So, I've started printing up some of my beach theme classroom stuff...
I'm super excited about how they are coming out!
But when I showed this picture to a few friends, they asked,
"what do you use the pocket for?"
I thought I'd share with you :)
It's for my behavior system.
My system is WAY different than most of what y'all do...I know a lot of you do the clip chart thingy...
I like this.
I learned it when I interned - a decade ago, and have used it with 5th, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders...
It works...and the kids like it.
You can use any pocket really...
I used to buy the bright color ones.....

but now I can make my own! yay! lol
I tape the pockets to the desk, and they keep their behavior card
(index card) in it.
Here's how it works....and it's changed slightly overtime, but I really like how it's evolved into this:
Each week, my students get and index card. They use a ruler to measure out exactly 1" sections - one for each day of the week (look at that - they are using some math skills too!).
Now, in the beginning of the year, this is a whole group lesson in itself, but after a few weeks, about half the class gets it and they can help others, so it just becomes one of their morning work duties on Monday mornings when they come in the room.
Anyway -
They label each day of the week on it, and put their name on the back. Throughout the week, they get stamps for being extra-awesome, or if like the whole class is magically doing something awesome when I look up, then by golly, the whole class gets a stamp on their card!! They can also earn hole-punches...this is for not bringing back their homework, or not behaving properly, etc. With each hole, they earn time off their recess (I know - it's terrible, but it's really the only thing I have to barter with them)
On Friday, we use their cards to earn prizes.
This is where it gets a little confusing for them....for a few weeks, but they eventually get it - I promise!!
For each day they DON'T have a hole punch, they can get a tab (don't worry, you'll see what a tab is in a few...) AND for each stamp they can earn a tab. The reason I like this system is because even if you don't have a student who likes to shine, but is always doing well, they get a chance to get rewarded at the end of the week too, with all of their days that don't have a hole punch.
It also is a positive reward system, instead of just a negative one.
So....let's look at some cards from some of my students from one week this past year...
This student got 4 tabs. One for Thursday for not getting any hole punches (Friday doesn't count because we didn't have school), one for the stamp on Wednesday, and two for the two stamps on Thursday.
This student got TEN tabs...4 for M-Th because there were no hole punches, 2 for the stamps on Wednesday, and 4 for the stamps on Thursday. And if you are wondering...yes, they have to tell me how many tabs they's more math added in!
And this student got 6 tabs...1 for M, W, and Th (there are hole punches on T, so no tab for that day!), and then 1 for the stamp on Wednesday, and 2 for the stamps on Th.
And here is what I mean by Tabs....
It's just a piece of square paper that they put their number on...all of the tabs go into a bucket, and we "shake, shake, shake!" I pull 10 tabs out....ONLY ten....and I've had weeks where only ten people got in the bucket (sad, I know...) and they get to choose either their job of choice for the next week or a piece of candy...
I've done, in previous years, time on the computer (no time for that anymore!), lunch with teacher (can't do that anymore since we have to save all of our closed lunch trays for special times in the year - don't get me started on our cafeteria lady), and reading with our media specialist (she's got classes almost all day now, so that doesn't work either).
Here is how I post them as I pull them....the dots by their numbers show how many times I pull their tab. Then we talk about Probability....How many tabs did you have versus how many times did I pull your tab (type thing).
SO....there ya have it....
Did I confuse you??

I LOVE this!!!
Elyse @ My Life With a Cherry on Top
This is a great idea although I teach Pre-K so I might need to change a few things but I love it as a reward system especially for those that struggle to have a good day. Yes they exist, even in Pre-K. Thanks for sharing.
I really like how your students are so involved in the system. This is something I have been wanting to do and you gave me some great ideas! Yeah! Thanks!
Apples and Papers
This is such a creative system, and it gives your students the responsibility rather than it all being on you! I may just steal this... :)
Miss V's Busy Bees
I love my clip chart, but you may have swayed me. Maybe a combination of the 2 is in the works.
Thanks for sharing!
Across the Hall in 2nd
Thanks so much for sharing. I was looking for something they could be in more control of and visible for them and me. I love the pocket idea. Thank you again.Sheryl
What a neat idea! I really like getting away from the color clips. At the end of the week, do you send the cards home to the parents, keep them for your records, or just toss them? I like the tabs,but if I do this in my class, I think I would buy those huge rolls of tickets (like at the fair) and use those :)
Love the ticket idea! Thanks! Explain how you keep tabs of the tabs, not certain if I got all of it. Sheryl
Sheryl - I don't keep tabs of the tabs...hehee...they keep their card all week, and then on Friday, at the end of the day, they make their tabs, and put them right in the bucket...their number on the tab tells me whose tabs are whose...
Danae - YES! I forgot to put that in there - they have to take the cards home and bring them back signed on the back on Monday...
And, I had thought about buying those rolls of tickets, but these tabs are free, and they know their numbers, and I think with the 1/2 kids, all those numbers might get confusing, so I just use these :) It works for me :)
Thanks so much for getting back with me so soon. The last post just answered my other question. I'd just have them write their number on the back of the ticket. This is sooo cool. Love the idea that the card goes home, too. How much time do you allow on Fridays at the end of the day to do this? Sorry so many questions but love it and hope to use it. Oh one more how can I pin this idea? So I can save to share with colleagues.
Sheryl, in the beginning, I give a good half hour for it - but eventually I get it down to 10 fifteen minutes! :)
and to pin?
just copy and paste the url of the post and "add a pin" and then select the picture you want to show! here's the url :)
Got it! Thanks so much!
Sara- feel free to steal! That's why I shared :)
I love this idea. I think I am going to try this. Do you write down why they get their card punched? Also, how do you give their conduct grade with this? Do you do it daily or weekly. Our parents are big on the E, G, S,etc.
Love this. Question on the tabs.... if a child gets 5 tabs for the week do they put 5 tabs in the bucket so they have a higher chance of earning a prize than someone who only got 2 tabs?
I like that your behavior system has positive reinforcement built into it. Negative reinforcement is just one tiny portion of your plan (recess is all I have to barter with as well). I have tried the pull a card system, and to be honest, I was not consistent enough with it to make it really meaningful. I like that you teach your students to be responsible for keeping track of their own numbers.
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