Class Schedule - Freebie!

Well, Monday is the day. 

I start my first year in first grade. The doors will open and 18 little first graders will come running in full of excitement. 

And that, my friends, is why on a Friday night, I'm sitting in my big oversized comfy chair working on school stuff!

I'm excited for this new chapter in my life! Can you tell??  I might be slightly over thinking everything and asking my teammates questions about everything about 1st grade and how their school does things.  But when it all comes down to it, it'll all come together. I know it will. And then I will leave for a few months... ha! Oh the joys. That's ok. I'm going to really enjoy the next few months.

Anyway. I think I figured out my schedule for the year. They tell us when our SMART time, Reading block, lunch, recess, and activity is, and then we work in everything else. 

I'll explain a few things. 

My morning routines. Our doors open at 7:45. But not every kid comes in at that time. Some don't come in until 8:00, and then promptly at 8:00, I have to start Calendar time/morning meeting. I only have 15 minutes to do that (actually a little less) because at 8:15, we have SMART time, which is our school-wide intervention time. Even the students who aren't below grade level go to an intervention class, and they get "enrichment." So, I don't really have time in the morning for much. Therefore, I don't do morning work. I used do what I call, "Social Hour," but I don't' really have time for that either! ha! But let me explain Social Hour anyway for you.

When the kids come in on the first bell, they unpack, file their folder, trade their books, and pick their centers. Then, they get to go to a social center. I talked about this last summer a little bit. Click on the picture to check out that can download the cards over there too! When the last bell rings, the kids quickly clean up and head to the carpet. Automatically. Well, eventually they'll be automatic about it. lol. They quickly learn that if they want to be a part of the Social Hour, they have to get to school early. Which I love. I really like how this is a way for them to get out their morning jitters and need to talk right away.

Our dismissal at this school takes all the stars to align to make it work. lol. There are 12 (maybe 13) 1st grade teachers at my new school. Yes, you read that correctly. My school has over 800 kids and it's ONLY Grades K, 1, and 2. 

Isn't that crazy?! They used to be k-6, but their numbers grew so much, they had to build another intermediate school right next door. So we have k-2 and next door is 3-6 and next door to that school is the middle school grades 7-8. The street  is crazy busy with kids throughout the day. And then across the street is the huge church that has a k-8 school and a preschool (where A is going). 


You will see that I don't have a time slot for Science or Social Studies...that's because I use that in my reading block! I will sneek a few minutes in at the end of the day...but I really only have like 10 minutes after recess, but sometimes we can add in some more fun stuff.

You can head to {THIS} post to grab a freebie schedule template.

***After having used this schedule for a bit, I decided to change it up a bit. It's still pretty much the same, but I changed my Math and my Writing times, since a lot of the times my writing is based on our reading lesson...I correlate them A LOT. 

I do a quick phonics lesson after SMART time (that's our school wide intervention time), and then head straight into small groups!  I spend about 13 minutes on them each...

So dismissal.... that takes forever. So many little kids....and potentials for things to go wrong! Thankfully, I have never had a personal experience of dismissal scares, but I have experienced them in my grade level as a team. Still scary. 

We always to have to start dismissal even earlier the first week. So the silent reading won't be happening the first week for sure. But that's ok. I can figure out their levels first. So that works out.

So, now I'm off to start planning for my first week!

Oh, if you wanted a blank template for the class schedule page, click on the picture below to get a blank template for you to type in! This template matches the Welcome and Back to School letter templates I posted the other week. for you. They're in {THIS} post. 

When you type in your information before downloading it, you are changing it in my files and everyone else is downloading YOUR schedule that you typed in. 

Check out the other posts by clicking below!


Elementary Stories said...

You make me so excited for you to start! Our kids have a staggered entry too, and I love your idea for social time! The beginning of the year gets so crazy but you'll have those kiddos "routine ready" in no time! Good luck! ~ Lisa

Teaching Eternity said...

Oh Bother! I can't even imagine 12 1st grade teachers in one building! I've never experienced more than 4 at a grade level (both when I was a student and as a teacher) That must be intense! But if it makes you feel better I still have 2 and a half weeks before school starts up - and I just shut my school work down for the night!
Good Luck on Monday!

Courtney said...

It sounds like you've got a great schedule planned out. We have a lot of flexibility with our schedule, so I'm still working on tweaking mine to fit my group. Thanks for the freebie! I need to make my official schedule to turn in to the office and it needs to be cute!
Polka Dot Lesson Plans

Unknown said...

So cute!! You'll do great! Do you have the template with t h e specials at the bottom? I would live to use that version and just change them around.

Jen R said...

Hi LaTasha!

I don't have the one with specials at the bottom because I can't let you manipulate the clip art. So I didn't include that version. On another version, I just wrote (m-pe1, T-art, w-music....) in the time slot for our activity. Maybe that will work for you??

Jodi said...

Good luck in 1st grade. I think you'll love it!!

Anonymous said...

I would love these! My classroom library looks like the "before" pic! Help!

Unknown said...

super cute! Thank you for the freebie!

Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd said...

Thanks SO much for linking up with us, Jen! :) So glad you could join us!

Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd

Unknown said...

Thank you for linking up with us Jen! I can't even imaging teaching in a school that BIG. I think it would be absolutely AMAZING to teach with that many teachers in a similar grade level! Wow!
Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners

Happy Teaching Moments said...

I downloaded your class schedule however I was disappointed that it didn't have the days of the week specials below. Could I please get that? Thank you :)

Unknown said...

I can't get the download to work for the class schedule. I would love if you could share it with me directly. I love how nicely it is put together and is very easy to read. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same difficulty with the schedule download. Also, is there a way to access the 'specials' icons at the bottom of the page?

Anonymous said...

Download 4Liker Apk App Latest Version on your smart devices to raise sort. Click This is where the Auto Liker Apps come into activity.

Anonymous said...


Could I please have the "days of the week" specials? This would be perfect for me~

Mamaj said...

Thank you for sharing the super cute class schedule!
I love it!

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