School is Cool

One of our projects this week was given by the fabulous Hadar!!
She posted this a little while ago, and of COURSE I had to do it!!

(I just LOVE his smile on this one!!)

(look at how intent they are

 I love them!!
Although, I didn't think through the background choice I guess...I should have reversed the colors. But I wanted to do orange and black since those are our school Didn't think about when black hair was going to be on black background...oh live and learn, right???

Click HERE to get her pack!

With her tracers, you get a few different variations of the writing part - but as we were brainstorming things to write, I realized that my kiddos needed something different, so I created a different version of the writing - 

click the pic to download :)

You can use them for End of Year or Beginning of year, so I might do it both!!

I'm interested to see how Reagan does her writing portfolio for the year with the kids - my goal next year is to save all these fun cute things we do and somehow send them home with the kids at the end of the year - do any of you do that?!?!

I'd love to see how you do it!

On a sadder note...

Here is what my room looks like...

That's 1/4 of my boxes....

How BORING does my room look now??

I'm mean golly - it's so sad looking :(

But do you see that tall book shelf of books??

Those are my picture books - and I have THREE of those tall bookshelves FILLED with books that I have to pack - and that's not including the rest of my stuff.

(But I still have my quilts up! ha!)

Why am I already packing when I have 8 days left?? 
Because I have SO MUCH stuff...seriously. I have about 12-15 of those bins already, and probably need about 6-10 more -ugh!!

But on a happier note!!

Today I got my May Birchbox!!

wrinkle cream, perfume, hair restoration conditioner, ans some super pretty coral color nail polish!

I am super excited about the nail polish!!
For my we all know I don't' have any fingernails! Maybe that could be on my Summer bucket list?? To stop biting my nails??
Click here if you wanna check it out - best part is, everyone gets something different!!

And ONE more side note - Amber just made me spend more money!! lol

But I did really well!! I only spent $5!! lol..I had to stock up on arts and crafts books - after almost 10 years of teaching, I have TONS of the "important" books - now it's time to get the "fun" books...and you know, glyphs and "following directions" books are still academic, right?! lol

And I have to leave you with a funny...

I was reading to A in bed tonight, we were reading a Bethlehem book...we get to the baby Jesus...
"Mommy, who is that?"
"That's baby Jesus."
" Cheese-it! He's my friend!!"

There you have it. She knows that Cheese-It is her friend. 


Miss Kindergarten said...

They turned out great!! Good job! And your room is looking pretty sad! Ugh!


Jessica Ann Stanford said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with twenty some bins to fill! Such a horrible task!!

Jessica Stanford
I'd love to have you for my first linky!!

Lisa R. said...

I love the craft! Thanks for sharing the writing page. I think I just added something to my list of end of the year projects to do with the kiddos!

Please stop by & visit my blog sometime! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure

Hello Mrs Sykes said...

Love the writing craft!! Thanks for sharing, as always. Baby Cheese-It made me giggle! Love it. :)
Hello Mrs Sykes

Mrs. Wheeler said...

So cute! And I am curious...what is Birchbox? I get random emails from them but I delete them. Would love to know more.


smoran892 said...

Hey Jen,

I wanted to let you know I mentioned one of your fraction activities in my latest blog post!

and... I LOVE birchbox!!


I am also your newest follower :)

Jen R said...

Megan - Birchbox is a site that sends you a monthly sample box! When you sign up, you fill out a questionaire about yourself...based on your answers is what you get in the mail. Everyone gets something different - it's $10/month. And when you order things or refer friends, you get points, and you can use those points towards purchases (hint, hint! hehe)

Kelley Cirrito said...

My room is starting to look like yours too! It is soo sad that I have to move rooms. My room is so bright and the room I am going to the sun doesn't shine into it as much. Ugh!!

Traci Clausen said...

My Birchbox was COMPLETELY different than yours.

What did I miss? WHY are you completely packing up your room?

Miss DeCarbo said...

I have a ton to pack up too and you just made me realize I better get started haha! :) Love the baby Cheese-it story! Too cute!

Second Grade Sugar and Spice

Jen R said...

Everyone in the entire school has to pack up EVERYTHING!!!!
We have a SERIOUS cockroach problem, so they are doing a complete debugging over the summer!

Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I still have 3 weeks left, so I'm not even thinking about packing up yet!

I am tempted to go back and buy some more. I'm trying to resist! haha!

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

Anonymous said...

I am doing this with my second graders. Tomorrow we do the writing. They are loving it, because we just don't do enough fun artsy stuff in my room, even though I love that stuff! It was cute to see a couple who made their faces upside down which is fine, except they have bigger foreheads and lower ears!
Second In Line

Jen R said...

ha! some of mine almost did that too - I had to remind them about the skinny part being the
But in my kids' defense - our art teacher never really taught them

Autumn said...

I just may start doing the birch box thing...Looks like a lot of fun!!!

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