
So today was my last day of work....for two whole months. While I'm so super excited to FINALLY get to meet our baby girl, I must say, it was kind of hard to walk out of my room knowing I wouldn't be back to take care of my kiddos...I have such a wonderful group...and I'm not quite sure that they grasped the concept of me not being there when they come back. But I know it will all be ok, and I'll be crying the day before I come back to work...just like I did last time. But when I get back, I'll be glad to be back-ha!

Today, we did the "clean your desk with shaving cream" idea, mainly because their desks were HORRIFICALLY dirty, but also, so they can play in "snow." Listen, when you live in FL, this is what you get for snow! ha!

So they built some snowmen...
 This next snow"man" is pregnant (I don't know why he can't be a snowWOman if he's pregnant-ha!)...ha!! I just love this little boy.
 And then there is this one, which of course I love too...

After the desks were all cleaned, it was our Polar Express time...I just love how the kids were handing the conductor their tickets :) and I SO did not say to do that - I was busy getting stacks ready for my maternity sub; wasn't even paying attention to the movie, to be honest. lol

And of course, we had hot cocoa, but again, we live in FL...we were all hot from it, so I had to provide something to cool off with. Somewhere along the lines, I learned about a North Pole Float!! It's ice cream and ginger ale, so it stays white -hehe...cute!  So once the characters in the movie reached the north pole, the kiddos got their North Pole Float.

Well, I'm officially joining all you other lucky ones that are on break. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ whew! Ok, sorry, That was me rushing to turn off my alarm clock! (hehe).

Now, maybe I get caught up on some of my blog stalking, and getting my email count down (remember?? I've been emailing myself the posts from my google reader on my phone? lol). Except, we're going out of town for 2 days, so I'm going to get behind all over again - ha! We're going to the BEAUTIFUL St. Augustine - it's my annual Christmas trip up there. I went to Flagler College and when I moved away, I always swore that if I couldn't get back all year long, that CHRISTMAS would be my time that I HAVE to go. So we're off! Super excited to see my St. Auggie family (friends from college) - I'll be sure to post pics so y'all can see why you need to make it there one year for Christmas.


Delighted said...

Have fun in St. Augustine. I'll wait to see the pictures to see if I need to put it on my to do list. But... I think I already know my answer before the pictures are even posted :-)

First Grade Delight

Kelley Cirrito said...

We are having floats tomorrow! Great minds think alike. I promise I will try and send you those math activities tomorrow! Ugh I have been crazy busy, but I am having a giveaway over at my blog! Come check it out!

Barbara L said...

What a lovely day. Enjoy your 2 months off and Merry Christmas!

Grade ONEderful

Jen R said...

Thanks ladies!
Kelley - just joined in your giveaway! Look at you, already doing a giveaway! Go girl!! :) and thank you remembering the math activities (or trying to remember them! ha!) trust me...I get it.

Erika said...

Enjoy your time off and with your new babe. I've never heard of North Pole floats. Gotta try these.
2B Honey Bunch

Holly said...

Awwwww, okay - you're ready to pop any day so I won't give you too hard a time for being done before me! ;) I know how hard it is to leave your classroom kids...they'll be in good hands, I'm sure - and once that little girl is in your know you won't give anything else a second thought!

CONGRATS!!!!! {When is your due date?}

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

Unknown said...

I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award

Ms. Chrissy B said...

Oops! I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award before I saw the above post!! Double dose!

Congrats! Stop by and check it out!

Buzzing with Ms. B

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