November Currently and a Giveaway!

That's what I love about Saturday mornings - Saturday morning cartoons! Until the sun comes up...then it's time to go outside and play! woo!

Yes, COOL weather - like high 60s/low 70s...

BUT, I still get to go to the beach after work
(see yesterday's post for one of my NEW favorite pics!)

Today I'm getting my hair-did...

A little while ago, I took a picture of myself with only the front half of my hair showing...

my hair is actually pretty long - and CURLY!!

and that's why I can't decide if I want to cut it - because when it's short and curly, I actually have to do it everyday...

what do you think???


and a new laptop...

Here's the poll I asked a few friends...

 I am so tired of working on my hub's DINO of a hand-me-down's missing a few keys, it takes 10 years to start hardly opens pages, and creating on it?? forget that!!
i'm going laptop shopping!!
I don't think I'm going Mac...
BUT...what is your favorite laptop???

So - What is YOUR favorite laptop?? Leave a comment!

And I NEED the magic snap!

You know the one...

The Mary Poppins Magic Snap


Everything is put away! 


And my favorite music for the classroom??


Product Details

Don't forget to look at my post from yesterday to see how I updated two of my packs!

and if you already purchased these, make sure you go download again to get the new updated versions!

Also, I'm part of a 500 follower giveaway! Some of my favorite bloggy friends have contributed to her giveaway!

Go check it out! Click the pic!

k - I think I got everything I needed to in this post...ha! 

now go link up with my girl Farley!!

Oh' boy fourth grade


Kim said...

Hi Jen:
You always look adorable, so I'm sure you're safe with either "hair decision"! I loved that picture of you and the girls at the beach (that you posted on TT). It was relaxing just to look at it! Have a wonderful weekend...

Finding JOY in 6th Grade

Jennifer Jasewicz said...

I have a Toshiba and LOVE it! Windows 8 just came out but I don't know too much about it yet. They have some new laptops onsale at Staples and work as both a tablet and laptop. Pretty cool!

Fourth Grade Garden

Diane R said...

I know that you said not Mac, but I LOVE my MacBook and it plays so nicely with my other Apple products!

Fifth in the Middle

Mrs. McHaffie said...

Get yourself a MacBook Pro. Seriously. I am in LOVE with my new laptop that my school provided me with and now I'm going to have to purchase one for myself to replace my old mac. I've used both PC's and Macs and Macs are by FAR the BEST!!
You will be so happy you did! :)

Beg, Borrow, Steal

Meagan said...

I have an Lenovo LapTop for school, and oh my goodness I LOVE IT! I want to buy it from my school because I love it soo much!


~Stephanie said...

I love your hair! So so cute! (and a cute little sidekick with you too :) )

Teaching in Room 6

Christina Marie said...

I love my gateway with windows 7. :)


Ash said...

I have a Macbook pro which I love but the new windows looks very tempting! I think I would get a tablet if I got another computer!

Tania said...

I'd love a Mac. Let us know what you decide to get. I use the one school provides but it is ancient...huge and heavy!
My Second Sense

Molly Maloy said...


I have a Mac and I LOVE it!! I would highly recommend getting one! But I'm all apple'd out... my kiddos were laughing the other day after school because I had my laptop, iPad, iPod, and iPhone all sitting on my desk at school! But I'm sure whatever you get will be a good improvement from the "Dino!" And what did you decide with your hair?! I have been thinking about getting mine cut shorter, but I don't know! I'm not very adventurous when it comes to my hair! haha

Lessons with Laughter

Laura said...

Haha I would love a magic snap too:) I get so frustrated when there's so much to clean! Also don't cut your hair.. its beautiful and long and looks wonderful on you :) but just my opinion!! Sometimes women cut their hair too short and it makes them look older. Take care Jen!!

Bren P. said...

I cut my hair a few months ago and regretted it the next day. I went into the salon all brave thinking, "It's just hair, it'll grow back." It's growing but it is taking FOREVER. I promised never to cut it again. (A bit dramatic, I know) Here's why: (you're gonna think I am a little bit CRAY-ZEE!) I decided that when I get married, I want to wear my long hair down. When's the wedding, you ask? Oh, I don't know because I am not even engaged. No boyfriend either. Ha! I did see this really cute bob haircut on Julianne Hough but I'm just gonna pin it and save it for later. Like after I'm married. Whatever you decide will look lovely, I'm sure. :)

Ooh, and thanks for asking about people's favorite laptop. I may be in the market for one soon and I must remember to come back read everyone's answers.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

The Teacher Diaries

Stacy said...

The magic snap would be so PERFECT. I know you said no Mac but girl you would LOVE IT. You know what they say. . .once you go Mac you never go back.

✰ Stacy

Simpson Superstars

Corinna said...

I love your hair. I think it would be nice to cut mine, but I'm so lazy, it's easier to keep it long. Just get a trim if your not sure;) I say go with what you know as far as a laptop. I got a Mac and it's fine, but I don't know what the big difference is? Some things actually take longer to do on this thing:( But the battery lasts a long time:)

Surfin' Through Second

Kimberly said...

I would love to have curly hair. The options are so much more exciting. I have a Macbook Pro and love it!
Funky First Grade Fun

Maureen said...

I have worked on a variety of laptops and definitely appreciate the feel of a Compaq and a Toshiba. I used to have a Gateway I liked years ago. My son swears by his Macbook.

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Unknown said...

Very dashing and attractive woody vases. Creativity is clearly showing. Nice work.

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