Here are this week's visual plans! It's a continuation of Election week...
First off...I just want say thanks for all the comments about these plans.
I LOVE how you guys love these plans.
I LOVE them too!! So thanks to my girl Reagan for "helping" me out with them, and for DeeDee for starting this "whole thing."
I find it really does help ME, especially since I'm such a visual person.
Ok, so here we go!!
(don't forget to click on the lesson plan pix and download the pdf so you can click on the links/pics in the plans to go to the site or to grab the freebie!!
You know I always have a freebie or two for ya!)
You know I always have a freebie or two for ya!)
You can see that there aren't any ELA centers this week - that's because we have a field trip on Monday morning and awards on Wednesday Morning, so I figured I'd just take this week to do some big(ger) projects...
I've only read 2 out of my 4 books that I want to read for Election, and we need to discuss and compare those still. AND we still need to talk about Mitt and Barack, and on Tuesday the students will vote for them. By the end of the week, they will vote for either Duck, Grace, or "My" Teacher for president too....I'm adding in some of Cara's Presidential pack too.
AND they will be writing about why THEY should be president - that's actually a freebie! (Make sure you download it from the plans!) I'm still using the writing-plan style of Lori, because it seems to be really working for my kiddos!
There are 3 different versions (Vote Me for President, My teacher for President, and If I were President) with planning pages and writing pages....
Also, for writing, they are going to be taking one of the centers they did from Kelley's Heroes pack and doing a writing/craft project with that...super excited!
Also....and don't shoot me....
but it's time to start writing the PGP (ahh!!!)
And mine is going to be on writing...
You've heard me complain about how my students can write sentences...they just can't write more than one sentence together without forgetting how and where to end a sentence. soooo....
I found Sarah's Reading Response pack that has rubrics and everything....(she has a writing one too!) So...I'm going to start using these as their reading (and writing) tests after certain stories...
Since I don't use the textbook series, I can't use those tests...not that those are actual reading tests anyway, with all kinds of grammar and phonics included...grrr...I think there'r like THREE actual questions that pertain to the stories inside the reading test.
Onto Math and Social Studies....
For math this week, we're still doing subtraction with 2-digit numbers.
In our Numbers Every day folders, I'm swapping out some pages-
We're going to start working on rounding and adding with regrouping. YIKES!
I'm still using my Adding Tens pack and the 3-addend center we did at my guided math group last week from Susan's pack, will become a center this week.
And I'm still using Gladys' pack for Election activities!
I also made this freebie...
I want the kids to understand the whole process of election, so I want to really go through and have them color in the states that were "red" or "blue" states.
I envision this will take more than one day, because...
A) they don't really know what a state is, much less where they are
B) there's going to be a lot "following directions" and
And for all of you who have been wondering to see...
HERE is the new me!!
I can't decide if I like it....or if I LOVE it!! hehe
I think I will miss the length sometimes, but for right now, it NEEDED to be done!
I have all these NEW hairs growing in (thanks Baby B!) and it was just making my hair look HORRIBLE, so I needed to match it somehow - so bangs, and then shortening it so the little hairs could kind of "Catch up" to the rest...
it's still curly...just not in this picture - she decided to blow dry it to see if I liked the actual cut.
So what do you think???
And as for the laptop??
Thanks for all the suggestions!
still working on that let me know what your favorite laptop is!

MacBook Pro! I've had one since 2008 and I love it! One you go Mac, you never go back to PC! :)
Like the new look! Thanks for the freebie. I am also using Gladys's election packet. I agree with the Mac comment. I absolutely love my MacBook Pro!
Apples and Papers
I can't seem to find where to download the freebie. I also agree with your Mac Statement!
click on the lesson plans...and download that - when you click on the pics inside the lesson plans, it will take you to the freebie :)
I love the hair!!! You look fabulous!!!! Looks like your kids are going to have lots of election fun!!!
I LOVE the way that you do your visual plans. I saw them last week, too and now this week. Part of me feels like that is something I MUST start doing!
Love your happy blog.
Second Grade Next
LOVE your lessons and the "color the states" freebie- wish I could do it with my kinders... but so much of it is WAAAAY over their heads! Lookin' pretty lady!!
Rowdy in Room 300
You are beautiful! :)
Those plans are amazing. I am so impressed you take the time to do it. I admire you girls!!!!
I love your visual plans! I'm SO excited to be part of your visual plans. I literally squealed with excitement. Your freebie is fabulous! What a great idea. :) I'll be using that this week for sure! Have a great Sunday and thank you for your comment on my blog. :)
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
One more thing! I wish I could get my hair to do that! I had bangs for a couple of years and they never behaved. I'm so jealous! Super cute hair. :)
Sarah's First Grade Snippets
I love the visual plans! I love your blog as well. I hope some day mine is as good! Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas! I have been inspired!
you ladies are so sweet!!
Three things:
1. LOVE your hair (you already know this)
2. I am so using that map freebie on Wednesday
3. Thanks for the shout out!!
<3 ya girl,
T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
I always enjoy seeing your lesson plans on Sunday as they are AWESOME . . . it would be great if you could do this a week in advance so that I can prepare. . . j/k . . . not really . . . yes really. ;)
Second Grade Math Maniac
Second Grade Freebies
I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEE your haircut! It looks amazing! Thanks for the freebies too! :o)
A is for Apple B is for Blog
I luh-ove your haircut!!!! Bangs look GREAT on you! :) They scare me.
Thank you for the freebie, it is perfect! We look forward to using it today in our homeschool!
Thank you SO much for sharing the awesome freebie!! I shared your site on my FB book with a link to the freebie. As a former teacher, I was SO excited to come across your blog. Awesome job!
I used the freebie with my 7 and 3 year old boys last night. My 7 year old took his colored map to school today to show his teacher.
Thanks again for sharing and by the way, your hair is super cute! ;)
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