How do you like the new blog design???? I decided to keep the name....a few of you said what part of me was already thinking (Thanks zputty, Hadar, Barbara and Amy!).....Cauldron already means a concoction of things, so there ya have it - it's a concoction of my life: cooking, crafting, and teaching! But I did decide I needed a makeover of some sort :)
Now, onto 100th day!
Miss P, my maternity sub, sent me some pictures of what they did for the 100th day! I love how she's still carrying on my non-textbook teaching :) Well, I'm sure she's doing some textbook, I mean it IS her first time teaching ALL ON HER OWN!! (again, if you know where these activities came from, let me know!)
Now, I usually do a lot of 100 Day activities too, that are different.
I take a LONG piece of paper for each kid and fold it into like 6ths or 8ths....then, in each box, they do something different for 100 things. I can never remember what I do each year...or I feel like changing it up, so here are SOME examples....
How many times can you ___________ in 100 seconds???
- make tally marks (then count them up)
- solve addition problems CORRECTLY (this is on a seperate piece of paper, then they write thier score on the folded sheet)
- read sight words/phrases (same method as math problems)
- draw stars (do you know how hard it is for them to do this???)
Then, we'll go outside and get PHYSICAL!! We'll do 100...
jumping jacks,
knee lifts,
run 100 yards,
I've also done the 100 fruit loop necklace with patterns
and given them 100 shape pieces (using die cut or the tangram-type pieces that come with math curriculum??) to make a picture
Some of the books I use...
The One Hundred Hungry Ants is one of my faves to use!
After I read the book through once, I break the kids up into groups...then I give them their "ants" (whatever you have will work - counters, tabs, I like to use black beans so they look like black ants...ha!). We then go back through the book and "reinact" the math problems with our "ants."
Ok, now onto the linky giveaway!
I saw that Farley had linked up to a favorite picture book linky...ummm...yes please!!
It's actually a giveaway, so double yes please! lol
Now, it is TERRIBLY difficult for me to narrow it down to just one...I mean COME ON!!! So I narrowed it down to 3, but really, that was almost impossible too!
click here to take you right there!!!
A few years ago, at our back-school-preplanning week, our admin showed us this video. And I don't care how many times I see it, I STILL LOVE it!!
And now for the Inspirational Video
SO, PLEASE, if there is only one video you watch that I post, make it THIS video!!!
Tomorrow my NEW washer and dryer are being delivered!!! I'm so excited!!!
AND...we decided to take this time to redo our laundry room!! You can expect to see some before and after shots.....of course :)
Also...THANK YOU to Jessica over at
for the Award!!

and thank you to
for the shout out!!!
I would LOVE to give this award out to some of you, but so many of my "favorite followers" have already received the award. So I'm just going to do some shout outs of my faves that always leave me some love!

Love your blog makeover!
Switching things up sometimes is good.
Yearn to Learn Blog
The new blog design looks really good! There is NO WAY I could do that myself.
You are going to be so happy with the new washer and dryer. Being without one or the other 9 (or both) is dreadful. We were without the dryer for a week and the back-up was terrible!
Yay! You're so nice! I think I will do that linky party when I get home from school... I was thinking about it yesterday and I definitely can not pick a favorite!! :(
Marvelous Multiagers!
Love the blog design! Cuuuuuute :)
Thanks for the shout out <3
I've only read that "What I Make" poem but it's soooo much more powerful hearing it. Thank you for sharing that!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Such fun activities! Our 100th day was earlier than most, but now I'm seeing so many neat things!! There's always next year! Cute new look!
Peace, Love and First Grade
I love the new design Jen! It looks great! Thanks for the sweet shout out! You are one of my favorites too! I hope you have a great evening with your girlies!
Muuuuuuuwwwwwahhhhh! {That's a big fat smooch on the cheek...hope I didn't give you my cold}...
Love, LOVE, love your new look. You're so talented. Your title and descriptors are PERFECT!!!!! I am hoping for a new look one day...I'm wanting to purchase a new one, but have yet to find one that's just right. I've spent hours "shopping around"...I can't do it myself, I've tried!
Happy weekend...oh, and your 100th day looked like a fun one!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Love the makeover, and such cute 100 day activities. We had ours a couple of weeks ago, but I'm saving a couple of those ideas for next year. I gave a shout out about your blog today, since it made me smile!! Thanks for all you do!!
Your header is very cute, Jen. I'm always changing mine cause it's just so fun to play with :)
Have a good one!
Grade ONEderful
makeover is cute I love the paper... and I am glad you kept the name... were you considering changing it? shame shame you are established girl!!! and thanks so much for linking up to my friend's linky!! you are too sweet!!! and and and one more thing I AM WAY JEALOUS OF YOUR NEW WASHER AND DRYER!!!!
I love the new design, but I would have still been stalking...regardless! :) Can't wait to see your laundry room!
2nd Grade Paradise
Love the new look!
I love that video, I saw it for the first time last weekend and felt immediately inspired!
Also, I pinned your favorite kids books , love them too but don't own enough!
Love the new look!
I love that video, I saw it for the first time last weekend and felt immediately inspired!
Also, I pinned your favorite kids books , love them too but don't own enough!
Thanks guys!!
adyes, that video is so inspiring! It's his reading of it that makes it so powerful, isn't it?
Jen, I love your new design.
It looks like your sub is doing a great job. I was out for 5 months last school year. I was ALWAYS stressing about that. Looks like you have nothing to fear. The kids seem to be enjoying themselves AND learning. Yay!
♥ Dragonflies in First ♥
Jen, I love your new design.
It looks like your sub is doing a great job. I was out for 5 months last school year. I was ALWAYS stressing about that. Looks like you have nothing to fear. The kids seem to be enjoying themselves AND learning. Yay!
♥ Dragonflies in First ♥
Your blog looks great! I see you've already gotten the favorite follower award, but you just got another one from me!
Here's the link to check it out: Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog
Love your blog makeover Jen! There are a few bugs though. That HUGE circle with an arrow blocks parts of your screen & post when you scroll up & down.
❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop
Jen! Great teachers must think alike with the newsletter! Thanks for the comment on my post. I am SO jealous of your new washer and dryer. Have fun!
Mary Beth
Run Teacher, Run
I love your new look!!!! :) :) :)
Fun activiites - and I never knew Fancy Nancy had a 100th day book and now I'm so sad that I will have to wait until next year to read it.
Hooray for the washer/dryer and the makeover in the laundry room. Can't wait to see it!
Thanks for the shout out, friend!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Thank you for linking up on my blog! I LOVE Thank You Mr. Falker! My kids did a great Plot Rollercoaster with that book. :) The blog design looks lovely.
Thanks Again!
You've been tagged - come on over and see what I mean!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I also tagged you, come check it out!
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