This is going to be a quick post (say what?! from me? no way!), I don't have much to show you since we're still in the middle of a few "projects." But I did want to show you another game I came up with seem to be REALLY good at coming up with things spontaneously!
I noticed in one of their centers this week that they were having a difficult time knowing what a proper noun was...they had to sort the proper nouns and plural nouns. So, I came up with the quick review game..and I think they got it now!
It's a game of Tic Tac Toe (remember, I like those - use them a lot!)
In each box, there is a common noun, and in order to win that box, they have to be able to give the proper noun.
We played it whole group today, splitting the class in half, and by the 2nd round, I think they all got it!!
I have two different versions, with a few different common noun options. And I got to use Michelle's Kevin Henkes clip art for the teacher and her cute houses!! hehe...
Click the pic to download from TpT - it's a freebie y'all!!
Ok, now I have to go - I have some cute ideas I gotta get outta my head....and into my DELL...sorry, I was bustin' out in song - you know, "Get outta my head, and into my car!!"
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? lol
Ok, I'm fruity tonight.
Hope y'all had a Terrific Thursday!

Billy Ocean and I would both like to thank you for your words of inspiration. :D
Seriously, a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing!!
:) Abby
Third Grade Bookworm
Oh THANKS for getting that song stuck in my head!
Great tic-tac-toe activity.
❤ Dragonflies in First ❤
Great freebie Jen!!!
I love he font! what is the name of it and wehre did you find it?
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
I've been fruity all day :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Oh, that's a cute idea! Thanks!
Buzzing with Ms. B
Very cute!! I love the clip art too! Have a super Friday! I am glad you are having so much fun with your kiddos!!!
I like it! So simple, but so helpful. I'm going to go grab one! Thanks!
Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade
Playing this tomorrow!!! Thanks for sharing!
Loved that song, btw!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
So cute!!! I've gotcha pinned girlfriend!
The 3AM Teacher
Love this! Thanks for sharing ;)
Grow Up Learning
Grow Up Learning Facebook Page
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing! =)
Heather's Heart
Thanks so much for linking up today at TBA! I love this!
Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!
It was also stated in some earlier statements and it will further leads students towards better understanding and they would also be able to grant every possible factor in this regard. grammar and punctuation check
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