In case you haven't noticed...
I've become QUITE the clip art addict! lol
"Hi, my name is Jen and I'm addicted to Clip Art."
"HI, JEN!"
Ok, well, I just started this addiction recently....
So, now when I look at my stuff from before, which I thought was actually PRETTY DARN GOOD, just makes me cringe now - haha!!
SOOOO.....I'm taking it upon myself to update my files as I use them - which means, all of my beginning of year stuff...
Well...I'm not going to inundate you with all the forms, so as I do them, I'll post them - how's that??
Here's one that I send home in the beginning of the year to the we can watch a movie that's PG...
Not that we watch that many movies...actually hardly ever - except United Streaming or Magic School Bus - but you just never know, right???
Click the pic to download - and keep a look out for other stuff headed your way!

Thanks for sharing!!
Hi, Jen! My name is Lori and I am also addicted to clip art. I think it took a lot for us to admit it in public. Therefore, I think we deserve a reward. Do you know what I think we should buy each other...? CLIP ART!!! Tomorrow, let's admit our addiction to fonts. 'K?
Ѽ Lori
Teaching With Love and Laughter
What happens if a parent doesn't want their child to watch a movie? Just curious. :-)
Your form is darling! Lovin' that clip art and title font.
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Alisha - good Q!
I either let them go to another classroom to help or send them to the computer lab to "play" on the computer...
I know what you mean about how tech savvy I used to think I was compared to now! Like we tell our students, "Every day we are learning and growing".
Sometimes I recreate things each year just because I've grown tired of the font - let alone the clipart! :D
Love this movie release...thanks!
Hi Jen, I too am have an addiction. It's a sickness really. Oh well, at least we are all in good company. I think Nikki from Melonheadz just laughs every time she "sees" me coming. Thanks for the freebie! I love it!
Second Grade Sunshine
Super cute!! I love the form. I just said on another blog how addicted I am to clipart lately! I can't get enough of it. It gets my creative juices flowing!
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Thanks for sharing! This will be perfect to send home.
Stories from Room 114
Thanks for sharing this!! I love it!
A Pirates Life for Us
Hi, Jen. My name is Amanda and I am *definitely* addicted to clipart. You know you have a problem when you purchase two orders from Scrappin' Doodles in one day!!
So TpT is having a back to school sale and I am having a linky party for bloggers that are also hosting sales in their store. I'd love you to come link up if you are planning a sale!
TpT Sale Linky
First Grade Garden
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