Shout outs galore and This Little Piggie is Finished!

Ok y'all...

This one is going to be short and sweet - I need to go to bed! Ah!!


First off...LOOK what I just got in the mail!!

Crocheted coffee cozies from Staci!!
I won them in her giveaway - where I also won stuff from one of my BBFFs - Reagan!! woop woop!

(yes, I see that they are upside down - whatevs...)

I totally think she needs to open up an etsy shop!! 


I FINALLY finished my Little Pig unit AND uploaded it to TpT!
(I'll do TN tomorrow - I'm pooped!)

I added a few things in it from when I told y'all what was in it before - 
so now there is...


-Realism Vs. Fantasy: sorting and illustrating
-Adjectives with the Three Little Pigs and Adjectives Poster
-Writing with the Three Little Pigs with a word bank
-Who is the Wolf? Descriptive Writing
-Book suggestions
-Wanted Poster


-Counting Pigs: counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 2s starting with 1 (so like 1, 3, 5, etc..)
-Piggie Family: Matching addition to subtraction fact families, but they DON'T have the answers
-This Little Piggie Regroups: This centers has a few options. You can use 2-digit addtion, 2-digit subtraction, 3-digit addition, or 3-digit subtraction. This lets you differentiate with your kids, or you can use it different times of the year!
-Run, Piggie, Run! Telling Time to hour and half hour

Don't forget - I am doing a giveaway - you can enter {HERE}. Winners will be announced tomorrow night!


I don't know about you, but I've already got my cart FILLED with fabulous stuff for TpT's sale starting Sunday!  woohoo!!

And, I'm pretty much finished with my Cinderella/Fairy Tale Literacy and Math unit, so that'll be in there for the sale too!!

Ok - I really wanted to link up to Farley's May Linky,  but my brain is too tired to think about my Pageant what?!?!

(p.s...with all these shout outs in this post - I am DEFinitely not a 5 star blogger, am I? ha!)

Hope y'all have a FABulous Friday!


Jill said...

5 star, five shmar!!! I still loved your post. :) And I had to think about my pageant title for a while too!!!

Marvelous Multiagers!

Jen R said...

aw- thanks jill! :)

Miss Squirrels said...

I'm with Jill!
I love all of your posts-

Going Nutty!

Kristin said...

5 Star Blogger -- ha! I read that and then forgot all about it!! :) Just be you -- a Super Star Blogger!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher

Barbara L said...

How cute are those cozies!!

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Journey of a Substitute Teacher (Ms. T) said...

Hehehe I posted a pic very similar to that (of Staci's stuff) the other day :)

Journey of a Substitute Teacher

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