OMGosh...we almost didn't make it home...
But through lots of prayer, we miraculously made it!
I won't go into specifics, but there a LOT of hurdles to jump over to get home.
I'm SOO excited to be home!
I'm even more excited to have been able to have the family reunion!!
I won't show you all the pics, because I've already posted some....
check them out HERE
We went to the lake on the 4th...
Here's the whole fam!

It was so good to see everyone!!!
We also took a day to drive to the Grand Canyon with my sister and her family....

that's us on a ledge - yikes!!!

and we made a stop at the 4 corners....
here's B in 4 states at ONE time!

I think this one is one of my faves....

And we took some time to let the kids play in the river :)

It was really good to get to see my sister and BIL...

our kids bonded - and we did too.
They live in Hawaii, so we don'y get to see them much..
Funny thing....
I learned that they live RIGHT next to Corinna (Surfin' Through Second)!!
In fact, my sister's oldest kid would be IN Corinna's class next year, but she homeschools her kids...HOW funny is that!?!?
I knew there was a reason I like Corinna :)
we're back
and today is a PJ wearing, laundry doing, menu making kind of day...
Anyone make menus before they go grocery shopping???
Growing up, food was a celebration, and it's not a matter we take lightly - lol...
I have even made a form that I use that has room for a menu for 2 weeks AND I write out all the items we need, and it's sorted into sections by how the grocery store is
ok...I have 3 weeks until teachers report back...
TONS to do!
crunch time mode....and starting to think about school mode...

What great pictures! I'm so glad you made it home safely. Too funny about your sister living so close to Corinna. I love small world stories!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
That is so funny about your sister living next to Corinna!! Small world! I love the pictures that you shared & welcome home! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
I too love reconnecting with family. So glad that you could do that. I also love the coincidence that your sister knows Corinna....and that when you mention Corinna.....we all know EXACTLY who you are talking about. You go Corinna! I don't use menus, but I bet they really help you with control over what foods to buy and what to eat. Good for you.
Second In Line
Great pics, it looks like so much fun, and makes me miss Colorado, another coincidence! I know how your feeling about crunch time, I am heading into my class next week! I so dislike cooking and shopping for groceries, I wish I had your enthusiasm! I hope I run into your sister sometime;)
Surfin' Through Second
Glad you're home! The pictures look great. I would love to see your menu planning form.
The Idea Backpack
Welcome back! It looks like everyone had a blast.
Where Seconds Count
Well Corinna is easy to like... hahaha :) Glad you had a great trip!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Welcome back. Looks like you all had tons of fun.
Yeah! Safe and sound. I love that you create a menu before shopping. I do that too!
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
I wish my family had reunions! They always seem like such good, quality times. And yes, I'm a guilty menu planner....but I've just started with a CSA and now I get my produce on Wednesdays, but there's no way I have time to menu plan and grocery shop on a Wednesday night. Usually, my Sunday afternoons are for menu planning, grocery shopping, and food prep for the week (plus the inevitable lesson plan touch-ups). I hope you enjoy what's left of your summer!
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