Updates, Currently, and Ode to Reagan

(lol - you'll see why it's an Ode to Reagan)

Did I forget to show y'all the 2 month picture?!?!
Yep...baby girl B is 2 months old...

and don't hate - but SHE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!

YES! You read that right! At ONE month old she started sleeping though the night! I KNOW! I can't believe it either! A didn't do that until about 9 months old.

Well, except this morning she woke up around 4 SCREAMING (I think it was bad gas bubbles) and A happened to have been in bed with me (I didn't know since she was on hub's side and he was at work last night...otherwise she'd be back in her bed)....well, since A was in there, she heard B, and then A wakes up and goes " Mommy, I wake up!!" lol...shoot me now. lol.. So we've all been up since 4 am...except they took naps and I didn't! lol
Anyway, lol, here are some updated pics for y'all :)

and here's how much A loves her sissy!

Today was actually B's 2 month well visit - my baby took  her 3 shots like a champ! 23 1/2 inches and 11 lbs, 8 oz.  She sure is growing!

Well, today we FINALLY started our Dr. Seuss theme :)
We watched some Justing Bieber reading Cat in the Hat
(p.s...I don't the he did a very good job compared to what I could do - or maybe Reagan's Librarian! hehe Who, apparently can convert nonbelievers into Seussians! lol)

Then we started in our Dr. Seuss centers...

and some math ones :)

regrouping or not??

You can find all my Dr. Seuss stuff on 

and today was wear red, black and white day....

but take a closer look at my shoes!!

And I just have to show off our quilts so far...I can't wait to do our March one on Friday :) You gotta get this from Reagan!

And here's the next currently!!

haha!! Do you know how hard it is to think of GOOD words that start with R? lol

My family would say that I'm relentless because I have always gotten what I've set out to do - no matter my obstacles....I may stress, vent, cry, and break down - ha! But I get there!!

Need to know how to link up??
(Note - I know NOTHING about Macs, sorry!)
1. Right click and copy
2. Open Power Point (or I use publisher) and insert (or paste) the image.
3. Create text-boxes and type in your answers.
4. Copy all (cntrl A) and paste into Paint
5. Save as a jpeg
6. Upload the image to your blog :)
K, now you can go link up!! well, after you read the last bit of my post...THEN you can! ha!


Ok, I'm currently reading one of my fave books to my kiddos...

Any of you read this?? A GREAT book!!
So, I'm making a little mini-activity set to go along with it...I'm hoping to finish it tonight, but we will see...I'm pretty pooped since I've been up since 4 AM!!! ha!!


Unknown said...

I love your shoes!! I need some! =)

First Grade Blue SKies

Holly said...

Oh my goodness - where did you get those adorable shoes!!?!?

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Kelley Cirrito said...

My kids are loooving your centers! Thanks so much for creating them! Also I can't believe how big she is getting! It seems like just yesterday I was reading that your delivered!!

Miss S. said...

Jen your babies are just too cute! I cannot believe she is sleeping through the night, what an angel!
Lucky you!
I havent heard of this book so I am heading over to Amazon right now to have a closer look, I am curious!
Thanks for the suggestion:)
Have a super day tomorrow:)
Miss S(Jaana)

Miss S. said...

Oh by the way... love your shoes, where did you get them!

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

Cute shoes!

Also, I can't believe B is 2 months already!!!!

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

Melanie Conger said...

Love Goonie Bird Greene! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Cute pics, as always! Thanks for sharing!

First Grade Brain Sprinkles

Kim said...

Your babies are so (THO!) cute!

AND I love those shoes! I'm the next person in line asking where you got them.

HHMmmmm. I sense a "Cute Cat Shoes" post on the horizon...

Hope you get to take a nap. I'm wishing you pleasant dreams...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

Unknown said...

Jen! You are so crazy! I love it so much! It's just hilarious. Ode to me? You must have known what kind of Monday I have had! :)
This is the time of year when your quilt line up will get TONS of attention. It's really developed now! I can't wait to do March too.
Thanks a trillion for your blog love. I will tell librarian she is making the blog circuit too. I have desperately tried to get her into it.

Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

Your girls are so precious! :)
What a fun day in your classroom. I can't wait to try Reagan's monthly quilts next year. :)
Stories From Second

Jodi said...

Sleeping through the night already. You are one lucky momma!!


Miss Squirrels said...

Aww...I remember B's first post.....for real- I do!
They are both just gorgeous!

I love the shoes! I have a pair of Twinkle Toes, I wear them on Fridays with my jeans.....it's fun to be a kid:)

Next, I want red glitter ones, like Dorothy:)

Going Nutty!


Fitbecky said...

I LOVE Goonie Bird Greene! It's such a great book. Your girls pictures look so adorable! The shoes are too cute!!
2nd Grade Rocks!

Unknown said...

Your shoes are adorable!

Your babes are adorable!

Im super jealous of your Cameo, I cant wait to hear what you think of it!

Ms. Rachel’s Room

Unknown said...

Baby B is getting so big!!! What a precious picture of the two!!! I love Reagan's quilts!! Wish i could use them too!
I LOVE getting packages from Amazon!! {sigh, I need to order my self something so I can enjoy getting a package} The Dr. Seuss centers look fun!!!

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

Barbara L said...

All I can say is, those shoes are AMAZING! Where on earth did you find them?

Grade ONEderful

Jill said...

I agree that the Biebs is NOT a great read-alouder. My girls didn't seem to mind as they were blowing kisses at the screen......

We did our March quilt today and it looks AWESOME!!

Marvelous Multiagers!

Melissa said...

I love Gooney Bird! Did you know there's a couple other books too?

Michelle Tsivgadellis said...

Hey Jen, Your kids are too cute! Your little B has the sweetest little face!
I am sooo amazed by the measuring - Seuss-Style! I don't know how you do it all...SERIOUSLY!!!

get some rest & have a good nights sleep


The 3AM Teacher

Traci Clausen said...

First of all... quit doing jumping jacks, while baking and reading a story to A while you read this. Sit down. Relax. It will be short. :P
Your girls are just too cute!
WHERE did you get those shoes?! I bet the girlies in your class go cookoo over them.
Dragonflies in First

Kristin said...

There is so much here that I have no idea where to start or what to talk about.
Your girls -- beautiful!
Your shoes - so fun!
Your energy - is it contagious?
Your ode to Reagan - I get it.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Hello Mrs Sykes said...

Super cute Currently! The shoes are fantabulously awesome... and I am such a Gooney Bird Greene fan! :)

Hello Mrs Sykes

Erika said...

Aw, I love baby pictures! Where did you get those funky, fun shoes? Love Gooney Bird Greene and can't wait to see what you create. I thought Justin did a shoddy job. I'm no Beiber fan but he seemed more concerned with posing and smiling for the camera. Tebow did much better!

2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings

Tara said...

OHMYWORD!!!! I don't know how I missed this post!! Your babies are soooooooooooo cute and adorable and precious and wow!!!

4th Grade Frolics

Heather's Heart said...

I love everything about this post!

You are an inspiration! I just added you to my blog roll so I can stalk and love on you daily! =)

Heather's Heart

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