from the door...
from the bathroom...
from my reading area....
Do you notice the rolly carts at the end of each group?? that's where I have each group's plant and box of tissues...and in the rolly cart is the math manipulatives for that group and all of their pencil bags/boxes. I can't STAND to hear them fall all day long, so this is where they keep them...
Here is a close up of my front board..
It's our calendar, days we've been in school and center rotations...
Under the board is my alphabet - which is also going to be my word wall. I put id down low so the kids will be able to interact with it. I have been getting some great ideas on how to have my students interact with their word wall. (check out my word wall linky I did!)
To the left and right of my board is my student display boards...I don't have one big one, so I have divided my students into two small boards...
Each clothes pin has their student number on it, so their work always goes in THEIR pin...I got this idea from Katie...LOVE her idea!
Here is a close up of my Center Rotations
The left side is the math centers...I have groups with certain students in them....The ones on the right are the reading centers - they actually choose which center they want for the day. They move their dot with their number on it to that center...the menu is hanging up for them to remember what is in the center boxes (they also have this menu in their center folders. Check out my post on my center menus here...be nice...it when I first started blogging..ha!! Oh wait...I did a guest post for Gladys too, on this...check it out HERE)
And here are my center buckets....which I got at wally-world.
All the supplies they students need are in them...as you can see there are glue sticks in some...the green 2 center has stamps and an ink pad for the "trace, write, stamp" center I made using Michelle's new tracing letters clip art!!
Here is my author of the month table...well, it's more like 2 weeks...lol
This time around is Kevin Henkes....LOVE him!!
Here is my reading area/library....
the white shelf to the right also has books...
All of my baskets are labeled using Reagan's book labels...they are really small, yes, because I printed 6 pages on one when I printed because I needed to fit a few on one bucket - see below...you'll get it. ha!! They are normally quite nicely sized.
This shelving unit is my "a little too old for you to read, but good for me to read to you" chapter books up top, then my non-fiction, and then my fiction
my fiction buckets are labeled with reagan's labels as well as letter ones that I made...I wanted my library to be as authentic as possible...how would they find books in a real library?? That's how I have mine set up.
This middle shelf is my A.R. board (it's blank right now because we haven't started yet) and my teacher's picks books...whatever our theme/subject is...
the bookshelf on the right is my math books up top, and then organized by months...and the bottom shelf is my poetry and fables/traditional literature/ etc...
my back board also houses our Genre board....I am using Ginger's Genre posters...again, I shrank them so they would fit on my board...and the "life size" ones are hanging there to the left...every time we read a book together, we put the book under the genre...
Here is my Surfin' Through A.R. board...goes with my pack...can't wait to get started with A.R!
in my "closet" is my organization area...
Tubs upon tubs....all labeled of course :) Not with pretty labels...but I did all this WAY before I found clip art...I just don't think I have enough time to go through and make all this pretty...lol
Guided reading area....
(Denise - LOOK I made my clocks!! lol)
my monthly bins with all the centers and random things to do....
How I stay organized for my days...
(yes, those are bags of M&Ms....I will show you what I use those for soon-hehe)
Pictures just don't do it justice....I love my room..and I am thankful for having met all of you for helping to make it even more fabulous!!
Here's to a great year - I am so thankful for having joined this blogging community - bloggers are such WONDERFUL people, to share their ideas and their friendships...and all of you followers just make my day with all your comments and encouragement!!!
I hope you found some useful ideas - and please let me know if you have any questions!

Everything looks so bright & cheerful Jen! I love your beach theme. You have done a wonderful job with it!! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Jen it looks just perfect! I LOVE it!
I am seriously loving those rolling carts at each table group. Brilliant!
~Rachel at Sub Hub and Picture Book Lessons
Holy cow, your room looks amazing!!!! Love it! It looks super big! I'm jealous! Love everything:)
4th Grade Frolics
Everything looks great! It's so clean and bright! It makes life so much better when your class is pretty! haha! Oh and I'm loving the rolly cart idea! I wanted to do shelves but I just don't have the space!
Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
Looks great! I know it is so much work (I am sure no one understands but us!). Enjoy the start of your new year!
I love the colours!!! The rocking chair in your reading area is pretty awesome too! It looks like you have a lot of room in your class:)
Cheers and great job,
Terri's Teaching Treasures
Love, love, love! Your classroom is beeeeautiful!!
All Students Can SHINE
Your class is so nice and soothing, love the beach theme. I have a question regarding your multi colored cart that holds your days of the week work. Do you feel it's stable enough to have students use everyday? I'm thinking of using it for students to turn in work, but I've read the trays fall down out of the slots a lot. Just thought I'd ask someone who uses one. Thanks if you have a chance to respond. :)
Your room looks amazing! So cheerful. I'm loving how all the stuff just ties together to make a great theme :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilitites!
Wow! Everything is so organized and colorful. You have a lucky group of students! :)
catherine - I wouldn't have my students use it...I don't think it's that durable...but mine is about 6 years old, and it's working fine with must me using it :)
Your room could not be more PERFECT!!!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Oh Jen... This room makes me happy. You have managed to make it warm and colorful and inviting for kids, and, at the same time, organized and accessible for you!
I love the rolly cart idea in particular. You're helping the kids stay organized too--which we all know is the key to our sanity!
What a fun place to learn! Congrats on a wonderful job!
Finding JOY in 6th Grade
Wow!!! Love it all!!!
It's so organized!!!!!!!
Your room looks amazing!!!! And do you have a bathroom in your room...!?!? I'm jealous! :-)
The rolly carts are a fabulous idea!!! and that word wall is great too- You're such a stinkin' smarty!
(I also like the m & m's)
It looks fabulous! AND you have sooo much room!
It looks great. Come on over and link up with my Classroom Caravan http://time4kindergarten.blogspot.com/2012/08/back-to-schoolclassroom-caravan.html
LOVE your room! So organized and colorful! :)
thank you so much Jen! I bought a bunch of sterilite 3 drawer containers as well so I think I'll stay with those then. I really Appreciate you taking the time to answer. :)
Your room looks great! You can tell that you worked really hard getting everything together.
absolutely LOVE your room!!!!
Thanks for linking up! :)
Beg, Borrow, Steal
Ahhh! Your photos are giving me serious panic attacks that I haven't bought enough bins! :-) I slowed myself down for my hubby's sake, and told myself I'd only buy more IF I needed them. Now I can see of course I need them!! What was I thinking??? Ha!
Tammy @ Teaching FSL
It looks so great! Love your theme! Come and check my classroom reveal out too!
Fancy Free in Fourth
Everything looks amazing!
Hi! Thank you so much for all of the classroom inspiration! I will be using A LOT of your ideas for my fourth grade classroom!
I NEED TO KNOW where you got those containers for the math and reading centers? :) Those are PERFECT and I have been searching Pinterest for ideas on how to better organize my math centers! Thank you in advance!!
Hi Jordan!
I got them at Target and at WalMart (each one only had one of the colors) I actually still have then and really only need to replace about 1 or 2 of them so far.
Wow, this looks so organised! Thanks for sharing, I like the monthly boxes!
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