Vinyl-ing with my Cameo

Today was my first day in a week that I was NOT in my room working. I think I'm finished. Well, pretty much. I have a few more things that only I would really know that need to be done, but today was a day of running around town for that family; signing A up for gymnastics, going to Target and BJ's, and of course lunch because this preggo gets hungry! And since I'm pretty much done, I felt it was ok not to go in without giving me hives all over my body.

Yes. I'm one of those. I'm slightly OCD and a perfectionist. Something my husband does not get. At all. It can be very frustrating. He says he doesn't get why...or even notice a difference.

Although I will say, when he walked into my classroom today (to get the big bookshelf that doesn't fit to take back to storage), he walked in and goes "Woooowwww."

Stop the presses.

Mark it on the calendar.

My husband NOTICED all of my hard work!

That must mean it really does look good. ha! When I asked him if he liked it, he goes "It's very colorful, but not overwhelming...almost calming and very organized."  YES! Exactly what I was going for! You guys have no idea how that just made my day. lol.

Anyway, one of the things I did do for school today (while at home), was some vinyl-making.

I had to remake my "Today's date is" sign since I moved classrooms. I posted about this last year.

The font is Rowdy Spunky

I made these letter 3 inches tall.

I also made names for my girls' cups. A is the only one going to school this year, but I couldn't not do it for B. Poor girl gets left out of a lot already. lol

The font on these is KG Beneath Your Beautiful Chunk

These names were about 1.5 inches tall and 3 inches long. They worked perfectly!

I have a few more ideas of things I want to do with my cameo. Have you done anything with your cameo? I would love to get more ideas. I am seriously the most UNcrafty person ever. I need the ideas to come to me and then I can run with those as a base. I'm seriously lame. So I need your ideas.


Teaching Eternity said...

Hi! Great job with the vinyl! I have the cricut, and I'm thinking about getting the new cricut, but I keep hearing about the cameo too. What do you like best about it?

Anonymous said...

I have a cricut and have been wanting to do vinyl on my teacher cup, I carry it everywhere! I was worried about washing the cup, will the vinyl hold up?

Unknown said...

I love my Cameo! I cut out all my letters for my bulletin boards and am thinking about cutting the kids' names out of vinyl and sticking to their desks. I HATE name plates on desks. I also got a bookmark pattern and I make bookmarks every year. I don't know what I ever did without my cameo. I love it!

Unknown said...

I love your letters! I've never heard of a cameo before so I'll definitely have to look that up! :-)

Taunya Marie said...

Where did you purchase your vinyl? I love my Cameo. I actually have both sizes now. It's gotten a really great workout my decorations for 2 baby showers, a graduation and a retirement party. I can't wait to use if for classroom materials. Love your ideas!

A Rill Classroom said...

I also have a cricut (which I love for my scrapbooking too) and use it to make bulletin board letters. This year I'm thinking about using the vinyl too. We have tile floors and I don't have a carpet. So I'm thinking of cutting out different shapes in the vinyl and using them on the floor for each kid to sit on. What do you think?
A Rill Classroom

Diana said...

Cameos are the best! I have my name on my classroom door. I also bought a cute round metal container with handles from target. I used vinyl to make "reading buddies" and placed a bunch of stuffed animals into it. I also added some bling around the edges.
I have a picture, but I don't know how to post it.

Shelley H said...

Oh boy! I DO love that Cameo. {sigh} I'll bet I will be just as obsessed as I am with my laminator if I buy one. Thanks for feeding my addictions. :)

The Write Stuff Teaching

Kristin said...

I am absolutely loving your Today's Date Is . . . but I do not have a cameo and now I am sad.

Unknown said...

Looks great! I have my schedule up on my white board with vinyl letters with room in between for my objectives. I love being able to glance at something huge and know what time something begins or ends (for those brain dead days when basics like that have slipped.) I'm thinking of putting the word welcome on the top corner of my board but I can't decide on a font.

I'm also trying the print / cut feature and I'm going to add some Melonheadz to a b board. Unfortunately I left my cutting mat at home so it will have to wait until another day.

Surfing to Success

MJ said...

I am exactly like you and although I have not changed rooms I had to cover everything up and lock everything up because they used my class for summer school which ends today. I've been told there are not enough custodians and there's a good chance I may not be able to get into my room at all until the kids get there. I am trying hard not to panic but not succeeding. So I'm trying to do as much as I can to prepare from home and while my husband is completely supportive and gets me, my colleagues don't! I keep getting reprimanded that it's summer and I need to stop working. It actually makes me very sad that they don't get this about me! Lol!!! Would love to see pics of your whole room this year btw! :)

Adrienne said...

This looks great! I have been thinking about getting a silhouette for a while now and your post convinced me even more. Do you think there is a big difference (beside about $100) between the portrait and the cameo?

Having Class

Jessica said...

Cute! My husband totally doesn't get my OCD personality, either, but he has learned to adapt and live with it. Kinda. I've had to let A LOT go over the years to make it all work well!

Just sayin' I totally get your OCDness.

What I Have Learned

Jen R said...

I'm not sure how well the vinyl is going to stay on the cups! It's a trial :)

I get my vinyl from Hobby Lobby or other craft stores.

I have no idea if there's a difference between the cameo and portrait...didn't even know there was a different version - haha!

I want to try the print/cut feature! Never have!

I made a Reading Buddies too!

I opted for the silhouette instead of the cricut because I can make any image one to cut out, and I can use any picture too!

Kate said...

I just bought a Portrait since I don’t have room for a Cameo in my smallish apartment. I love it! I purchased vinyl from a fabric store but it is too thick for my poor portrait, though I managed to get the word “welcome” out before the jamming started. I planned on adhering it with spray adhesive, but we’ll see what actually happens. I think I need to suck it up and buy the vinyl direct, since Michael’s doesn’t sell it. Oh well.
Windows Into My Classroom

Lorrie said...

How do you get that font? I can't seem to figure it out because I can't find it in SVG format that I usually buy for my silhouette. Thanks!

Lorrie said...

Should I do a different format?

Jen R said...

I just chose the font in my Silhouette program. All of my fonts that I have on my computer show up in the program.

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