there's a Daily 5 "book study" going on in blogland....I'm sure you've seen it.
I don't do D5.
I like my system - it works for me, and it's a little more involved than what they talk about..
BUT I do a lot of the things that they talk about in D5....
And "shopping" for books everyday is something they need to learn how to do, and do it right.
They have a hard time picking books that are on their level...
In the beginning of 2nd grade, it's hard for them to learn to A.R. stickers on books. But we just keep doing it, and eventually some catch on and help out the others.
I don't put my books in my classroom library level...mine is organized by authors (for fiction) or subjects (nonfiction) just like a real library is...I want them to get used to it, especially since our library is open for them to go to everyday to get books (are you jealous, Kristin?? hehe).
I like to refer to my sign (just updated it) to help them when it comes to picking their level of books...even though I try to teach them to pick on their A.R. level, they still need to be able to tell if it's too easy or hard for them...
Download your FREEBIE in my TpT store...HERE
(I know I have a pirate and sports A.R. pack, so if you want this poster in that theme, let me know, and I'll do it.)
Gosh - I get all happy when I see pretty colors like
And I came across a CUTE stop watch for a goal that we're reaching for...

from Marsha {HERE} -
I don't do Daily 5 in my room, but we do read EVERY day - and they have to to read for 15 minutes from day
I'm mean. I know.
Although, I'm sure that'd be different if I taught K or 1st.
But, for 2nd and 3rd, I have never had any problems getting them to do it. I think because I'm CONSTANTLY moving around the room, conferencing with the kids - that's like my guided reading time too. I will have to do a post about how I do my small groups/daily conferencing/centers...
But anyway....I really like using that sign for other things that we are going to be timed on - like when centers are over, or if we are taking a timed test (district writing tests are timed), or what ever...I like it - thanks Marsha! I'll have to make me one that's blank.
In other news....the chair....
Hubs has vetoed the black chair idea. lol
He's pretty artsy-fartsy, so sometimes I listen to him -hehe.
So, yesterday, I painted her white.
Now, I just gotta think of HOW to decorate her...ugh!!

Yes please friend!!!! Decorate her so you can link up to my linky:))) Please oh please post about how you do guided reading/conf....I do do Daily 5 BUT not the way they say in the book. Because of the group of littles I get, I can't give up the guided reading AND I can't let them free select due to the time situation...but, like you, what I set up last year worked for us:) Always tweaking:) Hope you're staying dry up there!! Hugs! Wish we could meet up for coffee:))
4th Grade Frolics
Jen and Tara, It's so refreshing to see that I'm not the only one not doing D5 as it is in the book. I really love it, but can't for several reasons. What I'm doing is actually more Four Blocks. I posted about it and am writing a series if you're interested:
I like that you organize your fiction books by author. I organized mine by GR levels last year but we don't assess students by levels in my reading program (because of course all students can read at the same level)..... so basically I had tons of books organized in baskets by levels and the kids had no idea what basket to choose from so they picked whatever. Which was fine but kind of a waste of my time.
So in conclusion I am wondering how you set up your library! Like in bins or just on the shelves or what?
Marvelous Multiagers!
I'm glad you painted her white. I would personally leave it white and cover the fabric with a pretty floral pattern just like the paper you have on your I Pick poster!! I think that would be really pretty:)
Love your "I PICK" sign! And it doesn't sound like you're mean about reading; it sounds like your enthusiasm for reading is a great motivator for your students!
Swersty’s Swap Shop
I think going white with the chair was a much better game plan than going black. It'll allow it to be a little bit more "airy."
Thank you for the poster. I set up parts of Daily 5 last year, but it was more intervention time for me rather than the whole shebang.
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