BUT, here we go! A day late and a dollar short, of course....
Those are all the goodies I made...and I made homemade apple butter...and we made applesauce in class!
We weighed apples....with nonstandard units (bear counters)
And with ounces and grams....it was a good way to see who could use strategies to add that many grams - we're talking 3 digit answers, here...lol.
They measure the heights of the different apples - using nonstandard units (cubes)
and measure how many inches high the apples were...
We did a little taste testing - with all kinds of apple yummies!!! They had their sticky notes ready to vote!
We made homemade applesauce, writing the steps of how to do it.
We graphed our favorite color of apple...and our favorite apple snack.
(I love my pocket chart graph! I got it from HERE)
We used my apple sticky notes that I save all year JUST for this week...lol.
We also drew and labeled our apples (directed drawing..they love doing it!)
Then we learned about seasons, and the cycle the apple tree goes through in each season, but we did it using a poem, which also helped us work on our fluency!! We circled the context clues in the stanzas that helped us visualize what the apple tree looked like (especially since none of my students have ever seen an apple tree....I mean, we live in FL)
After the paint dried, we made the poem into a foldable!
If you want the Apple Tree Poem, you can download it here for free!
I hope you had a marvelous Monday!
You can check out my other activities HERE.

So fun! Makes me miss the little kids. If it's any consolation, I still have a bunch of posts from the first week of school that I haven't shared yet!
Sara :)
The Colorful Apple
Jen...Great Post....soooooo funny....I do an apple day exactly like yours! we do all sorts of measurement activities with our apples...BUT...I get the parents to come in and bake with the kiddos :) It's so much fun! Thanks for sharing :)
Three digits?? grams?? That's some higher order, eh? Love all the apple activities!
☞ Go Nutty With Me ☜
Your apple week looks so fun! :)
Sugar and Spice
Apple day is one of the things I miss most about not teaching gen. ed. anymore! I loved apple day and all of it's tasty apple-y goodness to share!
I love your activities from apple week! I like the writing piece, we did a five senses writing unit but i really love the idea of doing "how to" writing with applesauce!
Katelin's Kreative Kindergarten
Jenn, your lessons rock my world thanks so much for your site!
Thank you for sharing your seasons poem, will be a perfect follow up activity for tomorrow. Teaching with Giggles
Thanks for sharing all these great ideas! Love the foldable poem:-)
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