alike graphic...hehehe
You crack me up!! I can help you with creating a template if you would like...I do have the Adobe Acrobat program thingy...hehehe
The 3AM Teacher
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I did this last year for my students and families too! Great minds of course think alike!!
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