My name is Jen Ross.
Nice to meet you!!

(I'm linking up with my friend Stephanie for her Meet the Teacher Blogger Linky!)
Yep. That's me.
Well, me in my happy place. The beach. This beach just so happens to be a beach in Charleston, SC from our road trip this summer. You can read about it on my personal blog if you want! (and many other random thoughts and babblings!)
Let me tell you a little bit about me before we get into the Q/A session.
I'm married to a firefighter... we got married in 2008. We "eloped" to Jamaica. I say eloped, but it was planned. Everyone knew we were going. I just didn't want to take the time and money to plan out a big wedding and deal with my mom and the stress. So we just flew to Jamaica and had a "WeddingMoon!" BEST decision ever. I don't regret it. At all. I highly recommend it. lol We did come back and have a professional photographer take some pictures. And we had "reception" (party) to celebrate. I got to wear my wedding dress TWICE! Can't beat that! ha!
We have two beautiful, crazy, sweet, loving, crazy, while, curious girls...with another on the way!
This will be my 12th year teaching (HOLY CANNOLI!). I have worked in a severe Title I school in all of my years, teaching mostly 2nd and 3rd grade. This year, I am moving to a NON Title I school and going doing my FIRST year in FIRST grade! eek! I'm kind of nervous of what to expect in ALL areas. But so far, I have a few friends on my team, and my new teammate/"pod"mate/team leader is really great! She's been dealing with my questions ALL summer long - bless her heart! lol
And TODAY is our FIRST day back! Teacher report today and students report next Monday! Eek!!!
Ok... let's get started on the Q/A session now, shall we?
beach (obviously!), fruit, working out/running, and organization! haha (I'm weird, I know!)
I used to say that I wanted to be a "homicidal" dectective...and everyone would laugh at me. I never knew
why they were laughing. lol. I do now. But yes, I would love to be a detective. Those are my favorite shows
to watch! Ever since I was little... I was watching Murder She Wrote when everyone else was watching Real World, or something.
well, right now those are different words since I'm pregnant...especially if you ask my husband. haha.
I'm so glad summer is over!
my mom! since she doesn't live here... and I can't wait to have her back!
The Eternal Sunshine - and How to Make Your Own.
to snap my fingers and have my house cleaned! Seriously. Having kids...and a husband who doesn't see
things the way I do is really hard on someone who likes it clean! lol
Saltwater makes everything better: ocean, sweat, and tears!
Ummm... I'm Walking on Sunshine - ohhhh ohhhh
Morning person! It's a good thing too, because of my kiddos. lol
oh geez. That's hard! There are so many that I rely on. (check out my post I just did on this HERE)
But I think, right now, I am going to go with either my Spelling Journals or my Phonics Notebooks. I will be relying heavily on both of these this year....and I did last year too!
Ok, so that's me...in a nutshell. Kind of. Go check out the linky to meet more of you favorite teacher bloggers!

(I'm linking up with my friend Stephanie for her Meet the Teacher Blogger Linky!)
Yep. That's me.
Well, me in my happy place. The beach. This beach just so happens to be a beach in Charleston, SC from our road trip this summer. You can read about it on my personal blog if you want! (and many other random thoughts and babblings!)
Let me tell you a little bit about me before we get into the Q/A session.
I'm married to a firefighter... we got married in 2008. We "eloped" to Jamaica. I say eloped, but it was planned. Everyone knew we were going. I just didn't want to take the time and money to plan out a big wedding and deal with my mom and the stress. So we just flew to Jamaica and had a "WeddingMoon!" BEST decision ever. I don't regret it. At all. I highly recommend it. lol We did come back and have a professional photographer take some pictures. And we had "reception" (party) to celebrate. I got to wear my wedding dress TWICE! Can't beat that! ha!
We have two beautiful, crazy, sweet, loving, crazy, while, curious girls...with another on the way!
This will be my 12th year teaching (HOLY CANNOLI!). I have worked in a severe Title I school in all of my years, teaching mostly 2nd and 3rd grade. This year, I am moving to a NON Title I school and going doing my FIRST year in FIRST grade! eek! I'm kind of nervous of what to expect in ALL areas. But so far, I have a few friends on my team, and my new teammate/"pod"mate/team leader is really great! She's been dealing with my questions ALL summer long - bless her heart! lol
And TODAY is our FIRST day back! Teacher report today and students report next Monday! Eek!!!
Ok... let's get started on the Q/A session now, shall we?
Q: These are a few of my favorite things…
beach (obviously!), fruit, working out/running, and organization! haha (I'm weird, I know!)
Q: If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
why they were laughing. lol. I do now. But yes, I would love to be a detective. Those are my favorite shows
to watch! Ever since I was little... I was watching Murder She Wrote when everyone else was watching Real World, or something.
Q: Three little words that describe you.
well, right now those are different words since I'm pregnant...especially if you ask my husband. haha.
Q: Finish this sentence,
“___________________, said no teacher EVER!!”
I'm so glad summer is over!
Q: It’s your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?
my mom! since she doesn't live here... and I can't wait to have her back!
Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
The Eternal Sunshine - and How to Make Your Own.
Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
to snap my fingers and have my house cleaned! Seriously. Having kids...and a husband who doesn't see
things the way I do is really hard on someone who likes it clean! lol
Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying?
Saltwater makes everything better: ocean, sweat, and tears!
Q: If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol,
what would it be?
Ummm... I'm Walking on Sunshine - ohhhh ohhhh
Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person! It's a good thing too, because of my kiddos. lol
Q: What’s your favorite resource that you've
created in your TPT shop?
oh geez. That's hard! There are so many that I rely on. (check out my post I just did on this HERE)
But I think, right now, I am going to go with either my Spelling Journals or my Phonics Notebooks. I will be relying heavily on both of these this year....and I did last year too!
Ok, so that's me...in a nutshell. Kind of. Go check out the linky to meet more of you favorite teacher bloggers!
Can't wait to hear how your "non-title" year goes!
Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler's TPT
I can't help myself from saying holy cannoli now after reading that note!! lol!!!
Hahaha I did NOT read this before posting mine, I put the same song for American Idol...we can sing a duet!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
I love that you eloped...if I were more brave, I would have totally done that too!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Your girls are precious!! Snapping your fingers to have a clean house would be amazing!! ;)
It took me a minute to realize… homicidal detective! Too funny :)
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Can't wait to see how your first year in first grade goes!
Paiges of Learning
haha..homicidal detective. Love that quote!
Oooooh, a detective! I'm obsessed with law/police shows too. There's a part of me that would love to do that too!
My sister and I loved to watch Murder She wrote and Matlock when we were growing up. Although if I'm being honest, I still love to watch those shows. Mysteries are my fave! I'm pregnant too and my hubby would probably have picked different words for me as well. Good luck this year in first grade! you'll be great!
IF you figure out how to have a clean house like that, lemme know..hence I should probably go clean mine...like right now ;)
<3 you!!
The Teacher's Treasure Chest
I love crime shows too! all of them! My husband can't stand them though! And I could never be a detective - I hate the sight of blood!
I love finding a fellow morning person :) :) And ohmiword that picture of your girls is PRECIOUS!
Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd
It's funny how so many people want snapping their finger and having a clean house is what they wish for as a super power. Gosh! I wonder why? HA!
I love the book bins! I think that yellow and green would work for my color scheme.
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