It's another Linky!
I've been meaning to join up with this linky for a few days now...but with B getting sick, my time was spent holding her and TRYING to make her feel better!!
And yesterday (Thursday) was the FIRST day we could get out of the house since SUNDAY...y'all - that is just WAY too long to be cooped up in the house.
But now??

she's back to her smiling self!
Now THAT'S how I like to see my baby girl!!
Anywhosit - BACK to the linky :)
1. Rolly-cart easel (I don't know what it's actually called)

This is not mine....but the only picture I could find of it - I LOVE my rolly cart!! I dont' know HOW I got just appeared in my room one summer...and these suckers are expensive, so I am VERY thankful for HOWEVER it got into my room!!
2. personal white boards

We do SOOOO much on these things...they are my LIFE SAVER!! I even have a set made from SHOWER BOARD from Home Depot - they work great too!!
3. Painter Stir sticks
lol - I know....weird...but I put my kids' numbers on them and this is how they check out books from me in my classroom...They put the stick wherever the book is and when they are finished with the book, they find their stick and put the book back where they got it! It's FABulous!! Is it fool-proof?? No, but 99% of the time it works!

This summer, I want to paint them all black (to go with my pirate theme - AND so you don't see how dirty they are getting).
I KNOW there is more that I can't live without - but I just can't think of it right now...
I'm off to pack up the last of my room! I was supposed to go in on Tuesday for post-planning, but with both girls sick, that wasn't going to I'm going in today. I may just do what I have to do and then leave and go to the beach! Ha!!
Happy Friday to y'all!!

I cannot live without my marker boards either....I adore them! I have the ones that have the handwriting lines on one side and plain on the other. We use them daily.
I have the same big rolling chart stand. I love it even though it is HUGE! =)
I am glad your little one is back to her cute, smiling self...adorable.
Heather's Heart
THanks Heather!
Yes, the thing is HUGE and I almost gave it to someone to use...SO glad I didn't!!
Thank you so much for linking up Jen! I have been trying to get my district to get me one of those rad rolling carts for the past five years, but alas, I have yet to win this battle. Have a great weekend my friend. Thanks again :)
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Great idea for the books!!!
Every New Beginning
Glad to see that B is smiling again :)
Love the paint stir sticks as book markers. Great idea!
Fun in Room 4B
Happy to see that your little one is feeling better. She is a cutie!! I love my personal whiteboards also. We use them for so many things in our classroom that I'd be lost without them!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
A third grade teacher in my building was giving her rolling cart {just like the one in the picture} away {she used to teach first} and she put in her email "first come first served"...I was second. I was bummed. I was almost in tears. Luckily the teacher who was first was a total hoarder...I mean, whoa...crazy. And she graciously gave it to me....jackpot. Love that thing!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
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