Hi guys!!!
Sorry, I've been MIA for a while...been super busy!!!
I've been hittin' the beach because it's FINALLY sunny in the mornings..with our after noon showers...
JUST the way I like it!!
I've been going to boot camp every morning at 5:30 - ok, not every morning, hub's schedule doesn't let me go EVERY morning...

That's me, front and center in the white tank top! haha!
These were walking Sumo Squats - oh yeah, baby!
You may think I'm crazy....BUT I just took my measurements after a week (I've been doing it a little longer, but I only got smart about recording progress a week ago), and I've already lost FIVE inches!!! That's a combined total from different areas, but STILL....yes...I think I'll keep going back.
AND, I did THIS the other night...

Yep! That's ME! At the roller skating rink.
You know you're jealous.
This mama's got some SKILLZ! lol...so funny....
And I've been super lucky!! Apparently, I have a personal chef now...

Hehe - A was making me some eggs for my egg burrito - YUM!
She LOVES to cook - it's almost annoying because she won't get out of my way...lol
And then, I've been spending some Q.T. with this sweet little witch...

hehe - she just makes me SMILLLLLLLEEE! :)
AND - since we're on a roll with crossing things out on my summer-to-do list, the hubs and I decided to REDO one of our bathrooms...My goal was to just PAINT the two bathrooms...but he's got all kinds of plans...so tomorrow, we start on one of them :)
Don't worry - you KNOW you'll see pictures...but I'm SUPER excited about it!!
Oh, and I'm SUPER behind on my google reader again...because I've been engrossed in THIS in all my spare time...

I'm halfway through the 2 book...oh geez...lol.
AND, I had a SUPER sweet "customer" who LOVED my beach themed centers, and she bought my classroom set and has asked if I was going to be doing the Fry Words, Fry Phrases and A.R. packs in the beach theme too???
Wellllll....since I'm leaning more and more to do the beach theme (instead of the pirate theme like I THOUGHT I was going to do), I've been working on those too...
So far, I have the Fry Phrases (the first 600 phrases)
The Fry Words (the first 300)
Beach Theme Classroom (131 pages - yowza!)
And to go with my literacy and math centers....which I can use in both the Beginning of Year AND End of Year because they're so differentiated.
AND I'm so excited to partake in this giveaway!!

Christina was one of the FIRST blogs I ever found and started following...I didn't even really know what a blog was at the time, actually...but I liked her, so I subscribed to her emails...who would've known that I would have ended up "helping her celebrate her bloggy birthday!"
So go enter! TONS of goodies for you to win!!
(hehe - I think I'm going to say that each time I "sign off" - hehe)

Sounds like you are doing awesome with that boot camp. I need to do that to shed the pounds! I have been dying to jump on this 50 Shades of Grey bandwagon...I went to go buy it today at Target and they were out. Boo! I'll just have to order it off of Amazon & wait a little longer. Enjoy those beach mornings!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Hey Jen!! You are goofy!! I LOVE your roller skating pic...YOU GO GIRL....Maybe we should have a "picture-off" and show off mad roller-skating skills...hahahaha!!
The 3AM Teacher
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Will it ruin my cover if I'm giggling about your sign off? Just finished the first one and I'm going to the store (in disguise) tomorrow to buy the next book. Yes, we missed you. I should really go to boot camp too.
Funky First Grade Fun
Lol! Yes, that series can be addicting. All my girlfriends are still talking about it lol.
And of course we missed you. Well I know I did, but I'm speaking for everyone else with the 'we'. Cuz I'm sure they missed you too.
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Hello! I found your blog on Mrs. Bainbridge's giveaway post! I love your photos from the Florida teacher blog meet-up! I think maybe we should hold the Ohio meet-up in Florida, too! :)
PS: I have a brand new teacher blog if you'd like to stop by!
EduKate and Inspire
A) I need your motivation to get up at 5am. Congrats on the inches lost!
B) Your kids are ADORABLE!!!
C) I'm halfway through book 2 of 50 Shades too... OMG. Love it. HaHa. It's funny because as the school year was ending almost EVERY female teacher at my school (including the boss lady principal) was reading it and talking about it in code :)
Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans
Oh my - can't wait to see what you think of the ending.
A teacher friend of mine was in the office with me - we were all chatting. She walked out and I said "Laters, baby" and several teachers who were engrossed in their conversation just stopped...dead in their tracks and started cracking up. The teacher had NO idea what the ruckus was about...
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
So great!!!
Love the boot camp and the roller skating! Wow!
Laters! :) :) :) I just finished the third.
Of course we missed you!
I can't believe you put in all that work and you are going to change your theme!!!?!?!?
I think you just can't be "finished" with something...I feel ya- I'm the same way:)
A and B should work together and they could "zap" up a yummy meal:)
☞Go NuTTY with ME!
I need to channel some of your boot camp motivational skills!! Get it girl! 50 Shades is sucking all my time up too. I feel better about it knowing I'm one of many :)
❤- Stephanie
Falling Into First
I am on the 3rd book!! I think each one gets better.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE bootcamp! Well... maybe it's more of a love/hate. I HATE it during the workout.. especially when I am on the verge of dieing, but I LOVE the results! I actually just signed up for July. Cannot wait to get started! :)
Ms. Wilkie's Second Grade Class
Haha! You inspired me this morning! I was just about to make a Hardees run for a biscuit when I read about your 5 inches. So I guess I'll work out and have a smoothie instead.
Strive to Sparkle
This "SUPER sweet customer" loves all the goodies that you are making for her. Off to get the Fry Phrases. Thanks a bunch.
You are rocking the boot camp!
Fifty Shades of Grey is on my TBR list-of which there are more books than I will ever be able to read in this lifetime. :)
I just finished the last book. I miss Christian and Ana already!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
I was totally expecting to not like that book... well- after getting the first one, I was up until 1:30 reading it. Made school fun the next day!
I wish I was motivated enough for boot camp! My goal for the summer :)
Every New Beginning
you have been busy! WOW! I feel lazy after reading all of that!!
Think, Wonder, & Teach
I'm envious of your beach time. I live on the West Coast beside the beach, but it's still very very cool here!
Take care!
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
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